Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 700: : Be a pirate?

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The seven hundredth chapter of the drunken gourd: Be a pirate?

Xi Ping knew very well that the pirates behind must have seen Qingyang’s Yufeng Gourd at this time, this kind of extremely valuable flying spirit weapon, the pirates would certainly not let it go easily, so after the four separated, the pirates The first one to chase must be Qingyang, and Xiying has the highest cultivation level among the four, so there is no need to guess that Xiying is the second target that the pirates will chase.

The pirates have limited energy, and the main forces are chasing Qingyang and Xiying, so the thoughts spent on him and Xiao Yuhan are less. In this case, it seems that it is not difficult to escape.

Xiao Yuhan definitely supports Xi Ping's opinion. Instead of waiting for death like this, it is better to escape each other and save his life first. Xiying hesitated a little, but think about it, there is only one cultivator in the later stage of foundation building, and Qingyang is the first target, so his risk is not small? If only the foundation-building monk chased him, the chance of escape would definitely be higher.

Other people have this idea, and Qing Yang naturally has nothing to say, his life-saving methods are much more than others, not necessarily more dangerous than others.

The four quickly agreed. Qingyang slowed Yufeng Gourd a little bit. Xiping offered a small golden flying sword. The first one stepped on the flying sword and flew toward the left front. Xiao Yuhan threw out her yin and yang cut, Xiying also offered her Ziyun board, one turned to the left and the other turned to the right, each driving the spirit weapon and leaving the Yufeng Gourd. Seeing that only himself was left on the big gourd, Qing Yang accelerated in an instant and continued to move forward.

Neither Xiping nor Xiao Yuhan had special flying spirit weapons, so they could only use their own commonly used spirit weapons and imperial objects. Although they were much slower than Yufeng Gourd, they were safer to separate.

The yellow-faced pirate in the back had already seen the changes in front, and he had already responded to it. With a wave of his hand, the four people behind were divided into three groups, chasing Xiao Yuhan, Xiying, and Xiping respectively, while he himself Chasing Qingyang closely. To make this decision, on the one hand, only his Lightning Shuttle can catch up to the Yufeng Gourd, and on the other hand, the value of the Yufeng Gourd is high, and he has to pick it up personally.

Without the drag of the other three people, Yufeng Gourd flew more easily, but compared to the speed of the lightning shuttle behind, it was still slightly inferior, and sooner or later it would be overtaken.

However, Qingyang did not give up because of this. It is only a dozen miles away from the pirate group. For the foundation-building monks, a stick of incense can come at this distance. No matter what happens, other pirates will soon be able to come. Quick support, there is only a dead end here.

Now Qing Yang has only one mind, that is, the farther he runs, the better. Only when he completely leaves the range of activities of these pirates, then there is room for maneuvering when fighting and making peace.

The two chased and fled, Qing Yang tried to escape, and the yellow-faced monk exhausted his full pursuit. Two quarters of an hour passed in a blink of an eye, Qing Yang had already ran out for more than a hundred miles, and the yellow-faced pirate was less than twenty feet away from Qing Yang, and it was only a matter of a moment to completely catch up.

At such a distance, the yellow-faced pirate can already see the expressions of the people in front of him. Seeing that Qingyang is just a second-tier monk, the yellow-faced pirate couldn't help but smile and said, "Boy, you are now at the end of the road. I advise you to be more acquainted. I'll catch it with my hands."

Feeling that the pirates are getting closer and closer to him, Qing Yang's heart is anxious, but his face does not show at all. Instead, he sneered, "You pirates are exterminating humanity. You will kill hundreds of monks for some wealth and spiritual stones. Could it be that I You can't kill you with your hands?"

Anyway, he’s about to catch up with this guy, and the yellow-faced monk is not in a hurry, saying, “The extinction of humanity is only for those who are disobedient or who have sacrificed their lives and money. As long as you kid obediently hand over the treasures on your body and keep you One life is not impossible. I think your kid is quite clever. If you are willing to join the pirates, I can intercede with the boss for you."

"Let me go with you? It's absolutely impossible." Qing Yang said.

The yellow-faced pirate persuaded, "What's wrong with being a pirate? Be free and do whatever you want. I can't control the king. I can kill anyone who doesn’t pleasing to my eyes. If you see a female repairman, you can just rob him. Isn't it uncomfortable for such a day?"

"If you want me to be a pirate, then die this heart." Qing Yang refused.

Seeing that he had said all his good things, but the other party didn't give any face, the yellow-faced pirate suddenly became angry and said, "I'm really mad at me. I was able to persuade you because of your cleverness. I didn't expect you to be so untrue. , Then don’t blame me for being polite..."

At this moment, the distance between the two is less than ten feet. For the monk, this distance is like standing face to face, without even accelerating, and directly controlling the spirit weapon with divine mind to launch an attack. Seeing that it was impossible for him to escape, Qing Yang simply stopped his figure and put away the Yufeng Gourd.

The yellow-faced pirate saw Qingyang stop before he finished speaking, thinking that his advice had worked, so he jumped off the lightning shuttle, stretched out his hand and smiled, "Boy, you are smart, knowing that you can't escape Huang Ye. In the palm of your hand, hand over your gourd obediently."

Qingyang squinted at the other person, as if looking at an idiot, "If you want, you can get it yourself."

"Boy, do you dare to entertain Grandpa?" the yellow-faced pirate said angrily.

Qing Yang sneered, "I'm right here, I just want to fight or kill. You are so long-winded and reluctant to do it, and you don't know how you got to this point in your cultivation."

Qingyang’s words completely blasted the yellow-faced pirate ~www.readwn.com~ angrily said, "I am so angry, you, a small second-tier monk, dare to provoke my dignified late-stage monks. It's really looking for death, even if the gods come this time, don't even think about saving you from me."

Before he finished speaking, the yellow-faced pirate's mind moved, and a four-foot-long water jet suddenly appeared in the air, spurring Qingyang directly at his chest. This time, the yellow-faced pirate was really angry by Qingyang. As soon as he shot it, he sacrificed his own middle-grade attacking spirit weapon water spunlace. This move was another anger attack by the monks in the late stage of foundation building, and he planned to take it completely. Qing Yang's life.

How can the attack of the monks in the late stage of foundation building be underestimated? The spunlace with boundless power pierced towards Qingyang, seeming to destroy all the holes and pierce everything. It was the first time that Qing Yang had grown so large to face the attack of the monks in the late stage of foundation construction. For the first time, he felt that he was so helpless, as if he was alone in the face of a violent storm.

Before that, Qing Yang had also hesitated whether to completely anger the monk in front of him, and then he thought about it again and again, and felt that he still had to take a risk. He knew very well that he couldn't beat the cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, and he couldn't escape the chase of a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building. He could only use sudden methods to stop the opponent and look for it when the opponent did not know him. Opportunity to escape.

Drunken gourd

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