Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 718: : Simon Hawk

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When the foundation-building monk is killed, only the foundation-building monk can help, and Duanmu city is going up and down, and it is Qingyang, the foundation-building monk. Duanmu Zhong has long heard from the housekeeper that Senior Qingyang is the foundation-building monk. The third-tier cultivation base is no less powerful than a steward. If he is willing to make a move, Duanmu's chances of winning will be greatly increased. It is also because of this that Duanmu Zhong will take the initiative to seek Qingyang.

After listening to the other party's words, Qing Yang couldn't help but fall into contemplation. Duan Mu Zhong was just a Qi-refining cultivator, and his judgment of the enemy's strength was not necessarily accurate. Just as Qingyang thought before, he was a guest of the Duanmu family. If the Duanmu family was killed, of course they would help a group. But if the enemy is too strong, then you can't mess around, and you must take care of yourself first.

Duan Mulin once said that Duanmu Song was once the first monk of Wucheng Island, and the cultivation base of the base building was seven. If the enemy was a monk from Wucheng Island, the highest cultivation base would not exceed the base six. With Qingyang's current strength, even if he couldn't beat the 6th-layer cultivator, he would still be able to protect himself. In other words, it would not be too dangerous to mix into the Duanmu family.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang has made up his mind, nodded and said: "Don't worry, since I encountered this incident, I will definitely not die. Is the enemy still in the backyard?"

Hearing Qing Yang's willingness to take action, Duanmu Zhong wept with joy, and quickly said, "Thank you, Senior Qingyang, for your help. Yes, those people are still in the backyard. After the early foundation building cultivator caught the young lady and the young master, he also went. To the backyard to help."

Since everyone went to the backyard, it would be easy to handle. Let's check the situation first. Qing Yang didn't say anything else, and jumped up the wall and headed towards the backyard where Duan Musong lived.

At this time, the fighting was raging in the backyard of the Duanmu family. The four figures were divided into two groups to fight each other. On the left, near the gate, was a four-story monk who built the foundation, because his face was wearing a mask to block his spirituality, and his age was indistinguishable. , But judging from his temperament, he seems to be a middle-aged man. His opponent was Duan Moutong. Although the old butler looked old, his strength was not weak at all. He used the three-layer cultivation base to fight against the four-layer cultivator, but he did not lose sight of it.

On the right, near the back hall, is a six-story monk who built the foundation. He also wore a mask to block his spiritual thoughts. Judging from the white beard faintly exposed below, he seemed to be the old man. Of course, this is just a rough guess. The age of the monk is not very easy to judge. Some people may look young, but in fact they are not younger than others.

Opposite this person is Duanmu Pine, the old lady of the Duanmu family. The Duanmu Pine at this time is completely different from half a month ago. It does not have the haggard color before, with sufficient blood, vigorous steps, ruddy complexion, and morbid state. Go, it's like changing someone completely.

However, the current Duanmu Song still has no way to compare with three years ago. He has been tortured by the Erosion Ling San for three consecutive years, and his strength has declined very much. Now he has just removed the toxins from his body, and his strength has not been fully recovered, so he can only play. Out of the strength of the four or five layers of the foundation.

The reason why Duanmusong was able to barely block the attack of the 6th-story monk on the opposite side was more due to his previous combat experience and the extremely strong perseverance of life and death.

But Duan Mu-song knew very well that his strength was far worse than that of the opposite monk. Duan Mu-tong was also struggling to support it. There was no problem in a short time, and it would be defeated sooner or later after a long time. What's even more worrying is that these people were divided into two groups, and one of them went all the way to Duanmu Fei sister and brother. Once they took Duanmu Fei sister and brother as hostages, Duanmu family was all over.

Duan Mutong was anxious, but he didn't know that the horror in the monk opposite him was even worse. He had long ago inquired that Duan Mutong had been poisoned and his strength had not recovered. In the entire Duan Mutong family, only Duan Mutong, a three-story monk who built the foundation, was trying to support it. With their strength Winning the Duanmu family was a breeze.

I didn't know that after I came here, I found out that Duan Musong's poison had been solved at some point, and his strength had recovered for the most part. It completely exceeded his expectations and hit him by surprise. Fortunately, Duanmusong's strength has not been fully restored. If he were to restore the strength of the previous seven-layer foundation, it would not be that they raided the Duanmu family, but was wiped out by the Duanmu family.

Although he was shocked in his heart, the person did not show his sorrow on the surface. After several consecutive attacks, Duanmusong retreated again and again, and then said: "Duanmusong, you know that the toxin has been depleted, but still let people look for some blue-winged fox outside. It's really insidious."

Qingyang cured Duanmusong later, this incident can only be regarded as a blunder. Of course, Duanmusong will not explain the reason, but coldly hummed: "No more sinister than Ximen Ying, three years ago You set a trap to lie in ambush with me, I almost couldn’t come back to Duanmu City, and I have suffered from illness and pain in the past three years. Unexpectedly, a spy was deployed in my Duanmu City today~www.readwn.com~ Li Ying and outside broke Duanmu The city’s protective formation, bringing people to the door to kill, is really deceiving."

Seeing that Duan Musong broke his name, Ximen Ying couldn't help but said, "So you knew it was me?"

Duanmusong said bitterly: "I can do this kind of thing on Five City Island, but who else can be a sinister and cunning man like you Ximen Ying? I just don't understand. What is your intention here? I'm Duanmu City. There is also a Nangong City between you and Ximen City. Even if you destroy Duanmu City, can you manage Duanmu City in the air?"

"What am I doing? Can't you guess what Duanmusong is?" Ximen Ying said.

After listening to Ximen Ying's words, Duan Musong's heart moved and said, "You are for that book?"

Seeing that Duan Musong is no longer pretending to be confused, Ximen Ying said: "You Duan Musong is not only the first person to build the foundation of Wucheng Island, but also the first person of alchemy. In the final analysis, it is because of that book. Whether it is qualification or qualification, Ximen Ying The alchemy talent is no worse than yours, but you always dominate me. In order to improve the alchemy, I would not hesitate to lower my head to ask you for advice, but you always cherish yourself and refuse to disclose at all. Seeing that the once-in-fifty-year alchemy will demand it again In the beginning, I had no choice but to make this bad move."

After listening to Simon Ying's words, Duan Musong finally understood the reason, and in the final analysis it was all because of the book. Because of the book of the Duanmu family, Duanmusong can become the first person in Wucheng Island's alchemy, thus refining more and better Yangyuan Pills, and because of the plentiful pills, he can become the first of the five major families. A monk who broke through the seven layers of foundation building.

It is for this reason that Duanmusong has taken a special interest in this book. Even if other families whispered for advice, Duanmusong would not reveal the key to it. Unexpectedly, Ximen Ying would repeatedly set traps because of jealousy and hatred. Own trouble.

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