Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 714: :Fuku

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For a long time, Duanmusong suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said incoherently: "Friend Qingyang, you saved Duanmufei sister and brother before, and now I have healed my injury. You are so kind to my Duanmu family. , I really don’t know how to express my gratitude."

Having said this, Duan Musong took a deep breath and said, "I know that all foreign objects are not worthy of the life-saving grace of Daoist Qingyang, but now I can only use foreign objects to express my gratitude. Daoist Qingyang don’t refuse. Duanmutong, now you take Daoist Qingyang to my Duanmu family treasury. All things in our treasury, Daoist Qingyang can choose at will, even if it’s the Duanmu family. Even if the treasury is emptied, it will not hesitate to do so."

At this time, Duanmusong's heart was surging, and he saw the hope of the Duanmu family's formation again. For Qingyang, the savior, he could not wait to take out his heart to contribute to the other party.

Qingyang took out Ten Grass Mingxin Pill to treat Duanmu Song, although the main purpose was to make good friends with each other, it was impossible to just pay without paying back. The value of the Ten Grass Mingxin Pill is higher than that of the three-star Pleiades Pill. Not to mention, two or three hundred Lingshi is still worth it, and it is also a lot of wealth for the foundation-building monks, and Qing Yang is also reluctant to give it away. Shengmi was enthroned, and he gave such a great favor to the Duanmu family. If he didn't take any benefits, it would make the other party doubt his own intentions.

Of course, it is impossible for Qingyang to evacuate the Duanmu family's treasury as Duanmusong said. It would be too small to do so. If the Duanmu family does not say anything, they must be jealous in their heart, not to mention Qingyang still asks for it. The other party, in the future, will also discuss the Yuan Dan technique with Duanmu Song.

Qing Yang nodded at Duanmusong, he was agreed to his proposal, and at the same time, he had a plan in his heart, so he went to the Duanmu Family Library to take a look. If there is something suitable, take some, and the value should not be too low. But it can't make Duanmu family feel distressed.

Duanmu Song wanted to stay here to heal, so he sent Duanmutong and Duanmufei sister and brother to continue to accompany Qingyang, and then the four of them went to the Duanmu family treasury together in addition to the courtyard.

The treasury is the most important place of the entire Duanmu family. It is arranged at the end of the city lord’s mansion. It is not very far from the courtyard where Duanmusong lives. The four people walked through the house all the way through the courtyard. After a quarter of an hour, they came to a heavily guarded courtyard. , There are not only guards guarding here, but also formation protection, and even on the gate of the treasury, there are special prohibitions and magic seals.

Seeing Qingyang and his party coming, the guards outside automatically lined up on both sides, Duan Mutong withdrew from the protective formation, Duan Mufei stepped forward to uncover the seal of the charm, opened the gate of the mansion, and then Duan Mutong led the way in front, and the four people entered together. The Duanmu family treasury.

From the outside, the Duanmu family's treasury does not seem to be big, but after entering, it is discovered that there is a cave. The entire treasury area is a few acres in size. Looking at it, it is full of various things, Qingyang eyes Sweep, the number is no less than a thousand.

Looking at the house full of dangdang treasury, Duan Mulin couldn't help being a little proud, and said with a smile: "Senior Qingyang, how is it? My Duanmu family treasury is not bad, right?"

Unlike the newly promoted foundation-building monks like Qingyang, the Duanmu family has been inherited for hundreds of years, and the things accumulated in the treasury are naturally not to be underestimated. Not to mention the total value, at least in terms of types, it is not comparable to Qingyang. Qingyang told the truth, saying: "The Duanmu family is worthy of being one of the five overlords on Wucheng Island, and its profound background is really eye-opening for me."

After receiving Qing Yang’s recognition, Duan Mulin smiled even more on his face, and proactively introduced to Qing Yang: "Senior Qing Yang, please see. The previous part is mainly a variety of monster materials, the quantity is no less than thousands, and this box contains They are the teeth of Tier 5 Wave Breaking Shark. They were harvested by my grandfather when he went out to practice. They can be used to refine lower-grade spirit weapons. The jade box next to it contains a Tier 4 monster sea snake urchin, which was obtained from a Tier 4 monster sea snake urchin last year. The one that was exchanged in the hands of Zhuji Sanxiu, after taking this thing, can be clear and calm, and not suffer from the backlash of the heart demon; the one hanging over there is a demon bear skin..."

It is not practical for the other party to introduce specifically. A sweep of Qingyang Divine Mind can roughly determine the variety and general purpose of things. The most monster materials here are Tier 1, 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4, 5, and Tier 6 and above. There are almost none, mainly because the Tier 6 monster is already equivalent to the monks in the late foundation construction period, and it is difficult to hunt down with the strength of the Wucheng Island monks.

These monster beast materials are not very attractive to Qing Yang. With Qing Yang's ability, he can hunt down monsters of Tier 4 and 5 by himself. He spent more than half a year at sea and also hunted them. He had a lot of monsters, and he also accumulated a lot of them.

Randomly introduced a few. Seeing that Qingyang didn’t look particularly tempted, Duan Mulin pointed to the other side and introduced: “Here are mainly some strange things~www.readwn.com~ This box is a piece of chalcedony. This kind of jade can be carried on a child, and it can cultivate a whole body of righteousness, so that the monsters, demons and ghosts dare not get close. Wearing it for a long time can slowly improve the meridians and physique. Ten of them are more suitable for cultivation; that box contains three hundred plants. It is said that if the ghost repairs and the remnants of ghosts and ghosts are stored on it, it can be kept for hundreds of years..."

Following Duan Mulin’s introduction, Qing Yang understood most of the things in the entire treasury. In addition to monster materials and strange objects, there are also magical implements, spirit stones, pills, exercises, talisman, etc. that are commonly used by monks. thing. In general, there are many kinds of things in this treasury, but there are not many particularly valuable ones, and most of them are used by Qi refiners and the early and middle stages of foundation construction.

In fact, this is also normal. The highest cultivation base of the entire Wucheng Island is the foundation-building monk, and he is in a remote place on the edge of the middle sand area. How many good things can there be on the island? No wonder the former Duanmu Song was so generous, even if the treasury was emptied, it would be no hesitate.

Qing Yang felt that even if he really emptied the entire Duanmu family's treasury, he would probably not be able to sell tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Instead, he would spend a lot of energy on inventory.

I thought I could gain something this time and find some good things, but I didn't expect it to be just a joy for nothing. Most of the things here are too ordinary, and they can't be compared with Qing Yang's things. However, Qing Yang had a certain mental preparation before he came in, and he didn't plan to slaughter the Duanmu family, but he didn't feel so disappointed.

In a blink of an eye, the four people had already walked from the entrance of the Fuku to the very end. Seeing that the entire Fuku had been completed, Qing Yang never found a good thing that he was pleased with. Duan Mulin had no bottom in his heart. He couldn't think of this Qingyang. The predecessor's vision is so high, and there is no one in the library that can make the other party's eye. How can this be good?

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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