Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 674: : Leaving Qinglong Temple

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The most widely circulated version is that Tiger Xiaobei is a tiger demon in Kaiyuan Mansion, who hurt countless people and caused harm to the world, and was taught by the passing fairy Songhe. The tiger demon held a grudge and came to Qinglongshan to take revenge after he was successful in his cultivation. The old **** Songhe was invincible, so he did not hesitate to run out of life and invited the gods in the sky to help, kill the tiger demon, and get rid of the great harm to the world. .

Holding the corpse of Songhe Lao Dao, Qingyang left Qinglong Temple and walked around a small road to the back mountain. There is a tall forest here, where the ancestors of Qinglong Temple were buried. Songhe Old Road's last wish is to bury himself on a small hill opposite Tallinn. You can see the Qinglong Temple in front, you can see the old friends such as the empty master, and you can also see the road up the mountain.

Regarding Master's last wish, Qing Yang could only follow suit. He also knew that Master didn't want him to hang on. Leaving the mainland of Kyushu this time, things about Songhe Old Road will be completely sealed by Qingyang in the deepest part of his memory. From now on, he will never think of it again. Perhaps one day in the future, when he sets foot on the mainland of Kyushu again, he may drop in again. Have a look?

The old Songhe Road was buried. Qingyang guarded his tomb for three days. After three days, he stood up and returned to Qinglong Temple. After saying goodbye to Monk Xuanzhu, he set off again.

Master is dead, and Qing Yang has no worries. He will leave the Kyushu mainland completely this time. Qing Yang has even inquired about it a long time ago. There is a purple smoke city on the east side of Qingzhou in Kyushu mainland, which is the only way for the Kyushu mainland to enter and exit the open sea. , The monks need to go through there to leave.

However, before heading to Ziyan City, Qingyang would drop by on the way to the Yin Yang Sect to take a look at Yu Mengmiao. After the master was gone, Yu Mengmiao was even the closest person to him. He didn't know when he would return to the mainland of Kyushu in the future, so he would say hello anyway before leaving.

After leaving the Qinglong Temple, Qingyang has been heading in the direction of Onmyoji Sect. Onmyoji is farther from Liangzhou than Qingfeng Temple, which is more than 30,000 miles. If it is other foundation-building monks, whether it is walking or driving. Spirit weapon, it takes almost two months to work, Qingyang has the high-grade flying spirit weapon Yufeng Gourd, but he is not afraid of this journey.

The influence of the Blood Demon Sect is getting bigger and bigger, and the road is getting more and more uneasy, but this will not have a big impact on Qing Yang. Yufeng Gourd’s speed is very fast, and ordinary foundation-building cultivators can’t catch up with him. Even the golden core cultivators are not much faster than Qingyang, and the number of golden core cultivators in the Kyushu Continent is very small, so it is impossible to just go out. Qingyang met.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is to rest at night. With the strength of Qingyang's foundation period, you must stop and rest for four or five hours with the strength of the Yufeng Gourd. The monks stalked or attacked.

Qingyang was cautious all the way, whether it was driving the Yufeng Gourd to take off or landing when he was exhausted, he tried his best to avoid places with people, so as not to be seen by others.

When sleeping out in the wild at night, Qingyang would deliberately find a relatively hidden place, set up a temporary prohibition outside, and sometimes release a few alcoholic bees outside to guard.

If it encounters a town, Qing Yang will also use the Qixi Jue to reduce the breath of his body, pretending to be an ordinary person, mixing with mortals, resting in the secular inn.

Driving a flying spirit weapon requires both divine consciousness and true essence. No one can bear such an overloaded journey. Even if he has to rest and recover every night, the recovery speed still cannot keep up with the consumption speed. The time is short, it's okay, more than ten days. The monk will feel tired for half a month.

So sometimes when I feel tired, or when I am interested, Qingyang will also take a walk around the town to relax. If you encounter beautiful scenery in the wild, where wild flowers are full of hillsides, Qingyang will also take alcoholic bees. The group is released for ventilation and slightly adjusted.

Putting it all together, Qingyang's speed is not too fast. The average day is more than a thousand miles, and it took more than 30,000 miles for almost 20 days.

Qing Yang has never been to Yin Yang Sect, but he is still very clear about the location of Yin Yang Sect. Just like Qingfeng Temple, Yin Yang Sect is also built in a stretch of mountains. It is an extremely rare treasure. Among the seven immortal gates is also second to none.

After entering the mountains, there were no traces of ordinary people on the road. Seeing that the Immortal Gate of Yin Yang Sect was not far away, Qing Yang put away the imperial wind gourd, flew towards the direction of Yin Yang Sect, and walked through a mountain range. Suddenly, he heard a shout from the dense forest on the side of the road. Qingyang followed the prestige, and saw a man and a woman fighting each other in the forest.

The man is a tall monk with a bit of evil spirits. He built the fourth level of cultivation base, and was reluctant to attack the female practitioners in front, while the opposite female practitioner had only the first level of foundation cultivation. The only one who attacked was the power of parry and there was no power to fight back. Looking at the clothes of the two of them ~ www.readwn.com~, they seemed to be disciples of the Yin and Yang sect, and they did not know why they would fight here.

Because it was not far from the gate of Yin Yang Zong Mountain, Qing Yang did not deliberately restrain his breath, so when he saw the two people in the forest, the two also saw Qing Yang.

Seeing an outsider appeared, the female sister was naturally pleasantly surprised. At this time, those who came would only benefit and not harm their current situation. And that male Xiu was on his face with a look of alert, seeing that good things were about to happen, but he made Cheng Yaojin halfway, wouldn't it be depressing?

However, he didn't feel depressed for long. When he saw that Qingyang only had the first level of foundation cultivation, his heart was put in his stomach. The fourth floor of his own foundation was not in vain, like the opposite. Build the foundation of a monk, he can deal with three or five casually.

It's just an infighting between two Yin-Yang sect disciples. What does it matter who lives or dies? Qing Yang glanced at him and was about to leave. He still had business to do on this trip. He didn't want to be involved in the internal disputes of the Yin and Yang Sect, and he didn't want to be nosy.

Qing Yang didn't want to be troublesome, but didn't know that the female cultivator was unwilling to let go of this opportunity. Taking advantage of the male cultivator's stunned skills, he suddenly rushed towards Qingyang and shouted at the same time: "Junior Qingyang, You are finally here, come and help my sister."

Who are you, dare to let me call my sister? Qing Yang took a closer look and discovered that this female cultivator turned out to be Xiao Yuhan of the Yin-Yang Sect. Xiao Yuhan is said to be a closed disciple of the deputy head of the Yin-Yang Sect. When he was trying out in the Valley of Chaos Demon, Qing Yang and this person had cooperated briefly once.

However, Qing Yang's impression of Xiao Yuhan was not very good. This woman had a bit acrimonious personality. Although she kept polite on the surface, she always teased herself in private, which was annoying. Thinking of this, Qing Yang didn't want to be nosy. Just being called by the other party, Qing Yang knew that it might not be easy to leave, because the male cultivator shouldn't let him go easily.

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