Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 686: : Soul Ship

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The whole snake spirit armor was light blue, with faint snake skin decorations, and there were various colorful spots on the surface, which was really beautiful. In the hand, the ling armor is thin and delicate, soft and comfortable, as if there is nothing, it is very suitable for personal wear.

After some attempts, Qing Yang put the snake spirit armor on the innermost, and this will be his last life-saving method in the future. Under normal circumstances, Qing Yang will never take off the spirit armor again.

After being delayed for more than two months at Mo’s family, counting the time, at this time it was only ten days before the spirit ship of Wantong Pavilion departed. Qingyang had done all the preparations he had to do, so in the days that followed, he He didn't go anywhere, just stayed in a small courtyard worthy of meditation and practice.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for departure. Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan retired from the guest room and left the inn together. Wang Chenggu was waiting outside the inn. When they saw the two go out, they hurriedly followed.

Qingyang had already ordered them not to be used, but Wang Chenggu was grateful for Qingyang's generosity, and kept sending them to Wantong Pavilion to confirm that the spirit ship was correct, and then he reluctantly left.

Nearly two hundred monks have gathered here in the Wantong Pavilion, among which the foundation monks are the majority, and there are a few Qi refining monks. As for the opening of the veins and the golden core, there is no one.

Xi Ying and Xi Ping also came, and there were a few other foundation-building cultivators. Qing Yang looked familiar, but didn't know who they were. Maybe they had seen them before, and maybe they were also disciples of the Seven Great Immortals.

There are also more than 20 people in Wantong Pavilion, all of them are foundation-building monks. There are three in the middle of the foundation-building period like Zhao Guanshi, who are in charge of specific affairs. There is also a surnamed Qian that is the principal of the foundation-building consummation. Take care of the world and only come forward when it is in danger. The remaining twenty people are all monks in the early days of foundation building, and they are usually divided into two groups to control the spirit ship and monitor the safety of the ship.

When all the personnel arrived, Guanshi Zhao led everyone towards the gate closest to Wantong Pavilion. There were several gates in Ziyan City, and the gate on Wantong Pavilion was directly against the open sea and went out. The gate is a huge port.

On the sea surface of the port, there are several spirit ships parked. The largest one is more than one hundred meters long, and the smaller one is forty to fifty meters long. The largest one is the Vantone Pavilion spirit ship that leads to the Middle Sands. The spirit ship is too big to fit in the talisman, so it can only be stored at the port.

The remaining small spirit boats are generally short-distance running. Ziyan City extends in all directions. In addition to the three farthest routes from east to south and north mentioned by Wang Chenggu, there are also some short-distance routes. Only a few are needed. There are also many people riding in a month or a year or two.

The huge spirit ship is like a castle floating on the water. The hull seems to be made of special materials. It is unusually strong. The hull is carved with dense lines, forming a series of formations. Qingyang is not very proficient in the formations, but it can also be seen that these formations have complete functions, including those that increase defense, some that increase buoyancy, some that increase speed, and those that gather aura, and so on.

In other words, the spirit ship itself is a spirit weapon, but its size is relatively large. The strength of the spirit ship is comparable to that of a spirit weapon, and it is difficult for ordinary monsters to damage the hull. Refining such a large spirit ship consumes amazing materials, so the level of the spirit ship may not be as good as the spirit snake armor that Qingyang has just refined, but its value is much higher than that of the spirit snake armor.

Guan Shi took everyone on the deck of the spirit ship, and then pointed to the rooms at the back and said: "The back rooms are only about ten square feet each, which can basically meet everyone's usual needs. The spirit ship is not more than land. Forgive me everyone."

After listening to Guanshi Zhao’s introduction, everyone looked at the back rooms in unison. As the other party said, the length and width of each room was about three feet, and the area was about ten square feet.

This area is not small for the secular people, let alone one person, living in a family of four or five is not a problem, but for the monks, it is a bit aggrieved. The main thing monks usually do is to practice meditation. Any place can be used. Alchemy tools can also be used. The main limitation is that they can’t practice magic secret skills, can’t do too much movement, and everything can only be done in this small place. Do it in the room like a cage.

I observed it with my spiritual mind, and the outside of each room was separated by a special formation. If I also set a restriction in the room, privacy would be guaranteed.

There are a total of more than two hundred such rooms, all of which take up almost half of the space on the spirit ship, and the remaining half of the deck is empty, which can be regarded as a place for free movement.

Guan Shi said in a polite way. Sailing on the sea cannot be the same as on land, providing everyone with a fully functional cave. In general, the conditions on the Spirit Ship are already pretty good. If you make do with a little bit, a few years will pass quickly.

Everyone can understand this ~www.readwn.com~ No one raised objections, and then Guan Shi led someone to arrange the room. Everyone had the same room, regardless of the level of cultivation.

After the room is arranged, some people who like to be quiet or withdrawn, enter their room early, close the outside formation, and isolate the outside from the outside. Those who like the lively stay on the deck or find the pleasing monk. Chat, or wait quietly for the spirit ship to open.

After more than an hour, everything was ready. The steward gave an order, and the spirit ship was activated. With only a buzzing sound, the hull began to vibrate uncontrollably, and then a light curtain rose from the bottom of the ship, taking the entire spirit ship Covered inside. This layer of light curtain is the protective cover after the spirit ship is started, which can not only prevent the enemy from attacking, but also prevent the people on the ship from accidentally falling.

Then the humming sound became louder and louder, and the vibration amplitude of the hull became stronger and stronger. It lasted for several breaths. When everyone felt that the hull was about to fall apart, suddenly a huge energy fluctuation spread. The spirit ship swiftly sailed forward.

Feeling the fluctuation of the huge energy just now, Qing Yang couldn't help being a little bit stunned. This was at least the result of dozens of spirit stones acting at the same time. Just to activate the spirit ship, so many spirit stones are needed, and the amount of spirit stones consumed on this road must be even more amazing. No wonder Wantong Pavilion charges such a high price.

Qing Yang once rode the wind shuttle in the Qingfeng Temple, and the level was similar to this spirit ship, but the thing was small in size, only ten feet long when it was dead, it looked very stable, and there was no vibration or noise. This kind of large spirit ship is not like that kind of small flying spirit weapon. It is very difficult to maintain such a large volume without falling apart, so the vibration just now is normal.

However, when the spirit ship left the port and its speed gradually stabilized, the vibration and noise of the spirit ship disappeared, and it looked calm and quiet, and would not affect cultivation.

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