Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 677: : Who am I relying on?

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Originally, Qing Yang thought that he would never see each other again after the separation, so he came to say hello. Unexpectedly, Yu Mengmiao, Master and Disciple, had the same plan and left earlier than he did. If this is the case, in the future There may be a chance to encounter it when you reach the open sea.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the two sides have gone wrong, the world is so big, once missed, it is difficult to meet again, then I am afraid that I will never see each other in the future. Thinking that he and Yu Mengmiao might be separated from each other forever, a trace of regret and loss rose in Qing Yang's heart.

Seeing Qing Yang’s expression, Na Xiao Yuhan knew what Qing Yang was thinking in her heart. A trace of jealousy arose in her heart, and she deliberately interrupted Qing Yang’s thoughts, saying, "Junior Brother Qingyang, Junior Sister Yu is gone. What are your plans for the future?"

He is about to leave soon, and there is nothing to say, Qing Yang said: "I have left the Qingfeng Temple, and I am going to the open sea. This time I come to Yin Yang Sect to say goodbye."

After hearing this, Xiao Yuhan said with a playful smile on his face: "I didn't expect it? You remembered them and made a special trip to say goodbye, but they didn't remember you. They had already left for a long time."

"Senior Sister Xiao, don't say that. Now that the world of immortality is in turmoil, Yu Mengmiao is with Master and Sister again. How can there be time to say hello to me?" Qing Yang said.

Seeing Qingyang taking the initiative to defend the other party, Xiao Yuhan hummed twice, and did not entangle this question anymore. Instead, he said: "The Yin Yang Sect is now the place of the Blood Demon Sect, and my master is also dead. There is no more Yin Yang Sect. What is worthy of nostalgia, so I am also going to the sea. Since Junior Brother Qingyang has the same purpose, why don't we walk together and be a companion on the road?"

On the road with such a woman, I don’t know how much trouble he will cause. Qing Yang doesn’t want to keep things going, so he quickly refuses: “Sister Xiao, I think it’s better to forget it. It’s not that far from Ziyan City. There is no need to travel together if you go away."

"Junior Brother thinks Senior Sister is a burden? Or do you want to avoid suspicion?" Xiao Yuhan asked.

Qingyang said: "It's nothing cumbersome. With the cultivation base of the senior sister's foundation period, it is still safe to walk on the mainland of Kyushu, but after all, we are different between men and women, and there is not much friendship between each other. It is inconvenient to walk all the way. Sister Xiao, please be considerate."

Seeing Qingyang's iron heart and not wanting to bring herself, Xiao Yuhan's eyes suddenly reddened, and said with tears: "I have offended the younger generation of the head, he will definitely not let it go. I can use Qingyang Junior Brother this time. Escape, it won’t be the same next time. Sooner or later, it will fall into their hands. Sooner or later, I’m a weak girl. What can I do? Junior Brother Qingyang, you have pity for the poor Senior Sister, right? I’ve been an orphan since I was a child, and Master is the only one for me. Relatives, now that Master is dead, I am alone in this world. Who else can I rely on?"

Speaking of the pain, Xiao Yuhan’s crying liver and intestines were broken, and Qing Yang couldn’t help but feel a little intolerable. It was not that he was indecisive and determined, nor was he unable to walk when he saw a woman, but that some of Xiao Yuhan’s words were about him. In my heart, it resonated with him.

No matter whether Xiao Yuhan is crying real or fake, at least one thing is true. This Xiao Yuhan has just died of Master, and Qingyang’s Master Songhe Lao Dao has also just passed away, thinking of the various things he had with Song He Lao Dao before. , Qing Yang felt distressed, looking at Xiao Yuhan's helpless look, Qing Yang seemed to see herself, and felt a little bit of pity for her.

This place is not far away from Ziyan City, and I have the flying spirit instrument Yufeng Gourd in hand, so I don’t have to worry about being overtaken by the people of the Yin and Yang Sect on the road. As long as you get to Ziyan City, you will be safe in the future. The cultivation base of the base period can be regarded as a big help to bring to the road, not to mention other things, at least when Qingyang is tired from driving the spirit weapon, there is someone who can replace it.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang's tone loosened a little, and said: "You can bring you, but you are not allowed to cause trouble on the road. Some actions are subject to me. If there is a danger, even when I can't protect myself, then We can only escape each other."

What Qing Yang said is the truth, Xiao Yuhan can also understand. As teammates, if the danger encountered is not serious, the two sides will definitely fight side by side. When it is extremely critical, even when their own safety cannot be guaranteed, I can only take care of myself. The two sides are not relatives, even if Qingyang dared to agree, Xiao Yuhan couldn't believe it was not.

That's how it is said, but Xiao Yuhan has a somewhat unyielding attitude towards Qingyang. He nodded on the surface, and whispered in his heart: "Idiot, I don't understand Lianxiangxiyu at all."

Qing Yang ignored Xiao Yuhan's small movements, and with a move of his mind, he threw out the Yufeng Gourd and aroused him to the size of ten feet. Then he said, "The younger generation of the deputy head of the Yin and Yang Sect has been away for a long time~www.readwn. com~The chase is expected to arrive soon, and we must leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Yuhan is also an insightful person. The first time Qingyang released Yufeng Gourd, she judged that this is a rare high-grade flying spirit weapon. The value of such a spirit weapon is at least able to Top half of your own family. My former deputy head of the Yin and Yang Sect did not have such a treasure. When did the Qingfeng Temple disciple become so rich?

For a moment, Xiao Yuhan even developed a trace of greed, but was quickly suppressed. Judging from the various methods Qing Yang had shown before, he was not an opponent at all, and he was greedy without strength. It was purely seeking death. Moreover, Qing Yang dared to take out this treasure in front of him, he must be sure enough, not afraid of being greedy.

Qing Yang didn't want to carry his own burden, if he dared to leak a trace of greed, maybe Qing Yang would take this opportunity to refuse. Thinking of this, Xiao Yuhan's mentality suddenly changed, and when he looked at Yufenghu, only surprises remained.

The reason why Xiao Yuhan wanted to travel with Qingyang was because he was worried that he would be chased by people from the Yin-Yang sect. It would be an extra helper to pull on Qingyang, but even this was not safe. After all, Qingyang was just a foundation cultivator, just in case. The people of the Yin-Yang sect are too powerful, and they will still suffer.

But he didn't expect Qingyang to have such a good flying magic weapon. The flying speed of the high-grade flying magic weapon was comparable to that of the Jindan monks, and most people couldn't catch up. With this thing, the Yin Yang Sect will not be afraid no matter how many people are sent, now the two talents are completely safe.

Just as Xiao Yuhan was thinking about it, Qing Yang jumped onto Yufeng Gourd and sat down cross-legged on the gourd belly in front of him. After that, without being urged by Qingyang, Xiao Yuhan also jumped onto Yufeng Gourd and sat on the belly of the gourd behind.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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