Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 730: :Fake Huwei

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Senior Qingyang has become Duanmu's family? That is to say, the Duanmu family has since added a foundation-building monk with superb alchemy? There are three foundation-building monks in the Mu family at the back end, even if they are not much different from their Nangong family, especially among them is Duan Musong, the first monk in Wucheng Island, who dares to insult the Mu family at the back end? It seems that Duanmu family is really going to be developed.

Unexpectedly, the Duanmu family really got a blessing in disguise this time. Not to mention the catastrophe a month ago. Duanmusong also relieved the strange poison that had tortured him for three years. More importantly, the Duanmu family gained a superb elixir. The foundation-building monk restored the declining trend for many years.

Thinking that these three changes were all caused by Senior Qingyang alone, Nangong Rui regretted that such a master, such a clever alchemist, had missed it.

If I had a long-term vision at the beginning, and if I insisted on it at the beginning, wouldn't Senior Qingyang belong to the Nangong family? Isn't he a great hero of the Nangong family? With Senior Qingyang joining, the strength of the Nangong family will definitely increase dramatically.

It's a pity that everything is too late now. This senior Qingyang has become Duanmu's family, and it is impossible to be wooed. Moreover, in front of Duanmusong, Nangong Rui dare not make small moves.

Now that the Duanmu family's revival is unstoppable, the Duanmu family is no longer what their Nangong family can handle. He must rush back to Nangong City as soon as possible, and report everything that happened in Duanmu City to his grandfather Nangong Chi, so as not to make it in the family. Wrong judgment.

Thinking of this, Nangong Rui hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "I didn't expect Qingyang senior not only to have a high level of cultivation, but also a master of alchemy. He also became a guest of the Duanmu family. It is really gratifying to congratulate the Nangong family for three times. I’m not an outsider to attend the family banquet. I’m here in a hurry. After I return, my Nangong family will prepare a generous gift to celebrate the happy event of the Duanmu family."

Duan Musong is also a veteran monk. You don’t need to guess that you know that Nangong Rui is in a hurry to go back, so he doesn’t stop him, saying: “So let’s be negligent. Go back and tell your grandfather Nangong Chi. I remember all his kindness. I will return it if I have the opportunity."

In recent years, although the Nangong family did not blatantly suppress the Duanmu family like Ximenying and Murongzhu, they still did a lot of small moves. Fortunately, Duanmu Song didn't delve into it in the end, Nangong Rui wiped a cold sweat secretly, and left Duanmu's house in a panic.

Qing Yang watched Duan Musong's performance in front of Nangong Rui and nodded secretly. He was indeed a veteran monk. This trick was just right, and it completely bluffed Nangong Rui.

When Nangong Rui came here at this time, he must have been ordered by the family to inquire about the news. Duan Musong used the plan to perform such a performance in front of Nangong Rui. If you are facing a foundation-building monk at this time, Duanmusong’s hole cards will be seen through. Fortunately, Nangongrui only has the cultivation base during the refining period, plus Duanmusong’s seven points are true and three points are false, which will result in a misjudgment. It's normal.

There are some things that the Mu family can’t take the initiative to talk about, so Nangong Rui, who happened to be the meeting, became the best messenger. The news that he took the initiative to spread out would definitely be unconvincing. If it was spread by the Nangong family, Others will not doubt casually.

As for today's performance, can he finally deceive the old and cunning people of the other big families, Duan Musong dare not pack the tickets, but he can only do this. At least the fact that Daoist Qingyang joined the Duanmu family temporarily is true. People from the other big families will definitely weigh the pros and cons. If they feel unsure, they will never provoke the Duanmu family again.

The Duanmu family was temporarily relieved, and everyone was relieved. After sending Nangong Rui to leave, the Duanmu family also held a small family banquet to celebrate Qingyang as a member of the Duanmu family.

Wucheng Island is located in a remote area and lacks resources. The family banquet is nothing more than ordinary spiritual objects. It is nothing unusual, but the atmosphere is very warm. Duanmu family has been doing things over the years. Everyone is sighing in their hearts. Today It was finally released.

After the family banquet, Qing Yang returned to the yard where he lived, closed the protective formation outside, and then came to the alchemy room, and took out the second volume of the original original pill.

This Yuan Dan Zhen Jie is also made of unknown animal skins. It is a thick and large one. The page of the Yuan Dan Jie Jie is as thin as a cicada's wings but is extremely tough. After hundreds of years, it has not been damaged. It is densely packed. Many things are recorded. Duanmusong only gave three days, Qing Yang did not dare to delay the slightest, turned the pages of the book calmly, and quickly became immersed in the book.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, Qing Yang read the whole book many times~www.readwn.com~ With the strong memory of the foundation monk, the whole book has been deeply carved into his mind. Here, it is very difficult to forget. However, this can only be regarded as rote memorization. Qing Yang has not digested the contents yet. This book is much more difficult than the first volume of Yuan Dan Zhenjie, and needs to be studied slowly in the future.

By comparing with the first volume of Yuan Dan Zhenjie, Qing Yang has discovered many differences. The biggest difference is that the first volume is detailed and comprehensive. It contains many basic things, covering almost all aspects of low-level Yuan Dan. , There is even a lot of understanding and play.

The second volume is much simpler. The content recorded in it is relatively small, and there is no room for use. Especially the second half of the original explanation of the original essence, the contents of the Jindan-level pill, the record is very dry and concise. For example, the refining of pill refining is simply a refining step, without many precautions, and there is no understanding and exertion of its own.

Qing Yang knew the reason. The ancestor of the Duanmu family who recorded this book was just a foundation-building pill at the time. He could no longer be familiar with the low-level pill, such as the open pulse realm and the refining period pill. No problem, even supernormal performance.

As for the second volume of the True Explanation of the Yuan Pill, the foundation-building level pill is better to say. The golden pill level, the ancestor of the Duanmu family does not know it, let alone understand it. What the King Shoudan said was forcibly recorded, and then slowly figured out.

It’s no wonder that Wucheng Island did not have a brilliant alchemist later. This inheritance and dating is also a big problem. The ancestors of the Duanmu family will not be able to hear and see by the Qianshou Pill King, let alone his descendants. This simple book is really difficult to learn.

Qing Yang took the Yuan Pill to really solve the second volume, and was a little disappointed in his heart. There was still a gap between what he imagined. The book remembers that it is so simple, and it takes a lot of energy to learn.

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