Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 673: : Good and evil are in the heart

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The evil spirit on Qing Yang's body is really scary. Many monks can't bear it. They are so scared that they retreat again and again. Only that Xuanzhu can support it. He looked up at Qing Yang, his face suddenly became more solemn, and his hands clasped together: "Amitabha, Qingyang, you are insane!"

Qing Yang had just experienced the blood demon cult's counterattack against the seven immortal gates, and completely dismissed the so-called righteous demon. Now he has experienced the death of Songhe Old Tao, just when his mind was unstable, so he shouted: "What? The **** is not the demon? As long as the strength is strong enough, the blood demon sect is not still popular? As long as it can save my master, I don't mind killing everyone in the world."

In the face of Qing Yang that was full of evil spirits, Xuan Zhu had no fear, and said: "The good and evil are in your heart. If you think that killing us can save the real person Songhe, then you do it."

A stern look flashed in Qing Yang's eyes, and he was about to move his hands with his palms, but in the end he didn't take his heart to kill the three monks because they deserved their sins, and killing the monks in Qinglong Temple was a bit far-fetched. Especially this Xuan Zhu, who has known himself since he was a child, these years Master has lived in Qinglong Temple, and Duo Meng Xuan Zhu has taken care of his apprentices. It is equivalent to Xuan Zhu's filial piety in front of Master instead of him. If he kills him, Wouldn't it be grace to avenge revenge?

Thinking of this, Qing Yang's movements slowed down, after all, he didn't take the palm of his hand.

Seeing Qing Yang didn’t do anything, Xuan Zhu continued: “There is no strict distinction between righteousness and evil. Xin. The emergence of Songhe’s real person was the matter of the last few days. He had already anticipated this, and he also explained the funeral with the monks of the Qinglong Temple. It is not very much related to this group of people killing Hu Xiaobei. You kill Hu Xiaobei. How can you anger others if you have already taken revenge?"

Qing Yang actually understands what Xuan Zhu said. The death of Master Song He Lao Dao has something to do with Hu Xiaobei, but it is not very relevant. After killing three of them by himself, the grievances are gone. If you kill other people, you can. It's a bit enlarged. The monks in the Qinglong Temple are low-powered and are unable to stop Hu Xiaobei in the mid-Qi refining period. They say that they are far-fetched when they die, and there are more than a hundred people watching the bustle. Strictly speaking, they can’t be saved. Are you all killed?

The reason why Qingyang was so hostile just now was that on the one hand, the seven immortal gates that had flourished in the magic way had been destroyed recently, and the depression in his heart could not be evacuated; on the other hand, he suddenly saw the death of his closest relatives, and his heart was in grief. If you make trouble, you can't control yourself for a while.

Killing three people in a row, and with the buffer of this period of time, the depression and grief in his heart are slightly relieved, Qing Yang's mind gradually recovered, and the scarlet color in his eyes slowly faded. He is not a bloodthirsty person. , And will not indulge in killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Seeing that Qingyang's situation was a little better, Xuanzhu took out a letter from his arms and said, "This is the real person Songhe placed with me a long time ago. Let me give it to you."

Qing Yang took the letter and looked at it. It was Master's handwriting. Looking at the handwriting on it, it was obvious that it had been written for a long time, and it had been kept here at Xuanzhu. Qing Yang tore open the envelope and saw it read: "Qingyang disciple, I feel that my teacher has reached my limit recently. I am afraid that I will not live for a few days. He said that the older he is, the more he is afraid of death, but the veteran doesn't care. I’ve been content for a long time. The most proud thing in my life as a teacher is to accept a good disciple. Unfortunately, I can’t see you again before I leave. That’s fine. If I leave quietly, you will be fine. care……"

Looking at the familiar handwriting and the kind words inside, Master's voice and smile seemed to be right in front of his eyes, Qing Yang couldn't help but his nose was sour, and there was a hint of mist in his eyes.

Vaguely, he seemed to see that an old Taoist with a wretched look was holding a bunch of candied haws to coax a five or six-year-old child; in vaguely, he seemed to see, an old Taoist with gray hair, with a little Taoist boy. In vagueness, he seems to see that the little Taoist is growing up, and the gray-haired old Taoist finally has the opportunity to enjoy life freely; in the vagueness, he seems to have seen it, and the old Taoist is willing to take risks. The disciple stole it, and escaped the investigation by the immortal master by pretending to be dead; vaguely, he also saw a dead old way, standing on the side of the mountain every day looking forward to the distance, but never waited for what he hoped.

In the end, all the scenes disappeared, leaving only the dead body on the chair in front of him, like a dry wood. Master really died this time, really left him, and he will never see him again. Only himself is left in the world.

In fact, Qingyang knows that sooner or later Master will have this day, Songhe Lao Dao cannot cultivate immortals without spiritual roots. In this life, he can only be a mortal, even if it is the ultimate mortal~www.readwn.com~, it will only have a life span of more than a hundred years. This scene is about to happen sooner or later, without any accidents.

Before Qing Yang came back this time, he had been mentally prepared for this, and even thought that Master had already passed away, but he did not expect that Master would persist until the moment he came back. But the only regret is that by mistake, Songhe Old Dao died before Qingyang rushed back. Qingyang did not see the last side, so from this point, the three of Hu Xiaobei were also dead.

People cannot come back from death, the past is over, and Qingyang cannot live in grief forever. Moreover, Songhe Lao Dao Xuan has been holding on at the last moment. It may not have taken the initiative to seek death, making Qingyang completely cut off all thoughts and worry about everything. , So as to feel at ease the mind of practicing.

Master's good intentions, how could Qing Yang not appreciate it? Everything just now was just an expression of true feelings. He has cultivated for decades, and he still has this self-control. He quickly adjusted his state and nodded at Monk Xuanzhu, saying, "Xuanzhu, thank you very much this time."

After that, Qing Yang didn't wait for Xuanzhu and the others to speak, he bent over and picked up the corpse of Songhe Lao Dao, and walked towards the outside of the hall step by step. The warriors outside the temple had seen Qingyang flying from the sky before, and they also knew what happened in the hall. Seeing Qingyang coming out of the hall, no one dared to come forward to nuisance, but obediently let him Opened the way.

Songhe Lao Dao died, and the Tiger Gang who came to make trouble were also killed. An accident disappeared and invisible, and there was no excitement to watch. Xuanzhu greeted the monks of Qinglong Temple, persuaded the warriors present to go down the mountain, and finally restored the temple's purity.

However, because of this incident, the image of Qinglong Temple in the surrounding rivers and lakes is even taller. After the warriors who have experienced this incident returned, they added fuel and vinegar to publicize everything that happened here, and gradually became more and more outrageous.

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