Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 732: : Ju Yuan Dan

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As Duanmusong said, Duanmufei’s elder brother and sister’s alchemy talents are still very good. After learning the art of herbal pill from Qingyang for a few years, the two not only learned to use the technique of herbal pill to refine Qi-yang Pill and Qi-gathering pill. , Even the original technique of the original pill has been greatly improved.

It’s just that it’s not easy to find the materials for Cao Dan. Duanmu’s family collects some outside. Qingyang collects some from his own drunken gourd, and barely collects enough materials for Duanmu Fei’s practice. Because the materials are precious, both of them are Only dare to try if you are confident enough.

After all, Duan Mulin's strength is lower, and he can master the refining of Qi Gathering Pill. Duanmu Fei is different. After she was able to refine Qi Gathering Pill using the technique of Herbal Pill, Duanmu Song gave her special training and personally taught her to use the technique of Yuan Pill to refine the Yang Yuan Pill. It seemed that Duanmusong didn't place all hopes on Qingyang, but still hoped that his granddaughter could fight for the Duanmu family at the Pill King Meeting.

After more than four years of training, Qingyang’s Yuan Dan technique is not much different from the grass Dan technique. The success rate of refining the Yang Yuan Dan has already exceeded 40%. Looking at the time, there is only a few left before the Pill King Meeting begins. Within months, Qing Yang had more expectations for King Pill.

He found Duanmu Song and made an unexpected request to him, asking the Duanmu family to help collect a batch of Juyuan Pills for the Jindan monks to improve their cultivation. In other words, Qingyang wanted to try to use the Yuandan Refining Jindan-level Ju Yuan Dan.

Duan Musong was very surprised by this request. He has been a foundation alchemist for decades, and now he dare not try to refine Juyuan Dan, because the difficulty is too high, only the quasi-gold alchemist or the senior foundation alchemist. Only when Daoist Qingyang came into contact with the Yuan Dan technique, he had only learned to nourish the Yuan Dan for more than four years. How could he dare to try to refine the Ju Yuan Dan? The ignorant is really fearless.

Since Qingyang made the request, Duanmu's family had to follow suit. With Qingyang in charge these years, Duanmu's family was safe, and no one dared to provoke them anymore. No amount of spirit stones could be bought. Regardless of whether it is the ignorant and fearless, or Qingyang's whimsical, even if these materials are wasted by him, the Duanmu family will meet this request by Qingyang no matter what.

Duanmusong has no hope for whether Qingyang can make Juyuan Dan. For hundreds of years in the entire Wucheng Island, no one after the King of Thousand Hands has been able to make it. Qingyang has only learned the pill for a few years. Outsiders, how can Ho De be successful?

To put it bluntly, Duan Musong agreed to prepare materials, that is to deal with Qing Yang, spend some spirit stones with him to play around, and when Qing Yang knew the difficulty, he naturally gave up.

Of course, this joke also has to pay a huge price. The materials of the Juyuan Pill are not cheap. One serving costs 20 to 30 spiritual stones, and more than one hundred copies are nearly 4,000 spiritual stones. For more than four years, Qingyang All the materials consumed add up to nothing more, and Duanmu Song is also very distressed. But thinking about this person saving the lives of Duanmu's family, and protecting Duanmu's safety for five years, so that Duanmu's family will not suffer catastrophe, these spirit stones seem to be nothing.

Duanmu's work efficiency is still very high. Duanmusong specially sent Duanmutong out. About a month later, he gathered more than one hundred materials and sent them to Qingyang's residence.

Looking at more than one hundred pieces of Juyuan Pill materials, Qing Yang took a deep breath. The difficulty of Juyuan Pill refining is unimaginable, not only because Juyuan Pill is a golden pill level medicine, but Qingyang is just a building block. Ji Dan master, there is a level difference between them, and because of the fact that the second volume of the original essence pill really explains the introduction of the original pill, only a simple record of the pill prescription and refining steps, nothing else, what needs to be paid attention to, What is the difficulty, what are the requirements for material handling, and whether there are taboos in the combination of main medicine and auxiliary medicine, these are all things that Qingyang needs to explore by himself.

This is the first time Qingyang has encountered this kind of situation after learning alchemy for so many years. Without the experience and lessons of predecessors, he can only rely on himself for everything. Perhaps after all these more than one hundred materials were used up, he couldn't get a pill, so he had to give up at that time. The materials of the Ju Yuan Pill were so expensive that Qing Yang was too embarrassed to have a second time. Moreover, Wucheng Island is remote and lacks resources. Even if Qingyang is desperate to ask for it, Duanmu's family may not be able to gather the second batch.

But no matter how difficult it is, he still has to try. Qing Yang temporarily put the materials aside, then closed his eyes, and filtered the second volume of Yuan Dan Zhenjie in his mind. There are many contents in the book, and there are also many parts about Ju Yuan Dan. Whether it was useful or not, Qing Yang was all familiar with it again.

The subsequent procedure is the same as refining the Yangyuan Pill. Qingyang sits quietly, filtering the refining steps of the Juyuan Pill over and over again~www.readwn.com~ familiarize with the process and find out the difficulties. However, there is too little experience about the refining of Juyuan Dan in the original solution for reference. This process is much faster, but faster is not necessarily a good thing. It also means that many aspects are not considered, and the possibility of problems in the future. Greatly increased, the chance of successfully refining Ju Yuan Dan is also lower.

Five days later, Qing Yang felt that he was almost ready, and only then began the first refining. I lighted the spirit material to bake the pill furnace. After the temperature of the pill furnace reached a certain level, Qing Yang took a piece of material at hand, followed the method recorded in the original explanation of the original pill, simply processed the material, and then threw it into the previous one. In the pill furnace.

When the material enters the furnace, it is smelted by the high temperature of the pill furnace, and some changes gradually occur. Qing Yang's keen perception can even detect that the evil spirit in the material is driven away. At this time, Qing Yang went to another piece of material, and after some processing, he saw the right time and added it to the pill furnace.

Refining alchemy is not an easy task. It seems that Qing Yang is sitting there calmly. In fact, he is already nervous to the extreme. Taking materials, handling materials, controlling fire and furnace, just two hands are not enough. The constant cooperation of divine consciousness is required. Observing the condition of the material, judging the heat, and staring at the reflection in the furnace, also requires divine mind and eye interaction, and you have to devote yourself to it. Therefore, one time of alchemy is no less than a bad battle.

Fortunately, Qing Yang has refined countless pill since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, and he has been familiar with this process for a long time. Apart from the difficulty of the pill this time, he can adapt to others.

Two quarters later, there was a burst of noise in the pill furnace, followed by a burnt smell, and the first refining failed. The expression on Qing Yang's face was calm, and there were no other unnecessary movements. He sat there quietly, filtering all the steps he had gone through before in his mind, analyzing the reasons, and looking for the mistakes.

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