Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 699: : Lightning Shuttle

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There were a few pirates nearby who wanted to stop them, but because they were a little farther away, they were still a step too late. In a blink of an eye, Yufeng Gourd flew out with four people several tens of meters away. At this speed, they would be able to escape soon. In this sea area, these pirates couldn't catch up even if they wanted to.

After the blood skull killed the black robe cultivator, he didn't make any more moves. Instead, he took charge of the whole situation, keeping an eye on the changes on the court at any time, and he also noticed the situation on Qingyang's side. However, there were dozens of monks fleeing in all directions at this time, and it was impossible for him to specifically pursue Qing Yang.

And he was not worried about how many people would escape. The Qi-refining cultivator intercepted him in front, and the chasing soldiers in the foundation building stage were behind him. Under the encirclement and interception of his own men, he was just a small cultivator in the early stage of foundation building. May escape from the palm of your own hand?

When Qing Yang killed the two monks behind him, and after Xiao Yuhan and Xi Ying Xiping joined him one after another, the blood skull couldn't sit still. The combination of the four monks was already a powerful force. , The pirates around had difficulty preventing them from escaping.

The Tsing Yi cultivator had just escaped. They were the cultivation base in the later stage of foundation building. With this strength, it doesn’t matter if one or two slip through the net occasionally, and the blood skulls didn’t think they had the ability to keep all the cultivators behind. Now the group of four people rushed out of the encirclement, which was a bit unbearable, which showed that there were loopholes everywhere in his encirclement.

Before he could react, Qing Yang threw the high-grade flying spirit weapon again, and seeing the four people disappear into the distance, the blood skull was completely angry. Is it worth it? If a few cultivators were allowed to escape from under their noses in the early days of foundation building, what face would they have to be pirates in the future?

The other monks are still fighting against the trapped beasts. The battle is fierce on the field. The blood skull is the backbone of the pirates. There are many follow-ups. You must not leave the battlefield to chase him personally. Moreover, he is too far away from the location of Qingyang, and has flying spirit weapons, which is not necessarily Can catch up.

However, it is impossible to let these people go. The Blood Skull was prepared for this. He pointed to Qingyang and others who were about to disappear in the distance, and pirates to the yellow face: "Old Huang, see the monks in the distance. Are you there? They have high-grade flying spirit weapons hidden in their bodies, and there must be big fish in them. You will immediately bring a few men to catch up, and you must not let them run away."

The reason why Blood Skull gave the task to the yellow-faced pirate was because this person also had a flying spirit weapon called the Lightning Shuttle. It was a shuttle-shaped medium-grade flying spirit weapon. It was as fast as lightning when it flew. It was so fast that it could emit bursts of lightning microwaves when crossing the sky, so it got its name.

Not to mention that the lightning shuttle level is not as high as Qingyang's Yufeng Gourd, but its speed is not slow at all, and its limit speed is even faster than that of Yufeng Gourd. The only flaw is that the monk needs to consume too much true essence and spirituality when controlling the lightning shuttle. Even the monks in the late stage of the foundation can not last for half an hour. It is suitable for short-distance chasing people, but it cannot be used for long-distance flight.

It is precisely because the yellow-faced pirates have this lightning shuttle, every time there is a loophole in the encirclement of the mission, the chase task will be handed over to the yellow-faced pirate to handle it, and there is almost no disadvantage.

The yellow-faced pirate had anticipated this. He glanced into the distance, and then he smiled: "Boss, don't worry, these people will be handed over to me, and they will never be allowed to run away."

As soon as the voice fell, the yellow-faced pirate threw a ten-foot-long shuttle, randomly clicked the four pirates around him, and jumped onto the lightning shuttle. Then the divine mind controlled and galloped towards the direction where Qing Yang and others disappeared, leaving a series of lightning ripples in the air.

Both the blood skull and the yellow-faced pirates were in the center of the battlefield, hundreds of feet away from the edge of the battlefield. Qingyang and the others fled first. When the yellow-faced pirates pursued them, Qingyang and the others were about to disappear in the distance. But he was not worried. He had enough confidence in his Lightning Shuttle, and could catch up with it in a quarter of an hour or two. By that time, these people would have to let themselves be slaughtered.

For this kind of task, the yellow-faced pirate is the most favorite, because it is acting alone, and following him are absolute cronies. The spoils must be picked first by themselves. Even if it is a good thing, the boss can’t say anything. .

The gourd-shaped top-grade flying spirit weapon has been seen by the boss, and it must have no part of his own, but these people have the money to buy such a valuable flying spirit device, and there will definitely be other treasures on their bodies, as long as they catch up. These people can definitely make a small fortune.

Besides, Qingyang and the others, because of the Yufeng Gourd, they quickly left the battlefield, looking for one direction and galloping away. This is the home court of the pirates. The speed of Yufenghu is amazing. As long as you completely out of sight of the pirates, and then change the direction randomly, the pirates will lose their pursuit. of.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, this high-grade flying spirit weapon was there. Otherwise, I really don't know if I can escape alive. Thanks to Junior Brother Qingyang this time.

Seeing that Yufeng Gourd had flown out more than a dozen miles away, everyone was about to get out of the sight of the pirates. At this time, I heard Xiying yell: "No, the pirates have caught up."

Everyone turned their heads and looked, and sure enough, the next few pirates were chasing here. The shuttle-shaped spiritual weapon they used seemed to be faster than the Yufeng Gourd. Now they are only two to three hundred feet away from everyone. At this speed, It takes at least a quarter of an hour to catch up with them.

Xiao Yuhan’s face changed ~www.readwn.com~ and said: "What should I do? I think the few people behind have at least one late stage of foundation building, and the rest are also good at strength. If they catch up, we will die. deal."

Fairy Xiying also said solemnly: "Yes, the yellow-faced pirate's cultivation base is at least seven layers of foundation construction, and the other four are also in the middle of foundation construction, which is not something we can deal with at all. The speed of their flying spirit weapons Faster than us, and it won’t take long to catch up with us. People who run away like us will definitely find it hard to survive after being caught. This time we’re probably dead.”

"Should we run separately?" Xisong suggested weakly.

Run separately? This is probably the only way at the moment. The sea is vast. Once the four people are separated, it will be difficult to gather together again in the future. I am afraid that the Central Sands will have to go by themselves. The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, I don’t know them. Several of the four eventually arrived alive.

But now the situation is critical, and you can only be swept away by running away without separation. Compared with the immediate danger, the future danger can only be discussed later. This idea is actually not difficult to think of. The reason why Xi Ping proposed it is because of his selfishness and consideration.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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