Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 726: : 0 Tetanou

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Seeing Qingyang’s doubts, Duan Musong said directly: “Fellow Qingyang will definitely have doubts in his heart, but it’s just a pill book, completely something outside of the body, so why should they take such a big risk? It's a long story."

"Could it be that there is a hidden secret in it?" Qing Yang asked.

Duan Musong nodded and said, "This is from the origin of our Wucheng Island. Wucheng Island was originally called Danwang Island instead of Wucheng Island. About hundreds of years ago, Zhongsha Region was born. A very famous alchemy master, known as the Thousand-Handed Pill King, the pill king has one-handed Yuan Dan technique. The pill he refines is not only the golden pill monk's dream, but even the Yuan Ying monk is full of praise."

Under normal circumstances, only if the success rate of refining an open pulse realm pill reaches 30% or more, it can be called an open pulse pill master. The success rate of the basic-level pill is over 30% before it is considered to be a foundation-building pill. Now Qingyang's pill, if it were a single herb pill, it would have long surpassed the general foundation-building pill.

The base-building alchemy is further up, it is the golden alchemy, because it is particularly difficult to achieve the golden alchemy, and the golden alchemy is almost at the top level among the alchemists, and the number is particularly scarce, so the golden alchemy It is usually called the king of pill by monks, which means king of pill.

In the entire Jiuzhou Continent, there were no more than three Pill Kings. Almost all of them were in the Jinding Pavilion. Among them, the real jade **** was the most, but it was a pity that the real jade **** fell in the Yinfeng Gorge. As for the alchemists of other sects, even the director of the Alchemy Academy of Qingfeng Hall, he is a senior alchemy master when he reaches the sky, and he can be regarded as a quasi-pill king by putting gold on his face.

And the Thousand-Hand Pill King Duan Musong said was exaggerated in his words, but it should be called the Pill King by everyone, and there should be no doubt about the original pill technique.

Following Qing Yang's thoughts, Duanmu Song continued to say: "The King Thousand-Handed Pill is amazing and amazing, and he is sought after by many forces in the Middle Sands. It is just that the King of Thousand-Handed Pill has a strange personality, so he had to study the pill. I don’t like to interact with people. In order to avoid being disturbed to practice alchemy, I moved to a remote island with my apprentice. Every day I just practice in secret. The remote island is called King Dan’s Island, which is Wucheng Island now."

"The King Qianshou Pill has a total of five apprentices, named Duanmu, Nangong, Ximen, Murong, and Baili. They are the ancestors of the five major families on Wucheng Island. My ancestor of the Duanmu family is one of the big brothers. They were all used in the training of alchemy, and they didn't care about the teaching of the apprentices, so the five apprentices didn't have much success in cultivation, and they all stopped at the foundation building stage."

"Because the King Thousand Hands Pill moved to this island, some monks followed one after another, so this deserted island gradually gained popularity, so after the King Thousand Hands Pill a hundred years later, the five apprentices simply stayed there. On this island, the island was renamed Wucheng Island."

"The most important thing the King Thousand-Handed Pill passed down to the five apprentices is the one-handed pill. Because of the limitation of cultivation level, all five of them can only be regarded as a foundation-building pill master. No one can meet the requirements of the King of Pills. Regrettably, before he died, he set up the King Danhui on Danwang Mountain in the middle of the island. Only those who can pass the tests can truly inherit his mantle."

Duan Musong quickly explained the origins of Wucheng Island and the Danwanghui, while Qingyang was full of enthusiasm when he heard the Danwanghui? King Dan's mantle? If you have the opportunity to inherit the mantle of King Pill, you won't have to worry about the pill technique again in the future.

But Qing Yang also knew that it was impossible. He was an outsider, how could he have the opportunity to participate in any Danwang meeting? And hundreds of years have passed, and none of the five major families has passed the test of King Pill. How can a person who has only learned the art of the original pill for more than a month pass the test?

Qing Yang was curious and couldn't help asking, "What is going on with King Dan?"

Duan Musong said: "The King Pill Meeting is held every fifty years. Regardless of the level of cultivation, regardless of age or sex, descendants of the five major families can participate. There are no restrictions. Since the first King Pill Meeting, it has been five or six. In a hundred years, the Danwang Meeting has also been held eleven times."

"The five major families of Wucheng Island are all descendants of King Pill. Presumably, King Pill is extraordinary. Every time King Pill will pass the test, there should be a lot of them?" Qing Yang said.

Hearing Qing Yang's words, Duan Musong shook his head and said: "On the contrary, except for the first Pill King meeting, all five of Pill King's apprentices passed the first pass and stopped at the second pass. The next Pill King meeting No more than three people can pass the first pass each time, especially in the last few Danwang meetings, often only one person has passed the first pass, sometimes not even one."

Not even one? Is the test set by Danyang so difficult? Qing Yang couldn't help but frowned~www.readwn.com~ No wonder no one can get the mantle of King Thousand Hands Pill for hundreds of years.

Duan Musong knew Qing Yang's thoughts, sighed, and said: "Innate talent is one aspect, and the loss of alchemy is also on the other. All kinds of accidents are even worse. The alchemy passed down by King Thousand-Handed Pill is the same, only My ancestor of the Duanmu family recorded the second volume collection of Yuandan Zhenjie. The other four were passed on by word of mouth. Some had accidental inheritance interruption in the middle. The first book of Yuandan is really solved."

Qing Yang finally understood, and said: "The pill skills of Ximen Ying and Murongzhu have been lost, and they want to get good results at the Pill King Meeting, and even get the true biography of the Thousand Hand Pill King, so they will do whatever they can. Is this the reason why he came to the Duanmu family to seize it?"

Duanmusong nodded and said, "This is almost the reason, but they also think things are too simple. It is true that I have a pill technique in the Duanmu family, Volume 2 is true, but is it so easy to master? If I didn’t have the foundation of the Duanmu family, I went out and practiced for a while when I was young, otherwise, how could I have the current alchemy? They thought things too simple, thinking that if I grab the true solution of the alchemy, I can get thousands King Pill's mantle?"

"Human nature is like this. Sometimes it's hard to say. Maybe people think that they are talented. After having the pill book, they will be able to advance by leaps and bounds; maybe they are jealous of you and think that one less competitor has a better chance of winning." Qing Yang Casually.

"The chance of winning is greater? King Dan will have a total of three levels. Hundreds of years ago, five of King Dan’s apprentices could not pass the second level. Why did he think he could succeed if he got a true solution of the original pill? Wang Hui is too simple, right?" Duan Musong said angrily.

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