Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 709: : The strange thing

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That Duanmu Zhongben is a disliked temperament, walking with the seniors in the foundation stage like Qingyang, he didn't dare to say a word, just rushed along with his head bored.

And the Duanmu sister and brother in front were talking in a low voice while rushing. The two seemed to want to avoid Qing Yang, but they didn’t know that Qing Yang was much stronger than the monks of the same rank because of the fact that Qing Yang often practiced Concentration Jue. Listened to their conversation clearly.

Just listen to Duan Mulin said: "Sister, this time we got three blue-winged foxes, and one of them is Tier 4, can Grandpa's injury be healed?"

Duanmu Fei shook his head slightly, and said, "The blue-winged fox has a certain suppressing and alleviating effect on Grandpa’s injuries. Tier 4 blue-winged foxes have a greater effect, but Grandpa’s injuries are too severe and the injuries last a long time. I am afraid it will not be easy to cure it thoroughly."

Duan Mulin said anxiously, "What should I do?"

Duanmu Fei said: "One step counts as one step, but you don't have to worry. With these few green-winged foxes as a medicine, Grandpa's injuries will not occur for at least the last few years. A few years will not count. Short, maybe a radical cure will be found someday."

Originally, their siblings were only planning to hunt down one or two Tier 3 Blue Winged Foxes to relieve grandpa’s injuries and pain. They did not expect to get a Tier 4 Blue Winged Fox this time because of a blessing in disguise. This is completely beyond theirs. Expected, what else is unsatisfied? As my sister said, with these blue-winged foxes, even if it cannot be completely cured, at least Grandpa's injury can be greatly improved. With these time buffers, maybe a radical cure can be found.

The two continued to move forward. After a while, Duanmu Fei's expression suddenly sank, and he said to Duanmulin: "Lin Lin, what happened to you just now? Why do you treat Nangong with that attitude? He gave up his life. You almost lost your life for saving us. You just don’t want to be grateful. You still say that kind of ridicule. Have you ever taken Grandpa’s teachings to your heart?"

As Duan Mulin’s sister and the closest person to him, Duan Mufei knows that his younger brother is a human being. Although he is young, he is not the kind of savage and savage generation, knowing that he would not do such ignorant things under normal circumstances. At this time, I finally said the question in my heart.

Duan Mulin said: "I just can't understand his arrogant look, and I can't look down on the way he looks at you. Sister, you are not those people who don't know the Nangong family, all the old and the cunning, the best at calculating people behind. Our Duanmu family did not suffer less in their hands. Nangong Rui must have other shameful ideas when he came this time."

"But this time is different. Brother Nangong traveled all the way to Duanmu City to deliver the letter, and then rushed to rescue us. Although something happened later, we can't help but appreciate his kindness. You can't deny someone just because of your past experience. "Duan Mu Fei persuaded.

Duan Mulin smiled and said: "Sister, do you really think I would be so stupid? How come I am also the future heir of the Duanmu family, how can I have no city like this? The reason why I choked him so much is to see that he is a bit strange this time. Maybe it's not good intentions."

Duanmu Fei raised his brows and said, "How do you say?"

Duan Mulin said: "I didn't see the whole thing very thoroughly before, thinking it was all a coincidence, but after straightening out everything later, I slowly figured out the strangeness. itself. The news about the blue-winged fox came rather strange, as if it was deliberately passed to my ears, and the appearance of Nangong Rui and his guards was too coincidental, and their strength just happened to be able to restrain the third-order blue-winged fox. ."

Speaking of this, Duan Mulin paused for a while, and continued: "According to various signs, it is very likely that Nangong Rui has discovered that there are four Tier 3 blue-winged foxes here, but deliberately reduced the number by half. Let's The elder brother and sister got the news to hunt the blue-winged fox recklessly, but were in danger due to lack of preparation. At this time, Nangong Rui could officially appear on the stage. If it weren’t for the variable of Tier 4 blue-winged fox, I’m afraid they would have succeeded. ."

"But what is he doing so hard for?" Duanmu Fei muttered to himself.

Duan Mulin pouted and said: "It's not easy? The Nangong family has long coveted our foundation in Duanmu City. For this reason, I don't know how many methods they have secretly used. Is it their Nangong family?"

If this is the case, then this Nangong Rui's calculation is too deep, thinking that he was almost caught by the other party's trap, Duanmu Fei couldn't help but shiver.

However, Duanmufei still felt that his brother's words were too alarmist, maybe not as bad as he thought, so Duanmulin gave him a white look and said, "Where do you have such deep thoughts at your young age? This is not just a guess. Can you talk nonsense~www.readwn.com~ Do you have any real evidence?"

Duan Mulin smiled and said, "Although I haven't grasped any real evidence yet, I guess that there is definitely nothing wrong with this matter. Going back and inquiring carefully, you can always find clues. Moreover, this guy’s look at his sister is very annoying. It's not a good bird at first sight."

Listening to her brother mentioning this, Duanmu Fei couldn't help but remember that Nangong Rui looked at her in the previous battle, which did not contain any anxiety or concern, but more of the desire to possess and unscrupulous, which made her very uncomfortable. . Perhaps what the younger brother said has some truth, it seems that dealing with this Nangong Rui in the future will take a few more thoughts.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Fei could not help taking a sigh of relief, saying: "It's really sinister, not just their Nangong City, the other three cities are not easy people, if it were not for the hard work of grandpa these years, it is estimated that our Duanmu family would have been They don’t have any leftovers left."

Duan Mulin obviously felt the same for his sister's words. After Duanmufei's sigh, both brothers and sisters fell silent and no one spoke.

Qing Yang walked behind, but he heard what the siblings said clearly. Qing Yang also felt somewhat reasonable in Duan Mulin's judgment of Nangong Rui, otherwise it would be difficult to explain some of the quirks, and they would not be so coincidental.

Nangong Rui planned well, but he didn't expect that there would be an extra Tier 4 blue-winged fox. The result was a mess, and he almost took his own life.

Before taking a break, Qingyang had already learned the details of Wucheng Island from Duanmufei sister and brother. The Wucheng Island had a radius of more than 10,000 miles, and it was not even as large as the state capitals of the mainland of Kyushu. Wucheng Island is mainly composed of five monk cities, namely Duanmu City, Nangong City, Ximen City, Murong City, and Baili City. The name of the island is also derived from this.

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