Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 678: : Purple Smoke City

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I just offended the younger generation who was the new deputy head of the Yin-Yang Sect. Wouldn't it be that he went to the Yin-Yang Sect again? Anyway, I have already got the definite news from Xiao Yuhan, knowing that Fairy Duanqing and Yu Mengmiao are not in Yin-Yang Sect, Qingyang has not ventured in Yin-Yang Sect again.

The two of them, one man and one woman, one behind the other, without interfering with each other, each sat on a gourd belly, and then Qing Yang drove Yufeng Gourd towards the direction of Ziyan City. Since two people are traveling together, there is no need for Qingyang to work alone. Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan take turns to control the flight of the Yufeng Gourd, each for three hours, and rest on the Yufeng Gourd for the rest of the time.

At night, they will definitely have to land and rest, but the speed of their journey now is much faster than when Qingyang was alone. Flying six hours a day, at least they can travel more than 2,000 miles, and more than before. It saves effort, because there is more time to rest, so from this point of view, there are actually some benefits to bringing Xiao Yuhan.

For more than two thousand miles every day, Qing Yang was not as tired as before, and Qing Yang couldn't help but grateful for his choice. Xiao Yuhan didn't produce any moths along the way. She seemed to be afraid that the people of the Yin and Yang Sect would catch up. She controlled the Yufeng Gourd very carefully, which made Qingyang save a lot of effort.

The two were extremely low-key, and the speed of Yufeng Gourd was so fast that they didn't encounter any trouble with blind monks asking them, so they didn't encounter any twists and turns on the way, and they flew continuously for nearly a month. Finally arrived at Ziyan City this time.

Ziyan City is also a famous casual repair city on the Kyushu mainland. Because of its location, there are not only local monks, but also many monks from the sea. It can be regarded as a window for the Kyushu mainland to communicate with outside monks. It is relatively prosperous. Therefore, the scale of Ziyan City is larger, and its status in the world of cultivating immortals is much higher than that of Jade Spirit City and Tujiao City.

There are hundreds of thousands of monks in Ziyan City alone. Of course, most of them are at the bottom of the vein opening and refining period. There are also a lot of foundation-building monks. The number of permanent residents plus the number of foreigners is more than a thousand, even more than that. Seven immortal gates at the bottom of the ranking. More importantly, Zi Yan Zhenren, the lord of Ziyan City, is a golden core monk, which is rare in other large cities for casual repairs.

The overall strength of Ziyan City is strong, but after all, it is a casual repair city, without the cohesion of the immortal gate, and its mobilization ability is relatively poor. Moreover, there are a large number of open sea casual repairs living in the city. There is no way to compare with those fairy gates, it is better than small fairy gates, and not as good as most medium-sized fairy gates.

But in any case, this purple smoke city is also a rare large city for casual repairs, and there are Jindan monks sitting in the town, which can keep one side safe, and the monsters on the outside dare not come and harass.

Looking at Ziyan City from a distance, Xiao Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally able to go out. It was too late for Yin Yang Sect to trouble him. But Qing Yang's heart is more melancholy. After leaving the mainland of Kyushu this time, he still doesn't know when he will come back again.

Qingyang's Yufeng Gourd was too eye-catching and couldn't be too far forward. The two of them found a hidden place to land from a distance. After putting away the Yufeng Gourd, they used their physical skills and headed towards Ziyan City.

The situation in Ziyan City is similar to that of Jade Spirit City. You have to pay entrance fees to enter the city, even for foundation-building monks, but that fee is not worth the same for Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan during the foundation-building period. After paying the fee, they each received a simple sign and entered the city.

This Ziyan City is worthy of being the window of the mainland of Kyushu to the open sea. The prosperousness of the city is not comparable to those of inland cities. There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the monks come and go on the street. Even the area of ​​the square city is larger than that of other places. Ten times bigger, there are tens of thousands of temporary booths.

Moreover, ordinary people are rarely seen on the streets of Ziyan City, at least they are cultivated in the Open Vein Realm. There are also a lot of Qi-refining cultivators, and even the foundation-building cultivators are not rare. It can be seen that this The level of monks in Ziyan City is much higher than other places.

Inside the city gate, there were a lot of young people with a bit of dexterity. Every time a monk came in, they would take the initiative to meet them as guides. They were all native low-level monks who were born and raised at a low level and had no other way to obtain spiritual stones, so they acted as guides for those monks who came to Ziyan City for the first time, earning some spiritual stones to subsidize their families.

When Qing Yang and Xiao Yuhan entered the city, they did not deliberately conceal their cultivation level. They knew that they were the foundation-building monks. It is said that guiding the foundation-building monks is the most profitable. High-ranking monks are generally more generous. However, high-ranking monks are also more difficult to serve, not to mention their weird tempers, they are also more demanding, and some are more picky. Not only are they not paid, they will also be beaten and scolded for no reason. If the other party uses some hands and feet in private~www.readwn.com ~ I don’t know how I died.

After some hesitation, none of the guides dared to come forward. After a long time, there was a thin young man of less than twenty who took the initiative to greet Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan. Perhaps a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. , Perhaps life is forced to come forward.

The thin young man came to Qingyang, gave a salute, and then said: "Two seniors, in the next Wang Chenggu, you can call me Xiao Wang. I have lived in Ziyan City since I was a child, and I compare all aspects of the city. Familiar, senior, would you like me to be a guide?"

Qing Yang still knows a little bit about this situation. He took a look at this little king. He only had the cultivation base of the fifth level of the Open Vein Realm. It was indeed a low-level casual cultivation without a foundation. In front of the foundation-building cultivator, he would not dare to play. What tricks. So he nodded and said, "We haven't been in Ziyan City for a long time. You can follow along these days. If you provide a good service, you can reward everything. If you are sneaking, don't blame us for being rude."

This is what it should be. Then Wang Chenggu quickly said: "Even if I have the courage of the bear heart and the leopard, I dare not deceive the two seniors. We all rely on reputation. If the reputation is gone, others will come in the future. How dare to ask us for help after Ziyan City, senior, don't worry."

Qing Yang was fairly satisfied with his answer and said, "That's good, you first take us to the best inn in Ziyan City, and when we find a place to live, we can discuss the next step."

Then Wang Chenggu took Qingyang, Xiao Yuhan, and went to the best inn in Ziyan City. This inn is not adjacent to the main street. It is relatively quiet and suitable for people like Qingyang who likes to be quiet. The monk lives. However, because of this, it is more difficult for outsiders to find it, and only a local snake like Wang Chenggu can take them directly.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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