Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 688: : Monster in the Sea

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The other changes are not big, that is, the spirit grass planted in Zuixian Gourd has matured, but they are all relatively short-growth. They are used to refine Qi Gathering Pill and Yangyuan Pill as adjuvants. The value is not High, little effect. If Qingyang wants to refine the Yangyuan Pill, he still needs to buy a lot of main medicines with a relatively long growth year. Now it is during the sailing period, there is definitely no way.

Last time, in order to refine the snake spirit armor, Qing Yang almost emptied himself. Now, in addition to the commonly used treasures, there are more than 20 nourishing pills left on his body, not Qing Yang. How poor, because there are no extra spirit stones on hand, when he arrives in the middle sand region in the future, his first task is probably to find a way to earn spirit stones.

During this period, the spirit ship's voyage on the sea seemed to go smoothly without any danger or difficulty. But when I think about it, I'm relieved. With such a large spirit ship, and the foundation-building Consummation cultivator, ordinary monsters and pirates dare not come to harass.

This route was specially developed by Wantong Pavilion, and it deliberately avoided the sea monsters and some dangerous areas, and the safety level was still very high. Moreover, the speed of the spirit ship is very fast, even if it is a high-level monster beast nearby, when they make a decision or prepare to pursue it, the spirit ship has already missed them.

Of course, it’s not that there are no twists and turns. For such a long time, occasionally we can encounter the spirit ship failure, or the bold monster beasts blocking the way, but the matter is not big, the people of Wantong Pavilion solved it easily, and they did not even let it. The Zhuji Consummation monk who was sitting in town came forward.

After staying in his room for more than six years, Qing Yang also wanted to go out to get some air, so he slowly stopped the exercise. I was about to get up, suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and the spirit ship seemed to hit the wall. The whole body of the ship shook violently, only to hear the surrounding crunching for a while, and I don’t know what went wrong. , The spirit ship stopped.

There is a formation outside the room, but this formation can only block smaller movements, or the prying eyes of other monks, like this huge movement that almost overturns the entire spirit ship, the formation can't stop it either. Qing Yang was unprepared. He was almost knocked down just now. After all, he was a foundation builder. He quickly reflected that it seemed that the spirit ship had hit something.

Qing Yang didn't practice at this time, so external changes had little effect on him. If a monk was breaking through at the critical moment, he might be caught off guard.

In the past six years, the Spirit Ship has had several incidents, but it has never caused such a big disturbance today. It seems that the failure this time is not small, and I don't know when it will resume sailing.

Qingyang was a little puzzled. The spirit ships were all controlled by the foundation-building monks. Their response ability was not comparable to that of ordinary people. If there was land or an island in front of them, they would definitely be able to avoid it, and they didn't know how to walk this route. How many times have it been impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

Did the spirit ship hit the monster beast? To be able to crash such a large spirit ship, the strength of the monster beast must be at least Tier 6. Although the spirit ship is strong, it cannot withstand multiple attacks by the Tier VI monster, and problems will surely occur over time. If the spirit ship has only some minor faults, the people of Wantong Pavilion can repair it, if the problem is too big, Wantong Pavilion can't repair it, everyone can only fly to the middle sand region by themselves.

If it's a monster beast, it's okay to say that Wantong Pavilion has a good money master who is sitting on the boat, and he should be able to deal with it. If there are a lot of monsters, I'm afraid you need everyone's help.

Just as Qingyang was thinking about it, there was another loud noise. The whole spirit ship shook suddenly and made a creaking noise again, as if it was about to capsize. Fortunately, Qingyang took some precautions this time. Not affected by the vibration of the hull.

Before such a big movement, the money master who made the foundation of Vantone Pavilion must have come forward, but then another violent collision occurred in the hull, indicating that Vantone Pavilion did not stabilize the situation quickly, and even the cultivator of the perfect foundation was able to deal with it. It's all so laborious, it seems that the strength of the monster beast is stronger than he thought, this time I am afraid it is really in trouble.

Qing Yang couldn't sit still at all, and he had to go out to check the situation as soon as possible, so he removed the restriction from the room, opened the surrounding formations, and walked outside. At this time, Guan Shi's voice came from outside, saying: "The sea monster attacked the ship. The monster is too strong. My Wantong Pavilion can't handle it. The monks on the ship quickly come out to help."

Everyone also understands this truth. Now everyone and Wantong Pavilion are grasshoppers on the same rope. It’s okay for the spirit ship to be okay. If the spirit ship is destroyed, everyone will lose the barrier. There is still a few minutes away from the middle sand area. One hundred thousand miles, how long and how long can I get there on my own?

Moreover, there are many dangerous monsters and beasts in the sea~www.readwn.com~ and even pirates. If one is not good, the whole army will be wiped out. They will not let you go because who is a passenger.

At this moment, the spirit ship collided for the third time. This time it was more serious than the previous two. The hull squeaked and twisted for a while, and there seemed to be a precursor to something wrong. According to this situation, at most two more under the umbrella, the spirit ship would be completely disintegrated.

At this time, the passengers in the room could no longer sit still, and one after another opened the door and rushed onto the deck. Except for those lacking in strength, there were more than 100 foundation-building cultivators. Qing Yang was one step ahead of the others, he dashed to the edge of the spirit ship and saw the situation outside.

At this time, the light shield outside the spirit ship had been shut down, and the spirit ship had stopped on the sea. A dozen foundation-building monks lined up in front of the spirit ship, all of them were from Wantong Pavilion, and both Lord Qian and Director Zhao were there.

On the opposite side of them, there are densely packed monsters, at least a thousand in number. These monsters seem to belong to the same ethnic group. They have flat bodies, sturdy front claws, curly tails and dazzling red tail hooks. There are also a pair of cold small eyes in front of them. They look like scorpions on land, but they are of the same size. It's huge, and the details are slightly different.

Thousands of monster beasts have high and low strengths. Although most of them are Tier 1, 2, Tier 3, there are many Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters, and there are also 4 of Tier VI strength. Especially the front one, with a body of more than one foot long, judging from the breath radiating from him, it seems to be a bit stronger than the money master of Wantong Pavilion, and it seems to be only one step away from the seventh step.

Such a group of monsters is much stronger than the people like Wantong Pavilion. Even if the passengers on the ship join in, there is no certainty that they will win. No wonder Zhao Guanshi will ask everyone for help.

At this time, Xiao Yuhan and others also came to the side of the ship. Seeing the large group of monsters outside, Xiao Yuhan was shocked: "What kind of monster is this? How can there be so many in the sea."

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