Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 715: : Mototan true solution

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Senior Qingyang rescued their family, but Duanmu's family couldn't produce anything satisfactory to the other party, which was too embarrassing. In desperation, Duan Mulin could only bite his scalp and pointed to the back and said, "Senior Qingyang, here are mainly some commonly used pills. The first one is the Qi-yangting pills used by the open-maid monks, and the middle bottles are taken by the Qi-refining monks. The last bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, and the last bottle is the nourishing essence pill taken by the foundation-building monk, including some other mixed pill, which are all the Yuan pill that my grandfather used to refine with monsters and beasts. If the senior needs it, you can take it at will ."

Duan Mulin finished the introduction, and then looked at Qing Yang quietly. This was the last thing. If Senior Qing Yang didn't even match these, then Duan Mu Family really couldn't help it.

Hearing from the other party that these are Yuan Dan in front of him, Qing Yang finally got some interest. He reached out and took the last bottle in his hand, opened the bottle cap, and the fragrance of the Yang Yuan Dan was floating out, and Qing Yang took the contents inside. The pill was poured into his hand, and he carefully observed it with his spiritual thoughts.

It is completely different from the green Yangyuan Pills Qingyang took before. These pills are blue, and the energy contained in the pills is a bit violent, not as peaceful as the Cao Pill, but Qingyang can tell. The medicinal effect of these medicinal pills is not worse than that of the Yangyuan Pill among the herbal pills.

It seems that everything that Duan Musong said is true. This Yuan Dan really has merits. If this is the case, I don’t rush to leave. I will stay on these five city islands for a while and take a look. What is the technique of Yuandan? If you don’t press yourself, you can master more things, but there is no harm, and you can compare the grass pill and the elemental pill to confirm each other, take the essence and discard the dross, maybe your pill can be improved. Upstairs.

There really isn’t anything Qingyang is particularly eye-catching here, and the Yangyuan Pill is nothing to Qingyang. The reason why he took these dozens of pills is that he used the Yangyuan Pill before. After finishing, I need to add it urgently. On the other hand, I want to see what is special about this Yuan Dan. The Central Sand Region is lacking in spirit grass. I am afraid I will try to refine the Yuan Dan in the future.

While Qing Yang was meditating, Duan Mulin secretly let go, and there was finally something that Senior Qingyang was interested in, otherwise Duanmu's face would be lost this time.

Duanmu Fei, who was next to him, saw the pill in Qingyang's hand, and his face suddenly darkened, and said: "This bottle of pill Yangyuan Pill is after his father broke through the foundation. In order to help him improve his cultivation level as soon as possible, grandpa specially spent a lot of energy. It’s a pity that my father was not lucky. He passed away early due to an accident, and this bottle of pill was useless."

Duan Mulin said: "If Senior Qingyang is interested in this bottle of pill, even take it, but there are only a dozen yuan in total, which is not worth mentioning compared with the great favor of the Duanmu family. , Please seniors to choose some other things, otherwise my Duanmu family will not feel at ease."

The value of a Yangyuan Pill is about ten spiritual stones, and a dozen of them are only more than 100 spiritual stones. It is not as valuable as the ten grass Mingxin Pill of Qingyang. If you don’t take anything anymore, Duanmu family The person must be sad.

Qing Yang also understood this, so he picked up a book next to him. This book was made of special animal skins and was very tough. On the cover, there were four simple characters of Yuan Dan Zhenjie.

Qing Yang flipped through it for a few moments, and was overjoyed. He really fell asleep and met a pillow. This book introduced the most commonly used method for refining the Yuan Dan.

Qing Yang was still worried before, and he had never been in contact with the original pill technique. If he only relied on communicating with others and inquired, he could at most know some furs, which would not be of much use to improving his pill technique. Unexpectedly, this Duan Mu Family Mansion Treasury will have a true explanation of the original pill. With him, he will be able to master a lot of basic things about the art of the pill. Targeted, communicating with people can also grasp the key points.

This original solution of the elemental pill can only be regarded as a relatively basic alchemy book. The above introduces mainly the refining methods of the open pulse realm and the refining period level of the elemental pill. The foundation building period is gone. But this is also not bad. Some is better than nothing. Many principles of alchemy are figured out. First, you have mastered these more basic things, and I'll talk about it later.

After flipping through it for a while, Qing Yang raised this Yuan Danzhen and asked, "I am more interested in this book, can I take it and take a look?"

The monks of Wucheng Island have always valued the art of alchemy. Almost everyone in the five major families has learned the true explanation of this original pill. This book may be more precious to get outside, but it is not a secret to the five big families.

Duanmu Family Zhengshou couldn't come up with good things to express their gratitude. Now that Qingyang took the initiative to express his gratitude, how could they disagree? Duan Mulin nodded hurriedly~www.readwn.com~ and said: "Yes, yes, seniors just take it. Senior Qingyang is going to learn the technique of the pill? Don't worry, all the materials needed are from the Duanmu family. It's all inclusive, you can mention whatever you need."

Qing Yang also had the same idea. He didn't like other things in the Duanmu family. The most useful thing was that this Yuandan was really understood. Since the Duanmu family was so sincere and willing to take the initiative to provide convenience, he would stay here for a while, and wait. Let's talk about mastering the technique of Yuan Dan.

After making up his mind, Qing Yang did not stay in the Duanmu Family Mansion Treasury, but directly put away the Yuan Pill True Solution and the bottle of Yang Yuan Pill, and returned to the yard where he lived.

Not long after Qing Yang returned to his residence, someone from the Duanmu family sent a batch of monster materials for refining pills. The materials have been prepared, a total of fifty copies, all of which are used to refine the Kaimai Pill, and the Duanmu family has done everything that should be done, without Qingyang being distracted.

Qingyang didn't do anything else on the first day. He just studied the Yuan Pill True Explanation several times carefully. After reading it carefully, he found that this Yuan Pill True Explanation really had its own special features.

The monster pill is the essence of the monster beast. Even if the monk directly takes the monster inner pill, it can also be used to improve a certain level of cultivation, but the side effects are also obvious. Taking it can barely suppress it, and if it is taken in large amounts, it will produce some unpredictable changes, and it may become the appearance of human beings and ghosts.

Other monks did not think about how to use the demon pill to refine the medicine that the monks could take, but they could not find a way to completely get rid of the evil spirit and evil spirit in the demon pill.

Therefore, ordinary monks can use the demon pill to feed the demon beast, or simply deal with it, add a small amount to the pill, or use it as one of other energy sources.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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