Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 717: : Rescue Duanmu Family

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The biggest difference between the two medicines is that the energy of the pill is slightly more violent. After taking it, you have to endure the slight tingling of the meridians. However, the pill is this feature and cannot be avoided.

During the process of alchemy, the evil spirits and evil spirits in the monster materials have been removed to the greatest extent, this kind of tingling sensation is not very strong, and ordinary monks can easily bear it.

After observing for a while, Qing Yang directly threw the Qi Gathering Pill into his mouth, absorbing the power of the refining pill, and at the same time carefully comprehending the effect of this Yuan Pill.

Qing Yang is now at the foundation building cultivation base, and he usually uses the Yang Yuan Dan to upgrade his cultivation base. The Qi Gathering Pills previously refined with the herb pill technique have little effect on him. This is not only related to the level upgrade. Relationship, but also because of long-term use of Juqi Dan produced drug resistance.

But after taking the Qi Gathering Pill this time, Qing Yang found that the effect of this Qi Gathering Pill was surprisingly good, almost comparable to the first time he took Qi Gathering Pill after breaking through the Qi training. , Which means that my resistance to Qi Pill disappeared.

The Qi Gathering Pill refined with the technique of Herbal Pill and the Qi Gathering Pill refined with the technique of Yuan Pill, although the effect is the same, are two different medicines, and there is no resistance to each other. When one of them is taken too much and drug resistance gradually develops, it is completely possible to change to another pill to take, and the speed of improving the cultivation base will not be weakened in the slightest.

In the past, the improvement of the cultivation base was relatively faster in the early and mid-term, but it was slower in the later period. The reason is that more aura is needed in the later period, and on the other hand, it is also affected by the drug resistance of the elixir. With this elementary pill technique, this problem does not exist, and it can be used in combination with two types of pill to reduce the drug resistance of the pill.

With this discovery, Qing Yang was immediately overjoyed. It seemed that his decision to learn this Yuan Dan technique was right. It was really right to come to Duanmu House, and the hard work of the past few days was not in vain. The only regret is that there is no refining method for the foundation-building period and above in this Yuan Dan Real Solution, and it is impossible to refine the Yang Yuan Dan suitable for Qingyang. I can only see if I can get it in the future.

After a long time, Qing Yang gradually calmed down his mood. I will talk about the future. The most important thing now is to master the art of Yuan Dan as soon as possible. After looking at the remaining more than forty materials, Qing Yang took his thoughts back. Re-start to refine Qi Gathering Pill with the technique of Yuan Dan.

After the first success, Qingyang's refining was much smoother, and it only took ten days to use all the more than forty materials. Not counting the use of the Qingyang test drug, the remaining materials produced a total of 13 Qi Gathering Pills, which was slightly lower than the previous success rate of refining Qi Yang Pills, but in the end it almost reached more than 30%.

This success rate is not high for the Alchemy Master, but Qingyang is a beginner after all, and it only takes more than ten days to achieve this effect. It is already very good. If the monk on Wucheng Island As we know, it is estimated that the glasses can be shocked.

For half a month, Qing Yang barely left home, learned to use the technique of Yuan Dan to refine the pill, and completely mastered the true understanding of the original Yuan Dan in his hand.

Of course, I remember that there are some other special-purpose hybrid pill refining methods, such as healing pill, rejuvenating pill, exorcism pill, bone-strengthening pill, blood-tonifying pill, and so on. Pills and Qi Gathering Pills are not commonly used compared to them. Since they have mastered the basic refining methods of the Yuan Pill technique, Qing Yang didn't bother to try them one by one, and simply gave up.

Counting time, at this time, the toxins in Duanmu Song may have been removed, and at least half of its strength can be restored. Duanmu Song has been tortured by the erosive spirit for two or three years, and it is impossible to fully recover in a short period of time. The rest need to recuperate slowly. As a foundation-building monk, even if his strength is only half restored, he is much stronger than the Qi-refining monk. That is to say, Duan Musong's normal communication is not a problem at all, and there is no need to worry about it affecting healing or detoxification.

The only thing on Wucheng Island that can attract Qingyang is the Yuandan technique, and he has fully grasped the basic things, and the advanced things need to be in-depth exchanges with other alchemists to know. Qingyang decided to take advantage of Duanmu. The family still feels grateful to themselves at this time, and find that Duan Musong to communicate with each other. If the other party is willing to communicate in depth, stay for a few more days.

If the other party is unwilling to say more, then he has nothing to miss on Wucheng Island, and he can say goodbye to the other party directly and continue to the Middle Sands. This elementary pill technique is popular in the Middle Sands, and there should be other places too. It doesn't have to be delayed on these five city islands.

After making a decision, Qing Yang let out a long sigh, then put away the pill that had just been refined, and cleaned up the pill furnace again~www.readwn.com~ Then he got up and walked out of the pill. House.

Opening the isolation formation outside the yard, Qingyang found the Duanmu family servant who had been waiting outside and asked him to inform Duanmusong. He was going to visit him. But before he finished speaking, he saw the guard Duanmu Zhong. Stumbled and ran over.

I don’t know what happened. The Duanmu clock was covered with blood at this time. It seemed that he had just experienced a fierce battle. Seeing Qingyang, the Duanmu clock thumped and knelt on the ground, saying: "Senior Qingyang, something happened to the Duanmu family. Please help save the Duanmu family."

Qingyang has been practicing alchemy in retreat here for the past half month, and he doesn't know what happened outside. Duanmuzhong is injured so badly. Now the situation is very critical. Even when he is on the verge of life and death, he is the Duanmu family anyway. The guest of, can't just watch others destroy the Duanmu family, if you can help, you still have to help.

Qing Yang frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Duanmuzhong said: "Half an hour ago, a group of monks from inside and outside joined forces to break through the protective formation of the city lord’s mansion. After that, the soldiers were divided into two groups, all the way to the backyard where the old man and Uncle Duanmutong were retreating, and the other went straight to the young master and Where the young lady lives, the young master and young lady are lost and arrested. I was the only one who ran out with all my strength. The old lady and Uncle Tong are probably also very auspicious. Senior Qingyang, please help save the Duanmu family."

Qing Yang asked, "What's the situation with the enemy?"

Duanmu Zhong said: "The one who captured the young master and the young lady was a monk in the early days of foundation building. I didn't see the other way, but the other party went straight to the backyard. He must have a good knowledge of the situation there, so there must be some in that way. A cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. Senior Qingyang, my grandfather is still unrecovered, and Uncle Duanmutong is single and lonely. I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the next person. Only you can save the Duanmu family now."

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