Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 731: :5 years

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But there is better than nothing. There are still five years away from the Pill King Association. With his super high pill skills, it is not a problem to master the refining of the base-building period pill pill. It is not difficult to pass the first level. It should be Can get the opportunity to soak in Dan Chi.

As for the second and third levels of the Nadan King Meeting, Qing Yang was not sure at all, and now he didn't dare to have too many extravagant hopes, and then he could only look at God's will.

The three-day appointment time has come, Qing Yang did not delay a moment, directly found Duanmu Song, and returned the second book of Yuan Pill True Solution to him. The Duanmu family had also prepared a batch of refining materials for Qingyang for a long time, and there were more than one hundred copies, enough for Qingyang to use for a long time.

Qing Yang said his words, and took Duanmu Fei's sister and brother back to the small courtyard where he lived, explaining the basic herbal pill technique to them, and it took two days. Sister Duanmufei has some basic alchemy, many things are interlinked, and the learning efficiency is very high. When the time comes, Qingyang finds a spiritual sketch book and throws it to the two of them, so that they can read it by themselves.

After Duanmufei's sister and brother left, Qingyang shut himself in the alchemy room and became familiar with the method of refining the Yangyuan Pill. He didn't use those materials, but sat quietly on the ground, filtering the refining methods of the Yangyuan Pill over and over again in his mind. What kind of techniques are needed to process materials, whether one's own techniques are proficient, will it affect the refining of pills, where are the difficulties in matching materials, how to deal with any problems encountered, and so on.

This situation lasted for nearly ten days, until Qing Yang felt that he had mastered all the steps of refining Yang Yuan Dan by using the technique of Yuan Dan, and there were no more problems. Qing Yang then took out a piece of material. , Began to try refining.

Naturally, the first refining failed, and Qing Yang's mood was not affected at all. He knew that this was the only way to go. Even if he was proficient in his heart, he would make mistakes when he did it. Qing Yang didn't clean up the pill furnace, but quietly looked at the residue in the pill furnace, thoughtfully.

After a long time, it seemed that he had figured out the problem, Qing Yang adjusted his mood a little, took out another material, and continued to try to refine the Yangyuan Pill.

Failed, failed, failed again, failed again, Qingyang failed more than a dozen times in a row after that, a lot of materials were wasted, but he didn't even refine a single vitality pill, he couldn't help being a little impatient, even right. I have doubts about my alchemy talent. Is this the same alchemy wizard who once refined the foundation pill during the refining period?

Seeing that half a month passed, but the refining of the Yangyuan Pill had not been successful, Qingyang had to end the retreat and found Duanmu Song for advice. Duan Musong didn't say much, but simply talked about some of his own experience in refining the Yangyuan Pill. After some exchanges, Qing Yang felt that he had benefited a lot, so he returned to his residence and continued to refine the Yangyuan Pill.

Perhaps the things Duanmusong said were really useful, perhaps Qingyang came out to adjust his mentality, or perhaps it was too lucky to stop it. After retreating, Qingyang refined Yangyuan in the first attempt. Pill, although the quality of pill is not very high.

With the first success, things will be easier to handle afterwards. With the increase in the number of refining, Qingyang’s success rate is getting higher and higher. When it reaches 50 materials, Qingyang’s success rate is only More than 10%, by the time one hundred materials are reached, the success rate has reached the early 20%, and more than one hundred materials have been used up, Qingyang’s success rate has reached nearly 30%, which is 30% of the success rate required by Zhuji Danshi. It's a little worse, but it's not much worse.

With more than one hundred materials, Qing Yang produced more than 30 Yang Yuan Pills, plus the dozen or so he had previously obtained in the Duanmu Family Mansion, almost enough for him to use for a whole year.

With the use of pill, Qingyang's cultivation did not fall. In the following days, he took two days a month to teach Duanmufei sister and brother's alchemy. At other times, he would retreat in the courtyard where he lived to improve his cultivation. , Practicing concentrating determination, and occasionally practicing sword formation.

As for alchemy, without Qingyang's urging, Duanmu's family would send him a batch of materials for the nourishing pill every six months, each time there were more than one hundred copies. Duan Musong didn't know to what extent Qingyang's pill technique had been upgraded, but he could guess that Qingyang could already develop the Yangyuan Pill. As for the success rate, it would certainly not be too high.

Duan Musong himself had mastered the refining method of Yangyuan Pill 60 or 70 years ago, and now the success rate can be more than 30%. Qingyang, a beginner, can be more than 10%.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Duanmu's family only sends out materials every six months. According to the success rate of over 10% ~ www.readwn.com~, the pill produced is almost just enough for Qingyang. Little did he know that Qingyang's success rate in refining the Yangyuan Pill reached 30% after half a year, and more than one hundred materials were enough to make nearly fifty pill. In addition to his own use, there was still a large number of pills left.

Time flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, more than four years have passed. Qing Yang's cultivation has already reached the top level of building the three layers of foundations. Like his previous guess, he encountered a small bottleneck. Unable to break through to the middle of the foundation building, it seems that I can only wait for the Danwang meeting.

Perhaps it was Duanmusong’s performance in front of Nangong Rui last time, perhaps it was that Duanmusong’s reputation as the first monk of Wucheng Island was still useful, or it was Qingyang’s presence that made others dare not act rashly. These years Everything was safe in Duanmu's house. Not only Nangong's house, but Ximen Ying and Murongzhu didn't bother. It seemed that they were really scared.

In more than four years, the Duanmu family has changed a lot. Duanmu Fei’s cultivation base has reached the ninth level of Qi refining, and Duanmulin’s strength has reached the fifth level of Qi refining. Duanmu Song has not changed much, but is getting older and older.

Originally Duan Moutong had no chance, but Qing Yang had accumulated more and more Yang Yuan Dan, so he gave him some. After five years of getting along, Qingyang and Duanmu's family still had a bit of incense. He couldn't bear to see the Duanmu family's decline after he left, so he gave Duanmutong some nourishing pill in the name of trying pill, luck was good, Duanmutong Sure enough, it broke through to the middle stage of foundation building.

With Duanmutong, a monk in the middle of the foundation building, even if Qingyang leaves in the future, other families will not dare to provoke the Duanmu family casually, because a monk in the middle of the foundation has a stronger deterrent than Qingyang, an outsider, unless it is Duanmu Song is an empty matter exposed, or other families unite to attack Duanmu City, otherwise there will be nothing wrong with Duanmu City.

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