Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 710: : Duanmu City

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It is said that the heads of the five monk cities on Wucheng Island used to have some origins, but after a long time, a lot of suspicions gradually emerged, and there were a lot of sordidness on the surface and in the dark.

But this is also very normal. Don't the immortal cultivators in the Kyushu Continent still fight openly and secretly and intrigue? Otherwise, how could the Blood Demon Cult easily conquer the Seven Immortals? Wucheng Island is such a large area. Everyone wants to occupy as much territory as possible. Fighting is inevitable.

But none of this has much to do with Qing Yang. I just passed by, took a break, and should leave after getting some useful news. Why do you bother so much?

After that, everyone did not speak any more, but rushed because Duanmu Zhong was injured. At night, the four stopped to rest for two or three hours, and then continued on the road until noon the next day. They arrived at their place. Said Duanmucheng.

The size of Duanmu City is about the same as the Jade Spirit City on the mainland of Kyushu, but the number of monks inside it is much smaller, and it is not as prosperous as Jade Spirit City. It looks a bit deserted, and I don’t know if it’s because of the number of monks on Wucheng Island. Because of the low strength of Duanmu City.

Qingyang followed Duanmu Fei's sister and brother into Duanmu City, and then all the way to the city lord's mansion. As soon as he entered the mansion gate, an old three-tier foundation-building monk greeted him. According to Duanmufei’s introduction, this old man is the housekeeper of the Duanmu family, and also their grandfather’s personal guard, Duan Moutong. He is also the only foundation-building monk in the Duanmu family besides his grandfather. If it weren’t for his grandfather’s injury, Duan Moutong’s care would be indispensable. , This time there is no need for their siblings to take risks in person.

Seeing Duanmufei sister and brother from a distance, Duanmutong said: "Miss, young master, you are finally back, if it weren't for Nangong young master, I don't know you are going to hunt the green-winged fox. Why don't you tell me? What if something goes wrong?"

Duanmufei smiled and said: "Grandpa Tong is too worried, isn't it safe to come back? Grandpa can't do without you, Lin Lin and I have grown up, and it's time to do something for this family."

"That shouldn’t be hiding from me. You and the young master are the only relatives of the old lady, and there shouldn’t be any mistakes. If you tell me this, I can at least arrange more helpers for you. One." The Duan Mouton said.

"Not next time." After Duanmu Fei finished speaking, he pointed to Qingyang next to him and introduced, "Grandpa Tong, this is Senior Qingyang, because the spirit ship was attacked by the monster and fell to our Wucheng Island. This time we were able to come back alive, thanks to Senior Qingyang’s rescue."

Duanmutong had already noticed Qingyang, the foundation-building repair base. Hearing Duanmufei's introduction, he hurriedly said: "It turned out to be Qingyang Daoist. Thank you Daoist for his great kindness to me in Duanmu City."

"It's just a matter of effort, fellow Taoists don't have to be polite." Qing Yang said casually.

After some greetings, the Duan Mouton said: "Miss, young master, the old man already knows about your affairs, he asked you to see him immediately after you come back, and you can go with me now. Fellow Qingyang has worked hard all the way, I Arrange for you to live in the house first, and talk about it later."

As the hostess left, Qing Yang knew that they had a lot of things to do at this time, so he nodded, and followed the person arranged by Duan Mutong to the guest room of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are no Jindan monks in Wucheng Island. Foundation-building monks like Qingyang are the most honorable guests to Duanmu City. Moreover, he has a life-saving grace for Duanmu brothers and sisters. Duanmu's family arranged for him the best guest room in the house. It is a huge courtyard with carved beams and painted buildings, and the environment is elegant. The entire courtyard is not only rich in spiritual energy, but also has a variety of monks' equipment. It is a rare and good place for cultivation, even better than Qingyang's original Dongfu in Qingfeng Temple.

Starting from leaving Ziyan City, these young Qingyang lived either in the kind of awkward small guest rooms on the spirit ship, or they were sleeping in the wilderness, or in the drunk fairy gourd, especially in the last half of the year. Being worried, he must guard against the sudden killing of monsters at any time. It has been seven full years. The deep exhaustion is beyond words. Finally, he can have a good rest. Qing Yang just lived in this yard.

For the next two days, the Duanmu family did not come to disturb Qingyang again. It was not until the third morning that Duanmutong came to the yard. Seeing Qingyang, Duanmutong said: "The distinguished guest came to the door. It's just that my grandfather's injury has not healed, and he can't come to see him in person, so I can only ask fellow daoists to go there for a while."

After learning about the situation of Duanmu's house, Qingyang didn't say anything, but tidied up, followed Duanmutong out of the courtyard, and the two of them walked through the courtyard, and soon came to a quiet small courtyard behind the city lord's mansion, and then Duanmu Tong brought Qingyang straight into the main hall of the small courtyard ~www.readwn.com~ On a chair in the main hall, half-sit and half-lying. This old man with white beard and hair was haggard and looked like a serious illness. At first glance, the old man’s cultivation base seems to be the foundation building period, but after careful observation, he can’t judge the specific level, which is quite strange. I don’t know what injury he has suffered. He will show such a weird situation. .

On both sides of the old man stood Duanmufei and Duanmulin sister and brother, so don't ask, the old man on the chair should be their grandfather, Duanmusong, the principal of the Duanmu family.

Seeing Qingyang coming in, Duanmu Song was helped by Duanmufei's sister and brother to stand up from the chair, took a breath, and said: "The Daoist Qingyang is coming, the old man has not been able to welcome him far away, forgive me."

"Friend Duanmusong is polite." Qing Yang said.

The two sides recounted the past. The Duanmusong gave Qingyang a seat and offered fragrant tea for hospitality, and thanked Qingyang for his life-saving grace. Then he said: "I heard Mayfair say that fellow Taoists are ready to go. In the Middle Sands, the spirit ship was attacked by monsters, and then did it end up on our five city islands?"

Qing Yang nodded and said: "Exactly, when I first arrived in Guidao, I don't know the specific location, how can I get to Zhongsha Region, so I want to find someone to find out the way."

After listening to Qingyang, Duan Musong smiled, and said, "The Taoist friends have come to the right place. Wucheng Island is barren and the immortal Dao is not thriving. The monks on the island know that there are not many in the Middle Sands. But the old and young have gone out and wandered for more than ten years, and I have heard a little about this."

"I would like to hear the details." Qing Yang said.

Duan Musong said: "The Zhongsha Region has a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles and consists of more than two thousand islands, large and small. No one knows the exact number and scope. The control center of the entire Zhongsha Region is located in the center. Qingyan Island, the largest island, is at least tens of thousands of miles away from Wucheng Island, and there is no passing spirit ship nearby. It is very difficult for Daoists to go there."

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