Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 672: : The gods are down

   Hong Shenghe and Hu Xiaobei didn’t know the situation of Songhe Old Dao, they were immediately confused by the scene in front of them. This old Daoist was just fine, how to say he died just now? I have long heard that this old Taoist has many tricks. Isn't he deliberately suspended for death, right?

Hong Shenghe took a few steps, reached out and grabbed Songhe Lao Dao's body, wanting to see whether the other party was really dead or faked. How could Xuanzhu let the enemy touch Songhe Lao Dao's body casually, so he flashed and stood together with other monks to block In front of that Hongsheng River.

   was blocked by several warriors, Hong Shenghe was furious, and immediately stretched out his palm and slapped Xuanzhu, preparing to teach these monks who dared to offend the majesty of the immortal master a profound lesson.

   At this moment, there was a commotion from outside the main hall, and someone shouted: "God, the gods are down here, come and see."

   Someone also shouted: "There are real gods, even real gods have come to Qinglong Temple. Senior Songhe is saved, everyone hurry up and worship the gods."

I don’t know when, a huge gourd has flown over the Qinglong Temple, and on top of that gourd, is standing a young Taoist priest, with fluttering clothes, handsome figure and full of aura, this way of going out. , What is not a fairy?

The visitor was Qingyang. He hurriedly and finally arrived at Qinglong Temple at this time. He saw many warriors gathered outside the hall. The Tiger Xiaobei should be here, so he didn't care about revealing his figure, and he just did it in front of him. The face of many people landed from the air.

   Qingyang ignored the kneeling of these people outside, he floated to the ground, then put away the imperial wind gourd, and walked into the hall.

Hu Xiaobei is also a cultivator of immortals. He immediately felt the extraordinaryness of the people coming, especially the scene where the opponent leaped from the gourd, which made him frightened. The royal object was flying. This was at least a means to build the foundation. How can such a master come to Qinglong Temple?

   He quickly greeted Qing Yang and said, "This senior, the disciple Hu Xiaobei is polite."

   Qingyang didn't bother to pay attention to him. Instead, he glanced at him and saw the old master Songhe on the opposite theme. The master was getting older and thinner. If he didn't look closely, he would hardly recognize him. The master is still so witty, knowing that he should not pretend to be dead again.

   Can... But why doesn't he have a trace of vitality? Without vitality, wouldn't it be dead? How can it be? How could the master die? Qing Yang didn't want to believe it, but in the scene before him, he had to believe that Master was really dead this time and could never be resurrected again.

The old liar is dead, the omnipotent old liar, the old liar who once sheltered himself from the wind and rain, the old liar who taught him countless things and experience in the world, the old liar that even a fairy master could hide from , This time I finally didn't hide the death from the **** of death. It was really dead. Qing Yang hoped that the old liar was also deceiving him this time, but the monk's instinct told him that this time the old liar didn't deceive him, it was really dead.

   One step too late! It's just a step too late! Qing Yang hated herself deeply, why didn't she take action early when she found that the Sands Gang was in danger? Why didn't you kill the Tiger Gang directly after saving Ni Qiurong? Why can't the speed of driving Yufeng Gourd be faster, so as to cause this lifelong regret now?

Kill, kill, and all should kill. Everyone present should kill. Suddenly, Qing Yang's eyes reddened, and his aura suddenly changed. The whole hall was suddenly full of evil spirits, and the others couldn't help but shudder. , Looked at Qing Yang in shock.

   At this time, Hu Xiaobei also felt a little bad. The senior Zhuji in front of him had something to do with Songhe Lao Dao. This was a bad thing. Forcing the relatives of senior Zhuji to death, he would peel off his skin if he didn't die. But he knew that he would not have a good result, and he did not dare to escape easily, because he knew the gap between the Qi-refining monk and the foundation-building monk, and he couldn't escape at all.

   Qingyang suddenly turned around, staring at Hong Shenghe, the nearest to Songhe Old Road, with scarlet eyes, and said: "Did you kill my master?"

Being stared at by the foundation-building monks, how could Hong Shenghe, who was only in the open pulse realm, be able to hold on, plopped on the ground, and shouted: "It's not me, senior, I really didn't kill people. He died before I had time to do it. , I can’t blame me, seniors forgive me."

   Qingyang didn't seem to be interested in listening to his explanation at all, slapped Hong Shenghe's head with a palm, and said: "Whether you do it or not, you are an accomplice in this matter, and you are more than guilty of death."

   He slapped Hong Shenghe to death. Qing Yang's expression did not change at all. He turned to look at Hu Xiaobei again, and said blankly: "Are you the master of this matter?"

Hu Xiaobei’s performance is not much better than Hong Shenghe’s performance, and he languidly said on the ground: "Senior forgive me, Songhe Old Road was not my killer at all. I just showed some momentum and he died himself. How could he be a super expert like this? Easy to die? There must be something strange."

   Qingyang stayed unmoved, and slapped Hu Xiaobei's head with another palm~www.readwn.com~ and said: "If it weren't for your coercion, how could something happen to my master? You are not to blame."

   The cultivator who built the foundation made a shot, the cultivator in the middle stage of Qi refining had no chance to evade at all. He only heard a bang, and Hu Xiaobei's head shattered, and suddenly died of Qi.

   Qingyang killed Hu Xiaodong and Hu Xiaozhong in Kaiyuan Mansion before, but now Hu Xiaobei is also dead. Without these backbones, the Tiger Gang has completely disappeared. In response to the words of the old Songhe old Taoist, Hu Xiaobei will go against the sky and will not die sooner or later.

   Killed two monks in a row, Qing Yang looked at the last female monk again, and said: "You are also their accomplice, I can't forgive you."

The female cultivator was still a bit stubborn. Although she was forced to stand up by Qingyang's aura, she screamed out of her neck: "Senior can't help but ask for murder. I'm just a follower. I didn't do anything. What's more You didn't kill Master at all, but he died by himself. You are completely touching porcelain by doing this."

   Qingyang ignored the other party's talk of touching porcelain, and without even a trace of hesitation, directly waved his palm and slapped the female cultivator to death. Since she had followed Hu Xiaobei, she was an accomplice in this incident, and it was absolutely impossible for Qing Yang to let her go if she had to bear the consequences of the failure of this incident.

After killing three monks in a row, the evil spirit in Qingyang's eyes didn't alleviate much. He suddenly turned around and walked towards the monk of Qinglong Temple. A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Xuanzhu, and said: "My master is in your Qinglong Temple. , But you watched him being forced to death. The monks in Qinglong Temple saw that he was not saved, and all of them had to be buried with the master."

  :. :

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