Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 725: : Mototan Shinkaku Shimo

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The main hall of the Duanmu family has a huge space. There is a table on the front, and a row of portraits hung on it. The portraits are somewhat similar to Duanmusong. Don’t ask, it must be the ancestors of the Duanmu family. .

After entering the main hall, Duanmusong took Duanmufei's sister and brother to simply worship the ancestors, then turned his head and said to Qingyang: "Friend Qingyang, how do you think I am now?"

Qing Yang said the truth: "In this situation, Daoist Duanmu should have lost his vitality and his foundation has collapsed. He has reached the point where the medicine is difficult to cure. I am afraid that time is short."

Duanmusong sighed and said: "Yes, I was tortured by the erosive spirit for three years. I have severely damaged my foundation and vitality. After a fierce battle, in order to prevent the Duanmu family from being destroyed, I continued to use my secrets. The technique stimulated the potential of the body. In the end, although I repelled Ximen Ying and others, I was completely ruined. The consequences are inevitable. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid that Duanmufei's sister and brother will lose their support, Duanmu family. Then it disappeared."

Qing Yang understood what the other party meant. Although Duanmu Song had been tortured by the Erosion Spirit, there was always hope. Now Duanmu Song is completely hopeless. It's okay that Duanmusong doesn't have an accident, and it's still a shock to other people. Once Duanmusong has an accident, only Duanmutong, a foundation-building monk's Duanmu family, will soon be swallowed by several others.

What do you mean by telling yourself this? Wouldn't it be that you want to stay and take care of Duanmu's family? It is impossible for me to delay too long on Wucheng Island, and I will leave here sooner or later. It is impossible for Duanmu's future to catch my own future.

Duanmusong paused for a moment, and took a breath, then directed at Duanmufei sister and brother: "You two kneel down, thank Daoist Qingyang for his life-saving grace."

Duanmu Fei's sister and brother heard the order without any hesitation, knelt in front of Qing Yang with a plop, and knelt towards him. Qing Yang took a step back calmly, first to talk about the plight of Duanmu family, and then let Sister Duanmufei kneel down and kowtow, what kind of medicine is sold in Duanmu Song gourd?

Qing Yang was surprised and wondered, wouldn't this Duan Musong feel that it was useless to come hard, so he would give himself a soft one, and get a moral kidnap to make himself submissive, right? If this is the case, this Duan Musong may have miscalculated. Everyone is a monk, but not a martial arts hawk in the world. If someone compliments a few words, they will fight for the so-called loyalty.

That Duan Musong seemed to feel Qing Yang's unnaturalness, and smiled faintly, and said, "Daoist Qingyang, don’t be suspicious, I don’t mean anything else. This is also to honor the surprise I mentioned before, and I also want fellow Daoists to agree. I have a small request."

What kind of medicine is sold in this wood pine gourd? Rao Shi Qingyang was very knowledgeable and a little confused. He did not speak, but quietly looked at Duan Musong and waited for the following.

Duanmusong simmered for a while, and said, "Friend Qingyang must also be aware that whether it was a sneak attack and poisoning me three years ago, or a sudden attack on my Duanmu family this time, they are all from the other two families on Wucheng Island. Ximen Ying and Murong Zhu lead people to do it, so fellow Taoists know that they have troubled my Duanmu family over and over again. What are they doing?"

The two families killed each other, either for wealth or revenge. Qingyang knew that Duanmusong would continue to speak, so he shook his head gently, and continued to look at you Duanmusong.

Duan Musong didn't deliberately sway Qing Yang's appetite, and continued: "They are deliberately thinking here, but they are actually for a book, a book about advanced Yuandan art!"

The book that can arouse the coveting of the two masters of Ximenying and Murongzhu is certainly not the one that I got in the Duanmu Family Library, which can only refine the basic essence of Qi Pill and Gathering Pill, at least it should be refined. The Yangyuan Pill or Juyuan Pill, Qing Yang couldn't help but feel a move when he heard this, and said: "Duanmu Daoist said..."

Before Qing Yang finished speaking, Duan Musong smiled and said: "The Daoist Qingyang guessed right, it is the second book of the true understanding of the original essence pill, which can refine the Yuan pill techniques of Yang Yuan Pill and Ju Yuan Pill. "

After listening to Duanmusong's words, Qingyang's interest suddenly increased. The reason why he stayed at Duanmu's house during this period was because of the Yuandan technique. There is a lack of spiritual grass in the middle sand region, and Qing Yangkong has the technique of herbal pill, but he can't refine the Ju Yuan pill used by the foundation-building monks. If he can learn these pill techniques, wouldn’t he be short of pill in his future cultivation? NS?

What's more, there is a higher level of refining method of Juyuan Pill, which is the basic pill used by Golden Pill cultivators to improve cultivation. The more advanced the pill, the more difficult it is to learn. If you can get it all at once this time, There will be no need to worry about the pill in the future.

Regardless of Qing Yang learned a high and deep alchemy at a young age, he also paid a huge price. In order to learn the alchemy ~www.readwn.com~ he spent countless experiences and spent countless spirit stones. , The purchase of materials is indispensable. Others also purchased a large number of alchemy books, spiritual sketches, alchemy prescriptions, and previous experience notes. The cost of spiritual stones is unknown.

This is because he is in the kind of martial art of Qingfeng Temple. One is that the martial art has a profound background and has these things, and the other is that the martial art does not cherish itself and is willing to let disciples learn. If you are outside, you don't have this condition. Not to mention whether there are so many spirit stones to buy materials to improve the alchemy, just those experience notes and alchemy, you have nowhere to learn.

It is precisely for this reason that the alchemists in casual cultivation are so scarce and their level is so low. Outside, even if you worship the alchemist as your teacher, the other party will not easily teach you. First, follow the master to identify the spirit grass for more than ten years, then follow the fire for more than ten years, and then have the opportunity to operate it yourself, etc. When you learn some furs, maybe decades have passed, and your good youth is wasted in other areas.

Qing Yang also knew this in order to stay in Duanmu City for such a long time. Knowing that after leaving here, it would be difficult to come into contact with the profound Yuandan technique. If everything depends on your own exploration, then how long can you improve?

Now I heard that this Duan Musong’s family actually has the second volume of the true solution of the Yuan Dan, which can refine the Yang Yuan Dan and Ju Yuan Dan, Qing Yang will definitely not give up easily, even if he needs to pay a huge price, Qing Yang will look at it. Can you get this alchemy book?

However, Qing Yang also had doubts. Although the pill technique was important, it was not something that a monk was indispensable, and it was not a rare practice technique and secret technique in the world. I can't make a pill by myself, so I can buy it with spirit stones, so why take a huge risk to **** Duanmu Song, the former No. 1 monk on Wucheng Island?

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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