Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 711: : Erosion

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Hundreds of thousands of miles may be a long process for others, but for Qingyang, driving the Yufeng Gourd is two or three months, and forbearance will pass.

Qingyang said: "No matter how difficult it is, I will always go to Qingyan Island. Do fellow Taoists know the specific location of Qingyan Island and how is it the most convenient way to go? Is there a chart nearby?"

Duan Musong shook his head, and said, "I'm in Wucheng Island, which is barbaric, and there is no sea chart in the middle of the sand, and when I was young, I actually only traveled to some nearby big islands, and never really visited the Qingyan. The island only knows the approximate location, but the others are not clear."

Qing Yang was a little regretful, the news from the other party was too general. But it's not without gain, at least knowing that the control center of Zhongsha Domain is Qingyan Island, and knowing the approximate direction of Qingyan Island, as long as you follow this direction, you will be able to reach Qingyan Island one day.

The two only chatted briefly for a while, and Duan Musong's face was haggard and seemed extremely exhausted. Qing Yang couldn't help but ask: "I heard Duanmu Fei said that they hunted the Qingyi Fox for Healing fellow Daoists, I don’t know what kind of injuries the friend suffered so hard to treat?"

Hearing Qingyang mentioning this, Duan Musong's expression suddenly dimmed, and said: "This is a long story. I was attacked three years ago, and I was eager to fight with the opponent and hurt both sides. The injury I received at the time was actually not the same. It's serious, as long as I treat it with my heart, I can always heal, but I didn't expect that the other party would still put a kind of poison in my wound. This toxin is difficult to suppress. One injury and one poison complement each other and restrain each other, which has tortured me for so many years. It never got better."

Duan Mulin next to him interrupted: "My grandfather was originally the first monk on Wucheng Island. He built the 7th floor of the base because of the double torture of injury and poison. The level of cultivation has declined drastically over the years."

Duanmu Fei also said: "The legendary blue-winged fox has seven orifices and exquisite core. Using the seven orifice exquisite core of this monster beast as a medicine can suppress all kinds of strange poisons, so this time we ventured to hunt the blue-winged fox. Thanks to the help of seniors, we can only succeed this time."

Hearing her granddaughter’s words, Duan Musong shook her head and said, “If it’s just poisoning, the Qiqiao Linglongxin of Tier 4 blue wing fox is enough for medicinal purposes, but there are still injuries in it, and I’ve been poisoned for a long time. I am afraid it will be difficult to cure the tiered blue-winged fox."

The pill is connected, and the basics of alchemy know some pharmacology. For the Qing Wing Fox, Qing Yang is also somewhat heard, but he has never heard of the Qing Wing Fox’s Qi-Orifice Exquisite Heart detoxification, and he doesn’t know this. What kind of poison is Duanmu Song? You need a blue-winged fox.

However, there are no wonders in the world, and Qing Yang doesn't think that what he knows must be right. Maybe someone has mastered some other secret technique, can he use the Blue Wing Fox to detoxify?

After hesitating for a long time, Qing Yang said: "Don't hide it from fellow Daoist, I have a little involved in the detoxification technique of pill medicine. If fellow Daoist doesn't mind, can I take a look at it for you?"

"Do you know how to detoxify?" Hearing Qing Yang actually said that he was a little involved in pill and detoxification, Duan Musong was shocked. He hulled up and got up from his seat. Said with a face full of surprise.

It's not that Duanmusong is making a fuss, but that he has been tortured by the pain on his body for too long these years, almost to the point where he can't live like this. A former foundation building monk, the strongest person on the five city islands, is sick every day. Yes, you need someone to help you when you walk, and no one can stand it.

This is nothing. What's more important is that in the past few years he has been injured, the situation of the Duanmu family has gone from bad to worse. He looked anxious in his eyes, but couldn't do anything, which made him extremely distressed.

Duanmu's family was originally thin. A few years ago, his son had an accident when he broke through the foundation building. The white-haired man gave away the black-haired man. Not long afterwards, he was conspired by others, which made him inferior to death for several years; and the third generation. Duanmufei and Duanmulin were young and weak, and the entire Duanmu family could only rely on the old butler Duanmutong, a foundation-building monk to support them, and they were already on the verge of collapse.

These are nothing but what he can do is even more helpless. Several other families on Wucheng Island have been eyeing Duanmu's family all the time, and those who have fallen into the rock do not know where they are. He desperately hopes to heal his pain as soon as possible, so as to revive Duanmu. The prestige of the home.

Qing Yang understood the other party’s feelings and didn’t say much. He just nodded softly, and said, “It’s only a little understanding. You will have to see if you can cure it. Fellow Duanmu should also know that the world’s poison is ever-changing. , No one can master it all."

"I know this. Although Daoist Qingyang can let go, no matter whether the poison on my body can be cured in the end, you are the great benefactor of my Duanmu family." Duan Musong nodded quickly. He has been tortured by this pain for too long~www.readwn.com~ There is absolutely no other way, and now Qingyang is the only life-saving straw he can grasp, only a dead horse can be used as a living horse doctor.

Not only Duanmusong, but even the other Duanmu family members were overjoyed. He didn't expect that Senior Qingyang could have such ability. This time it was a blessing in disguise.

Of course, they also know that the other party knows that detoxification does not necessarily mean that Duanmu pine can be cured. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If the cure is found to be ineffective after the inspection, it will be too desperate, so the other people Excited on his face, but didn't dare to express too much, he could only suppress the excitement in his heart, staring at Qing Yang expectantly, looking forward to a good result.

Qing Yang didn't make the other party wait too much, but stepped forward, first checked Duanmusong's external symptoms, then separated a trace of divine thoughts, and carefully penetrated into Duanmusong's body. Qingyang's spiritual thoughts wandered through Duanmusong's body, from the surface skin to the internal organs, from the Zifu Dantian of the meridians of the whole body, even the primordial spirit was not let go, and they all carefully observed one side.

The soul is the most critical place for a monk. Under normal circumstances, no one will fully open up his soul to outsiders, even relatives. But this time Duanmusong was completely let go. There was no resistance. Qingyang was just a stranger who passed by occasionally, but Duanmusong was so trusting, showing how much he was tortured by this illness.

Duanmu pine contains a more difficult toxin called Erosion Spirit Powder. This toxin has one of the biggest characteristics, which is that it can corrode the monk's true essence and destroy the healing of the wound.

Perhaps because it has been delayed for too long, the toxins have penetrated into the internal organs, and even the meridians and dantians are slightly left, which constantly erode the true essence in Duanmusong, stimulate the injuries inside and outside the body, and make him hurt. Has been unable to get better.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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