Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 712: :10 Cao Ming Xin Dan

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After the inspection was completed, Qing Yang couldn't help but frowned. The poison of the erosive spirit seemed to be more difficult to deal with, but in fact it was not so difficult to solve. At least it was much worse than the poisonous spider that Qing Yang had seen in Yinfeng Gorge. The higher-level Alchemists on the Kyushu mainland can be relieved, but why has it been delayed until now? Could there be other situations that I don't know? Or is there any problem that I didn't see by myself? Or is it too simple? Qingyang was puzzled.

The four members of the Duanmu family did not dare to disturb Qingyang’s thinking. They all waited quietly. However, seeing Qingyang’s silence for a long time after the inspection, the hearts of the four members of the Duanmu family were raised. This process was too tormenting, could it be this? Is there nothing a senior Qingyang can do?

Duan Mulin finally couldn't help it, and said: "Senior, can my grandfather's poison be cured?"

Qing Yang pondered and said, "The Taoist Duanmusong Taoist is a poison called Erosion. Although it has been delayed for three years, the toxin has already invaded the meridian dantian. The toxicity is a bit more violent than before, but it costs a bit more. Some thoughts can still be relieved."

"Really? Senior Qingyang, can you really solve Grandpa's poison?" Duan Mu Fei and Duan Mu Lin asked in unison with their faces full of surprises.

Grandpa is their only relative in this world. Watching Grandpa suffer the toxins every day, they can't wait to replace them with their own bodies, but they have tried everything they can do. Now they finally see a glimmer of light, how can they not? Exciting?

Duanmusong and Duanmutong reacted slightly differently. Although they were pleasantly surprised, they were more surprised, and said, "Erosion Lingsan? What is this?"

Now it's Qingyang's turn to wonder, is this eroding spirit strange? How do you look at their reaction, it seems that you have never heard of it? Could it be said that something like erosive spirit powder didn't spread to Zhongsha Region, or that Wucheng Island is small and the monks on the island are ignorant?

Thinking of this, Qing Yang finally solved the doubt in his heart, perhaps it was really the case. Wucheng Island has a radius of less than 10,000 miles, and the number of monks is scarce, and the strongest are only established monks, and the monks on the island have very little communication with the outside world, and it seems normal to not know some things. No wonder Duanmu Song has been tortured by the Erosion Spirit for so long, it turns out that this is the reason.

Qing Yang explained: "As the name suggests, Etching Lingsan can corrode the monks' true essence and destroy Sangkou's healing. It is a rare and strange poison. Haven't the two fellow daoists heard of it?"

Duan Musong shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of it. My Wuchengdao monk is also very good at alchemy, but I don't have a deep research on detoxification. The most commonly used method is to fight poison with poison, and use the principle of mutual growth and mutual restraint between toxicity and physical properties. , To force out the toxicity in the original body. For example, this eroding spirit scattered, although I don’t know his name, but I also have a certain judgment on his toxicity. The reason why the blue wing fox is hunted is because of the exquisite seven orifices possessed by the blue wing fox. The heart can be used to restrain the erosive spirit powder from corroding the true essence, and has the effect of detoxification and healing."

After listening to Duan Musong's introduction, Qing Yang roughly understood what the other party meant. Wucheng Island was small and didn't communicate much with outside monks, so he knew very little about the detoxification technique. If a monk is usually poisoned, he will either rely on his advanced cultivation level to force the poison, or use the principle of mutual suppression of poison to eliminate the poison with poison, which is incomparable with the Kyushu mainland.

However, the elixir is the same, and the monks who have superb elixir skills generally have very little understanding of detoxification. This is complementary. Since the Wuchengdao monks don’t know much about detoxification, why does Duanmusong say Wuchengdao? Are monks very good at alchemy? This seems strange.

Qing Yang couldn’t figure this out, so he didn’t waste time in this aspect. Instead, he said: “The poison of Daoist Duanmusong is not difficult to solve. I have a kind of medicine here called Shicao Mingxin Pill. After taking the poison, the Taoist fellow can get rid of the residual poison in the body within half a month. After that, the Taoist fellow only needs to meditate and heal his wounds, and it will not take long to heal."

"Ten Cao Mingxin Pill?" Duan Mu Song didn't seem to have heard of this name either.

Shicao Mingxin Pill is a higher-level pill than the three-star clearing pill. It can only be refined by a more advanced alchemist. Before leaving Ziyan City, Qingyang knew the dangers in the open sea, and general detoxification. The pill effect is not necessarily effective, just in case, so I spent a lot of energy refining two ten grass bright heart pill for use.

It's just that there is a snake spirit armor body on the way to Qingyang, and it didn't encounter too much danger, nor did it have any poison. It has not been used until the Ten Grass Mingxin Pill, which happened to come in handy at this time.

Didn’t you say that the Wuchengdao monks were very good at alchemy? Why haven't you even heard of Ten Grass Mingxin Pill? Although Qing Yang was secretly slandering in his heart, but on the surface, he said calmly, "Shi Cao Mingxin Pill uses ten kinds of pill that possesses Tongxin, Mingqi, Diarrhea, Soothing Pulse, Relieving Depression, Expelling Evil, Resolving Stasis, and Decreasing Stasis. The main medicine of various functions such as spiritual grass ~www.readwn.com~ is mixed with dozens of other adjuvant medicines for meditation. It is the best detoxification and exorcism, and it is the sacred product of the detoxification elixirs during the foundation period."

When Qing Yang introduced, Duan Musong listened very carefully. After Qing Yang finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then asked: "What Daoist said is Cao Dan?"

"What kind of pill?" Qing Yang was also puzzled.

Seeing Qingyang puzzled, Duan Musong smiled and said, "I didn’t know what grass pill is before. I only knew about the alchemy technique of our native Wucheng Island. Later, I went outside and heard of grass. The name pill also knows the difference between the herbal pill and the yuan pill in the pill."

At this point, Duanmusong paused for a while, and then before Qingyang could speak, he continued: "Friends of Daoist Qingyang should know that my middle sand region is composed of countless islands, and the area of ​​each island is not very large. Sufficient, but the spiritual fields are very barren, and the species and quantity of spiritual grasses growing are extremely scarce, far from meeting the needs of monks in the Middle Sands. At the same time, the seas of the Middle Sands are vast, whether on land or in the sea, there are many monsters. There is no shortage of various monster materials. In desperation, many alchemists greatly reduce the amount of spirit grass when refining the pill, and replace them with monster animal materials, such as monster blood, monster inner pill, and various types. The internal organs of the monster beasts, flesh and blood, etc., over time, the cultivators of the Middle Sand Region took a different direction."

Hearing this, Qing Yang finally resolved some of the doubts in his mind. No wonder this Musong said that the Wuchengdao monks were good at alchemy, but he had never heard of the ten grass Mingxin Pill. He also knew a lot about the detoxification technique. It turned out to be this. The reason is that the cultivators here refined all medicines based on monsters and beasts, and seldom used all kinds of spiritual materials to refine the pills.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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