Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 734: : Ties

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The 734th chapter of the drunk fairy gourd: ties

After losing Qingyang’s care, the Duanmu family must be struggling. If you let others know that Duanmusong is just an empty shelf, the Duanmu family will probably be in a situation where it will never recover. Fortunately, the strength of the old housekeeper Duanmutong has improved to the middle of the foundation, compared with other families. It's a little bit, but it's not too bad. A little bit of attention should be fine.

For the time being, Duanmu's situation is aside. In addition to the improvement of his own strength on Qingyang's side, the iron-armed monkey and the alcoholic bee have also changed a lot. Not long after the Iron-armed Monkey came to Duanmu House in Qingyang, he successfully broke through to Tier 5, because the Tier 6 Demon Pill had not been fully refined, and Qing Yang often fed him the Yuan Pill. The strength of the Iron-armed Monkey has been steadily improving in the year, and now its comprehensive strength has surpassed that of the ordinary five-layer foundation-building monks.

Over the years, the Iron-armed Monkey has been cultivating the blood-bathing bodybuilding skills that Qingyang obtained from Huaqing Yaodong Mansion. The defense ability of the whole body has been greatly enhanced, and the physical strength is comparable to the low-grade defense spirit weapon, even among the monsters of the same rank. It is also enough to be in the forefront. If there is a battle, you don't even need to use foreign objects, and only rely on physical attacks and defenses to fight the same tier cultivator.

However, in recent years, he has not encountered any danger. Qingyang has not let the Iron-armed Monkey come out to help in the fight. It is not possible to estimate the true strength of the Iron-armed Monkey, but Qingyang feels that if he does not use the three-dimensional sword formation, Probably not the opponent of the Iron-armed Monkey.

The strength of the entire alcoholic bee colony has also grown a lot. Now the total number of alcoholic bees has exceeded 500. Every time they fly over, they are a large piece of yellow orange. Most of them are ordinary alcoholic bees, but the purple back is addictive. There are also a lot of wine bees, at least forty or fifty.

In recent years, the six bees will gradually advance in the past few years, becoming the spirit worms of the foundation building period, and also become the blue-backed wine bee, and the strength of that one has gradually increased to the peak of the mid-foundation period. Qingyang is equivalent to having seven blue-backed wine-thirsty queen bees.

After the six bee generals are advanced, their abilities are similar to those of the alcoholic queen bee. They can instantly arrange the pollen maze, and let the enemy fall into the illusion. However, the strength of the bee general is relatively low, and the pollen maze is not strong enough to trap the enemy. Can control the monks who have just entered the foundation building in a short time.

However, alcoholic bees are all social animals. After the breakthrough of the six bees, the alcoholic queen can unite with them to form a large pollen illusion. The power is greatly enhanced. Qingyang estimates that this pollen illusion may even build a foundation. The monks can also be trapped in the later period.

Qingyang mainly planted some spirit flowers and low-level spirit grasses in the drunk fairy gourd space. The spirit flowers were planted for alcoholic bees. In order to avoid being out of honey, the lower-rank spirit grasses were planted because of the higher-rank spirit grasses. The growth period is too long, and Qingyang's cultivation base improves quickly. Compared with other cultivators, it lacks time.

The Wannianhong and Peach Trees in Drunk Immortal Gourd have not changed much, but are taller and more vigorous than before. The gourd just knotted on the gourd vine has grown to the size of a longan, and it is far from maturity. The bunches of grapes on the vine are also slightly larger than before, but they are only the size of soybeans, and I am afraid they will not be able to eat in a short time.

Whether it's Qingyang himself, the iron-armed monkeys, or the swarm of alcoholic bees, the strength has improved a lot. It can be said that Qingyang's comprehensive strength has risen to a terrifying level. Now let alone encountering that again, only the foundation is built. The yellow-faced pirate with the seventh level of cultivation, even if he encounters the blood skeleton who has completed the foundation, Qing Yang feels that he has a certain ability to protect himself.

Unknowingly, it was the time when the King Pill Meeting was about to start. On this day, Duanmusong personally took Duanmufei's sister and brother to Qingyang's residence. Seeing Qingyang, Duanmusong couldn't help but said with emotion: "I can't think of time. After passing so fast, the five-year period has come, presumably Daoist Qingyang will leave the Wucheng Island after participating in the Danwang meeting this time?"

Qing Yang nodded, and said, "Danmu Daoist is right. I have been delayed here for five years, so King Dan will leave Wucheng Island directly after the meeting."

Even though he knew this was the result, Duan Musong was still a little disappointed. He took out a gift talisman from his arms and said, "I know that Wucheng Island cannot hold Daoist Qingyang, and I can't force it. I have been thankful these years. Only by taking care of Daoist Qingyang can Duanmu City be safe. My Duanmu family is grateful, and I hope that Daoist Qingyang will accept it because a little gift is not worthy of respect."

Qing Yang took it and looked at it. It contained a batch of Yangyuan Pill materials, about four to five hundred copies, with a total value of more than 1,000 spirit stones, which was considered a generous gift.

In recent years, Qing Yang has taken care of the Duanmu family, and at the same time has gained a lot of benefits from the Duanmu family. Even if the Yuan Dan really explains, he still has more than one hundred Yang Yuan Dan and eleven Ju Yuan Dan in his body. Qing Yang was also very grateful for his parting gift, and said: "Thank you Duanmu Daoist, I will accept the gift. I will try my best to take care of their siblings this time."

Duan Musong wanted this effect, and said, "Then please ask Daoist Qingyang. This time, Fei'er, Lin'er and the butler will go together with Daoist Qingyang. If you worry about it too much, it will depend on their good fortune."

Duanmufei sister and brother went to participate in the Danwang meeting. As for the old housekeeper Duanmutong, to show their strength, let everyone know that Duanmu family has one more mid-foundation monk~www.readwn.com~ and then Duanmu family idea When you need to consider whether the value is worth it.

After discussing the Danwang meeting, Duanmusong was about to take Duanmufei's sister and brother to leave. Duanmufei walked halfway, and couldn't help but look back at Qingyang and said, "Senior Qingyang, no matter if we can meet again in the future, I regard you as the uncle of our Duanmu family. If you have the opportunity in the future, please drop in and come back to Duanmu City to have a look."

Duanmu Fei actually didn't say anything in his heart. Qing Yang's age is actually not much older than her. Such an excellent man is rare in the world. Nangong Rui and others on Wucheng Island are simply incomparable. How could she not admire him? Heart? It's a pity that she didn't have a relationship with the two, Qingyang's world is outside, and she is tied to the Duanmu family, so she can't live without it, and I am afraid it will be difficult to meet again in the future.

Qing Yang could also vaguely see Duanmu Fei's thoughts, but he knew it was impossible. With the improvement of his cultivation, Qing Yang's vision became more and more long-term. He pursued immortality and longevity. Will consider this aspect.

Once a monk has a bondage, his enterprising spirit will gradually be lost. For example, Duanmu Song, who has also been outside to hang out, but he still wants to come back for Duanmu's house, and he is tied to Duanmu City and can't go anywhere. There is also Duanmu Fei, who is not too old, but when his parents died, his grandfather was hit hard, and his younger brother was young, he had to support the Duanmu family's burden.

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