Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 733: : 1 and a half

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The 733rd chapter of the drunk fairy gourd: 15%

After a long time of thinking, he found the problem, Qing Yang adjusted his mentality a little, and started the second refining. After that, every attempt of Qingyang was similar to the previous one. If it failed, we should look for the cause, wait for the problem to be found, and continue to try after adjustment.

Unknowingly, five or six days passed, Qing Yang tried more than 30 times in a row, but also failed more than 30 times. In other words, he wasted more than 30 pieces of materials, but he didn't succeed even once. Qing Yang didn't appear to be impatient like the last time he refined the Ju Yuan Pill, nor did he doubt his talents, nor even got up to relax, because he knew it was inevitable.

The improvement of alchemy is not as easy as imagined, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is to upgrade. The reason why Qingyang is so easy to become an alchemist in the Qingfeng Palace is because of the high starting point. He has a lot of experience to refer to. He stands in the Qingfeng Palace. On the shoulders of the predecessors.

Now it’s different. There is no previous experience to refer to. Everything needs to be explored by yourself. The difficulty can be imagined. If the refining of the Ju Yuan Dan can be successful as before, the Dan King would have gone all over that day instead of Like now, King Pill seems to be rarer than Yuan Ying monk.

Therefore, alchemy tests a monk’s comprehensive abilities, including not only the level of cultivation, the amount of true essence, the intensity of divine consciousness, but also the monk’s vision, determination, talent, and even the monk’s temperament, perseverance, adaptability, and resistance to pressure. and many more.

If it were other monks who failed dozens of times in a row and wasted materials worth nearly a thousand spirit stones, they were already rolling all over the floor distressedly, but Qing Yang did not have this problem. The thirty-odd pieces of materials seem to be a lot, but to Qing Yang's net worth, they are nothing, besides, these materials are not his own at all, so there is no need to feel distressed at all.

A good mentality is the key to success. Qingyang is completely unaffected by other factors. After failing to sum up experience, he started again. After repeated attempts and wasted more than 50 pieces of materials, he finally succeeded in refining a polycarbonate. Yuan Dan.

Looking at the Ju Yuan Dan in my hand, I was happy, and finally succeeded. The total value of more than 50 materials is almost more than one thousand spirit stones. It took so many spirit stones to refine a Ju Yuan worth less than one hundred. Yuan Dan, the success rate can be said to be low and scary, so it is said that a good alchemist is piled up with materials. Without strong support, it is difficult to cultivate a smart alchemist.

I remembered that when the Qi refining period was consummated, I had refined two Jizhu Pills with only ten materials. Now I think of it, it is full of luck, and I was really courageous at that time.

Of course, Jiyuan Pill can be successful, this is also because of the different difficulty of the two. Juyuan Pill is a golden pill level medicine. The Jiyuan Pill is refined by the Jiyuan Pill. It is as difficult to break through the Jindan realm. The foundation-building pill is a foundation-building pill. Although it belongs to the more difficult ones, Qingyang had already upgraded the pill to the level of the foundation-building pill because of the large-scale refining of Qi-gathering pill at that time. The difficulty of elixir refining is relatively small.

Qing Yang even thought that if he could skillfully refine the Ju Yuan Dan and increase his success rate to more than 30%, then he would be a Jin Dan master. If he tried to refine the Jin Dan Dan used by the Foundation-Building monks to break through the Jin Dan period, I’m afraid this is also the case. It’s just that the material for the Jindan is even rarer, and its value is even more outrageous. If you make a mistake, you may lose thousands or tens of thousands of spirit stones. If you have a chance, I don’t know if I can return it. As calm as before.

Thinking a bit far away, Qing Yang quickly pulled his thoughts back and looked at the Ju Yuan Dan in his hand. He did not continue to refine the next material, but sat there and savored what happened just now. Analyze the problem and sum up the experience if it succeeds in order to improve.

With the first successful experience, Qing Yang became more confident when he refined the Ju Yuan Dan. After trying, summing up, and improving, Qing Yang’s alchemy was also making rapid progress. Then, when one hundred materials were used up, Qing Yang already had four Ju Yuan Pills in his hands, which was equivalent to the success of more than forty materials after three times.

After more than one hundred materials were used up, the number of Ju Yuan Dan in Qing Yang's hand reached eleven, and the success rate was almost 15%. This success rate is far behind the real Golden Core Pill Master. If you help people refine the Ju Yuan Pill at this level, it is estimated that you can lose your life.

But for Qingyang, this beginner is already very good. You know, many senior golden core monks who have learned alchemy do not have this level, and Qingyang only has the cultivation base to build the three-story peak, and has reached a lot of gold. The height that Brother Dan couldn't reach was extremely shocking.

More than one hundred materials are worth almost four thousand spirit stones, which is also a heavy burden for the Duanmu family. The key point is that these materials are more difficult to find. I'm not ashamed to ask Duanmusong again.

It is already very good to be able to raise the pill technique to this level. Qing Yang didn't dare to have any extravagant hopes. As for the pill king's meeting, he did his best to obey the destiny, how could the pill king mantle be so easy to get?

Qingyang didn't ask for it, and Duanmusong was happy to pretend to be confused. Duanmu's rejuvenation also requires a lot of resources ~www.readwn.com~ can't all be wasted on Qingyang. In his mind, Qing Yang's refining of Ju Yuan Dan must have failed. I am afraid that more than one hundred materials have not been refined even one Ju Yuan Dan. This must be the reason, Qing Yang is embarrassed to find himself again. .

It took almost a month for more than one hundred materials to be used up. During this time, in order to improve the alchemy, it can be said that the tension is extremely high, the consumption of divine consciousness is extremely serious, the spirit is tense for a long time, and the attention cannot be relaxed. Even the foundation-building cultivator can't stand it for a long time, and that kind of deep-seated fatigue can hardly be relieved in a short time.

For a period of time after that, Qing Yang didn't do anything else, just repaired in the quiet room every day, improved his strength, relieved fatigue, and prepared for the upcoming Pill King Meeting.

Of course, at a fixed time each month, Duanmu Fei sister and brother will come to Qingyang’s courtyard to learn the art of herbal pill. After nearly five years of study, both of them have greatly improved their pill, especially Duanmu. Fei, had already come into contact with a lot of knowledge of foundation-building level pill, and the questions he asked for were getting deeper and deeper, and he seemed to have ideas about the coming pill king.

The start of the Danwang meeting is getting closer and closer. Duanmu’s house is very busy during the ups and downs. On the one hand, it is preparing for the upcoming Danwang meeting. On the other hand, it is also close to the five-year appointment. Qingyang is very busy. We are about to leave, Duanmu family needs to plan ahead.

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