Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 676: : Leave 1 step first

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Watching the male cultivator leave, Qing Yang didn't catch up to kill him, let alone whether he could catch up, even if he catches up, he might not be able to kill the opponent. After all, this is the site of the Yin-Yang Sect. If you offend the people of the Yin-Yang Sect, it will not be good for you.

I just don't know what position this person is in the Yin-Yang sect, and his influence is not big. After this happened, will it affect myself to find someone in the Yin-Yang sect.

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you come and rescue me?" Qing Yang was still considering his own problems, and Xiao Yuhan was already impatient and shouted from the side.

Qingyang turned his head and looked at Xiao Yuhan who fell on the ground. Although this woman was annoying, she was not a wicked person. There was no big feast between the two. Anyway, the enemy was driven away by himself and saved people. It was a matter of convenience. Qing Yang came to Xiao Yuhan's side, took the silver needle from his back, and input some true yuan to restore Xiao Yuhan's ability to move.

Xiao Yuhan stood up and looked at Qing Yang on the opposite side. His complexion was extremely complicated. If she had used her status and status, she would never have looked at ordinary immortal disciples like Qing Yang, but now it’s different, a desolate Phoenix. It's not as good as a chicken, because he has to rely on the other to save him.

I remember that during the Trial in Chaos Demon Valley more than ten years ago, this kid was still a low-strength fourth-tier qi-refining cultivator. He was very inconspicuous among the many trial disciples. If it weren't for Yu Mengmiao, she would definitely not have noticed Qing Yang. Although everyone had rushed through the puppet formation together, Xiao Yuhan only regarded Qing Yang as a disciple with a little potential.

At the end of the trial, Qing Yang used her own strength to pull the Qingfeng Temple's performance from the sixth to the first place in the Seven Immortal Gates, covering everyone's limelight. Only then did she look at Qing Yang with a slight admiration, but after all Not a school, and then gradually forgotten.

To this day, when Xiao Yuhan was driven to the end and already felt desperate, Qing Yang suddenly appeared on the side of the road. She just regarded Qingyang as a life-saving straw, and it was useful if she didn't catch it first, at least she could pull her back, and Huangquan Road was not lonely.

But I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful that he drove away the enemy and saved him. This is too amazing. With the strength of the first floor, he defeated the master of the fourth floor. How many people can there be in the entire Kyushu Continent? Before he knew it, this kid had grown to a level of admiration.

No wonder this kid can pull the ranking of the High Definition Wind Palace by himself, no wonder this kid can be favored by Junior Sister Yu Mengmiao, this potential is really amazing. Suddenly, Xiao Yuhan felt jealous towards Yu Mengmiao for no reason. Why does all the good things belong to her?

Looking up and down Qingyang, Xiao Yuhan suddenly smiled and said: "Hahaha, Qingyang, you are in serious trouble, do you know who you just ran away? That is the new deputy head of Yin Yang Sect. Descendants, if you offend him, there must be no good fruit to eat."

Qing Yang frowned, and said, "I said you don't know good or bad? I just took your life. Are you so gloating?"

Xiao Yuhan snorted and said, "I begged you just now, but you dismissed it. If it weren't for that guy who didn't forgive me, would you take the initiative to save my life?"

"Anyway, you are always rescued by me, right?" Qing Yang said.

Xiao Yuhan nodded, and said, "If you say so, it's a bit reasonable. Whether you want to save it or not, you saved me in the end. I have to accept this love. Junior Brother Qingyang, thank you very much. I will never refuse to use Xiao Yuhan's place."

Qing Yang didn't expect the other party to repay him. He was about to leave the Kyushu Continent. He didn't know if he could meet again in the future. Qing Yang asked casually, "What is going on? You are not a disciple of the deputy head of the Yin Yang Sect. How can you be so embarrassed?"

Xiao Yuhan sighed and said, "Isn’t it because of the Blood Demon Cult? My master refused to submit to the Blood Demon Cult, but that guy’s master became a running dog of the Blood Demon Cult. After they killed my master , The Blood Demon Cult didn’t embarrass us these low-level disciples, you can let us leave. I don’t know that this guy has been coveting me for a long time, and he secretly followed out and wanted to occupy me. I would rather die, and the two sides fought. You've seen everything afterwards."

Qing Yang did not expect that the blood demon sect had already spread to the Yin-Yang Sect. The Yin-Yang Sect was the first of the seven immortal gates. If the Yin-Yang Sect was also conquered by the Blood Demon Sect, the entire Nine Provinces Continent of Immortal Cultivation would be almost there. There is not much time for myself, and I must leave as soon as possible.

Xiao Yuhan’s master is dead. It seems that the conflict between the Yin-Yang Sect is more intense than the Qingfeng Temple. I don’t know if Yu Mengmiao will be implicated~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang looked at Xiao Yuhan and couldn’t help but complain: "That guy turned out to be a descendant of the new deputy head of the Yin and Yang Sect. His influence is certainly not small. I blame you for offending this guy when I first came. How can I go to the Yin and Yang Sect now?"

After hearing Qing Yang's words, Xiao Yuhan smiled and said, "If you come here so far, who else can you find besides Yu Mengmiao? I don't need to go to the Yin Yang School, I can tell you where Yu Mengmiao is."

Qing Yang's heart sank fiercely. This Xiao Yuhan is so aware of Yu Mengmiao's whereabouts. Couldn't it be her that happened? He quickly looked at Xiao Yuhan.

Seeing Qing Yang's concern, Xiao Yuhan smiled and said, "Don't worry, your sister Yu Mengmiao is fine. After the disciples of Yinfengxia came back, news of the re-emergence of the Blood Demon Sect spread, especially when I heard that Other immortals have all turned to the Blood Demon Sect. The Yin-Yang Sect was already in panic. The Fairy Duanqing made a decisive decision and left the mainland of Kyushu with his two apprentices. I am afraid that he has already reached the sea by this time? Now, what can happen to Yu Mengmiao?"

"Fairy Duanqing also took two apprentices to the outside sea? Is your news accurate?" Qing Yang was skeptical.

Seeing Qingyang doubting himself, Xiao Yuhan was very angry, and curled his lips and said, "Am I using this to lie to you? There are so many disciples who know about this matter. You can inquire about it in Yin Yang Sect, but you just saved it. My life, how could I lie to you about such a trivial matter?"

Xiao Yuhan said everything to this level. It seems that this matter will not be false. In other words, Fairy Duanqing really left Yin Yang Sect with Yu Mengmiao and went to the sea.

Also, the Blood Demon Sect re-emerged, the Seven Great Immortal Gates were thus destroyed, and the immortal cultivation world of the Nine Provinces Continent began to be in turmoil, and it was no longer a place to practice with peace of mind. No matter if you can't accept this fact, or if you have a higher pursuit in your heart, you won't continue to stay in the Kyushu Continent.

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