Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 687: : Strengthening

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The speed of the spirit ship was not very fast. It was less than three hundred miles in an hour, which was much slower than the speed of the golden core monk's imperial objects, and it was not as fast as the speed of Qingyang Yufeng Gourd.

However, this spirit ship is superior in uniform speed and durability. The two crews are operated in shifts, twelve hours a day without interruption, so they can travel three thousand miles in a day and almost a million miles in a year.

If the monks are on such a hurry, tired and exhausted, the golden core monks have a profound background, but they can fly such a sleepless imperial thing, but short distances are okay, and no one will do this for long distances. Not only is safety a problem, it will also affect cultivation. Progress.

This problem did not exist on the spirit ship. After the speed of the spirit ship stabilized, Qing Yang came to his room, closed the formation outside the room, and set a restriction in the room, and then Qing Yang crossed his knees in the middle of the room. I sat down and began to practice exercises.

With the operation of the exercises, Qingyang can roughly feel that the aura on this spirit ship is richer than the outside world, but it is far worse than that in the fairy gate of Qingfeng Temple. The efficiency of training on the spirit ship is estimated to be It is much lower than it was in Qingfeng Temple.

If under normal circumstances, it would take 20 years to upgrade the first level of cultivation during the base construction period, then it would take at least 30 years to upgrade the first level on this spirit ship, and the speed is desperately slow. But cultivation is a thing that accumulates day by day. Being slow now does not mean that it will also be slow in the future. So you can't give up on cultivation just because of the slow speed, otherwise there will never be a day to rise.

However, Qing Yang didn't have this problem. His cultivation mainly relied on pill, and the absorption of spiritual energy from the outside only played a supporting role. As early as in the Qi refining period, in order to improve the pill technique, Qing Yang used the Yang Yuan Pill to practice his hands, and had accumulated a large amount of Yang Yuan Pill for himself, and there was no shortage of pill in a short time.

In the days that followed, Qing Yang spent all his life in retreat cultivation. Because there was no shortage of pills, Qing Yang did not feel how boring the days of cultivation were. He could truly feel that his cultivation level was almost every day. In growth, there is improvement in every moment.

Apart from cultivating, Qing Yang rarely went to the deck outside. For others, the speed of cultivation is slow, and the daily sitting is not effective. After a long time, it will have a great impact on the character, so you should go out to relax every once in a while to avoid being suffocated.

Because of the pill, Qing Yang's cultivation speed is very fast, his character will not be affected, and the space in his drunk fairy gourd is huge, with mountains, water, flowers and trees, and a swarm of alcoholic bees and iron arms. The companionship of the monkey is much better than on the deck outside.

In addition to cultivating himself, Qing Yang occasionally points to the iron-armed monkey. After breaking through to Tier 4, the iron-armed monkey seems to be smarter than before. Qingyang can understand some simple words, even some cultivation terms. Can understand. Even some of the Yangyuan Pills given by Qingyang to improve cultivation, the Iron Armed Monkey knows how to absorb refining and how to use it to help break through the bottleneck.

The foundation-building monk is not yet able to bigu, but Qingyang has already refined a lot of bigu pill. Over the years, he has planted a lot of spirit valleys in the drunken gourd, and he has also accumulated a lot of spirit rice. If bigu pill is not enough, he will always They can be refined by themselves, so there is no need to go out.

Unknowingly, more than six years have passed. During this period, Qing Yang's room has not been opened once, and it is not just him. There are still many monks on the boat who have been in retreat all year round. On several occasions, Xiao Yuhan, Xi Ying and others wanted to visit Qingyang, but seeing that his door was closed and the formation was isolated, it seemed that he was in retreat, so he didn't bother to step forward.

In the past six years or so, Qing Yang's cultivation has gradually increased to the top of the second floor of the foundation, almost a step away from the third floor. Qing Yang could feel that as long as he gave himself half a year of quiet cultivation time, he was absolutely sure to raise his cultivation base to the third level of foundation construction.

From Ziyan City to Zhongsha Region, it takes about seven years. Now that it has been sailing for more than six years, the remaining distance is only a few hundred thousand miles. In other words, when you arrive at the destination, you should be building a foundation. Three-tiered monk. I think at the beginning, that farmer was more than 150 years old in Tiantian, and he was only a third-tier monk who built the foundation, but now he is only more than 40 years old, even if his cultivation speed is not so fast in the future, he will have the opportunity to rise higher in the future. Realm.

Qing Yang’s actual combat power was not able to be confirmed for the time being because he did not meet a suitable opponent and could not be used in the small room of the spirit ship. When encountering the monks in the middle stage of foundation construction, there is no full assurance of the sixth floor, and the fourth or fifth floor shouldn't be a problem.

Apart from Qingyang, the iron-armed monkey has changed the most over the years, because the Tier 6 monster inner pill obtained from Huaqing Yaodong Mansion was refined, and Qingyang often gave him the nourishing pill~ www.readwn.com~ The strength of the Iron-armed Monkey has improved by leaps and bounds. It reached the peak of Tier 4 as early as half a year ago, and it seems that there is a sign of evolution to Tier 5, and there is only one opportunity for a breakthrough.

This is nothing. The most important thing is that the iron-armed monkey has a small achievement in blood forging body training. The whole body defense power has been improved by several levels. It is difficult to break his defense, and his comprehensive strength is amazing.

Because of the iron-armed monkey, the rate of consumption of the Yangyuan Pill exceeded Qingyang’s estimate. Now he only has more than 20 pieces left on his body. After reaching the destination, it is necessary to add as soon as possible.

Compared with the iron-armed monkeys, the change of the alcoholic bee is not that big, and the number is more than before. The entire population has reached more than 400. Although the strength of each Drunkard was slightly improved, it did not improve much, nor was it as obvious as the Iron-armed Monkey.

As for the changes in the drunk fairy gourd, it is mainly the four spiritual plants that Qingyang planted around the Jiuchi Square. Wannianhong became taller and taller, and the whole tree was glowing red. It was really gratifying. The iron-armed monkey advanced, and the master passed away. Qingyang didn’t need Yishou Dan and Zhuyan Dan for the time being, so he put Wannianhong. All of the petals are left for the alcoholic bee to gather and eat.

The peach tree is still the same, that is, a little bit more than before, lush and full of life. After so many years, the florets on the vines have gradually declined, and several bunches of small grapes have grown, but they are only the size of mung beans, and they do not know how long they will mature.

The first gourd that grows on the gourd vine has been removed by Qingyang and refined into a Yufeng gourd. During this time, the second small flower has also withered, and a small gourd has grown in the original position of the female flower, and now only The size of the soy beans, it is still impossible to see what they will grow into in the future.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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