Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 716: : Refining Yuandan

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And the most critical step of the art of primordial pill is how to get rid of the evil spirits in the monster materials, and turn the violent energy in the monster pill and monster materials into peaceful energy that can be received by the monk’s body, thereby Refining a pill suitable for monks to take.

After reading the whole original explanation of the original pill several times, Qing Yang has a certain understanding of the basic steps of refining the original pill and the disposal of the monster material. He has not even started to get a lot of experience and grasped. The basic method of Yuan Dan refining.

After all, the alchemy is the same. Although there are many differences in the details, the general principles are basically the same. Qingyang itself is already a very good alchemy master, and his talent in the alchemy is relatively high. This aspect is not comparable to ordinary alchemy beginners.

However, the true solution of this original pill has certain flaws, that is, the level of the pill recorded in it is relatively low. Even if Qing Yang has thoroughly studied the mathematics of the whole book, he can only refine low-level medicinal medicinal and Qi-refining pill. , The foundation-building pill he currently lacks most still cannot be refined.

The refining methods of low-level pill and high-level pill are different, and the higher the level of the monster material, the heavier the monster energy and evil energy contained in it, and the processing methods of the material are also different. If you have existing experience or steps, you can learn , It’s easier to master. If you just rely on your own exploration, the year of the monkey may not be successful.

In other words, this Yuan Dan Zhenjie is just a basic elementary book, and there should be more advanced books later. While at the library, Qingyang once asked the Duanmu family whether there was a second volume or a follow-up to this book. The Duanmu family shook their heads blankly. All they learned were this book. I have seen the true explanation of the higher-level Yuan Dan, and even if there is, it is only a word of mouth between individual high-level alchemists, and it has not been spread outside.

Also, there are only a few cultivators in Wucheng Island, the foundation alchemy master is definitely one of the few, and the number of cultivators who can master the high-level yuan pill refining technique is estimated to be pitiful. But it's not without it. Since Duanmu Song can refine this bottle of Yuanyuan Pill for his son, it means that he is at least a foundation pill master, so he must have mastered some methods of refining the foundation pill, and talk with him back. Communication may be rewarding.

Don’t worry now, Qingyang doesn’t even master the low-level Yuan Dan technique, and it’s useless to think so much. First, get familiar with the true explanation of this Yuan Dan, and when you have thoroughly learned the basic Yuan Dan technique, you can use the Yuan Dan technique. Refining Qi Yang Pill and Qi Gathering Pill, it will not be too late to find Duan Mu Song. With his life-saving grace to Duan Mu Family, Duan Mu Song presumably will not hide personalities.

After thinking about these things, Qing Yang didn't delay any more, and directly took the materials and went to the alchemy room in the courtyard, and began to try to refine the Qi Yang Pills taken by the monks of the Open Vessel Realm.

For a foundation-building alchemy master like Qingyang, it is too easy to refine the Qi Yang Pill, that is, it is more difficult to deal with the materials of the monster beast. When he gradually understands the secret of the original pill technique, everything will go smoothly. , Only six or seven materials were used, and it succeeded once.

After that, Qingyang patiently summed up the lessons of failure and successful experience, so that all the precautions and key points are clear, all the steps are extremely proficient, and I feel that there is no problem, and then he continues to refine and nurture. Yuan Dan.

After constant attempts, constant summarization and exploration, Qingyang's success rate of using the technique of Yuan Dan to refine Yang Qi Dan has gradually increased. When all 50 materials have been used, the success rate has exceeded 40%, even if it is compared with the use of Herbal Dan. The success rate of the technique of refining Yangqi Pill is not bad.

With 50 ingredients of Qi Yang Pills, Qing Yang has refined a total of 17 Qi Yang Pills. If it weren't for the low success rate when it first tried, the number of pills might be more.

The Qi Yang Pill was taken by a monk in the Open Vessel Realm, and its low level was not high in value. Qing Yang was too lazy to collect it, so he rewarded it to the servants sent by the Duanmu family to serve him. The undermate only had the cultivation base of the seventh level of the Open Vessel Realm. After getting the Qi Yang Pill, he was grateful and served even more attentively.

After thoroughly mastering the Qi-Gathering Pill refining with the technique of Yuan Dan, four or five days have passed. After that, Qing Yang did not be polite with the Duanmu family, and asked them to prepare some materials for refining Qi-Gathering Pill.

The people of the Duanmu family were shocked that Qingyang was able to refine the Qi Yang Pill in just four or five days, but think about it, he was originally a foundation pill, and he cured the duanmu pine that they were helpless with pill. These things seem to be not so unusual.

Duanmu's efficiency is very high. Qingyang sent the second batch of materials that day, the same as last time, 50 copies, all used to refine Qi Gathering Pill.

Before attempting to use the technique of Yuan Dan, Qing Yang had already understood the whole Yuan Dan in his chest. Whether it was Yang Qi Dan or Qi Gathering Dan, he was very familiar with the refining steps. After obtaining the materials, Qing Yang did not delay time, and directly tried to refine Qi Gathering Pill in the pill room~www.readwn.com~ The Qi Gathering Pill was one level higher than the Qi Yang Pill, and the difficulty of refining was also greatly increased. , But this is only for low-level alchemists. For a foundation-building alchemist like Qing Yang, this difficulty is not a big deal at all, that is, it is slightly more troublesome than before.

The first few attempts failed, but Qing Yang did not show any frustration on his face. Instead, he became more and more confident, because Qing Yang knew very well in his heart that the previous few times were just accumulating experience and exploring the refining of Yuan Dan. The trick, the refining technique that the experiment has just mastered, failure is inevitable, and it is also an indispensable process for everyone to learn alchemy.

After several failures, when Qing Yang mastered some of the key points and gradually became proficient in his techniques, the problems would be less when he tried again. Qing Yang sat quietly in the alchemy room, with a serious expression on his face, his eyes were fixed on the alchemy furnace in front, while his hands were constantly moving, processing various materials, judging the time to add the materials. Dan furnace.

This time the refining seemed to be particularly smooth. After half an hour, I heard a soft buzzing sound from the front, and the pill furnace began to vibrate constantly, just like a furnace boiling water.

After a few breaths, the pill furnace returned to calm, Qing Yang's left hand was a little bit, and the lid on the pill furnace fell aside, and then Qingyang's spiritual thought moved, and a light blue pill fell into his hand.

Hundreds of various materials before, all piled together are estimated to be a bit larger than the entire pill furnace, and the energy contained in them is even more amazing. In the end, only this peanut-sized pill was refined. It can be seen that the energy contained in this pill is huge.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Qing Yang couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face. He finally succeeded. Apart from the color, the breath and effect of the pill in his hand are almost the same as when he used the herbal pill during the Qi refining period. The Qi Gathering Pill refined by the technique is exactly the same.

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