Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 735: : Danwang Mountain

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The 735th chapter of the drunk fairy gourd: Pill King Mountain

In the same way, when Qingfeng Temple was captured by the Blood Demon Cult, the Qingjing Zhenren wanted to compromise, but Wusi elders could leave at once. This is the difference between having a bond and no bond.

It is precisely because of such things that he made such a decision. Now that Qing Yang himself has no fixed place, how can he have the idea of ​​looking for a dual monk? Unless it breaks through hopelessness in the future, or other unforeseen circumstances, Qing Yang will be able to consider this issue.

After sending away the Duanmu family, Qing Yang simply tidied the yard and put away all his belongings. He lived in this courtyard for five years, longer than the time in the new cave of Qingfeng Hall, and now he is finally leaving.

There was no word for a night. Early the next morning, Duanmutong brought Duanmufei's sister and brother to find him, and then the four of them left Duanmu City and headed towards Danwang Mountain. As for the safety of Duanmu City, there is no need to worry. The energy of the other big families is attracted by King Danhui. The masters have all gone to King Danhui. With the fright of Duanmu City's reputation, no one will come to look for trouble.

Danwang Mountain is in the center of Wucheng Island. Wucheng Island itself is not large. Therefore, Duanmu City is only 3,000 miles away from Danwang Mountain. The sword flew, but walked all the way to Danwang Mountain. For many foundation-building monks, if there is no flying spirit weapon, the flying sword is not only slow, but also tiring.

Three thousand miles, four people walked for almost six days, Qingyang and Duanmutong were fairly relaxed, and Duanmufei sisters and brothers were tired, especially Duanmulin, who was on the fifth floor of Qi refining, had the lowest cultivation level among the four. , Barely able to keep up with the speed of others.

After arriving at the foot of Danwang Mountain, everyone gradually slowed down. Danwang Mountain is not large, with a radius of several hundred miles, but its majesty is rare in the world. At least Qingyang has been in the Kyushu mainland for so many years. I have seen such a high mountain.

After walking up the mountain road for nearly a day, everyone climbed to the top of the mountain. Duanmutong once came to this Danwang Mountain with Duanmusong, pointing to the front of the mountain col and said: "Senior Qingyang, young master, and young lady, there is the Danwang Cave, and all the Danwang meetings have been held inside."

Duanmu Fei looked at the mountain col in front of him, frowning and said, "Pill King Cave is inside? It doesn't seem to be unusual. At the beginning, King Dan and his old man lived here?"

Duan Mulin also said: "There are no personal figures around, are we here early?"

Duan Mutong shook his head and said, "No, King Dan will only happen once in fifty years. It is the number one event in our entire Wucheng Island. How could the other big families not come? King Dan will have it tomorrow. It's officially started, and someone must have already arrived."

Sure enough, as soon as Duanmutong's voice fell, a figure came and said, "Hahahaha, who am I at that time? I turned out to be from the Duanmu family. I just came at this time. Could it be that too many things have happened in the family recently, King Lian Dan I can't take care of it?"

As soon as the voice fell, several figures walked out of the forest in front. There were two people in front of them, one of whom was in his thirties, with a perfect cultivation base, with a joking smile on his face. It seemed that what he said just now The other is one or two years younger, and his cultivation base is the ninth level of Qi refining. As for the latter few people, their cultivation levels vary, and at first glance they are the guards.

Seeing the person who spoke, Duanmu Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "What does it have to do with you that our Duanmu family came early and late? We need Ximen Fox to make noise here? It's the two of you, sneaking in the woods. , What on earth do you want to do?"

Ximenhu didn't get angry because of this sentence, but smiled: "Sister Duanmufei, it's no good to have such a hot temper. Be careful not to get married in the future."

"Yes, the tigress wants to eat people, and most people don't dare to ask, but this is not undiscussed. If Duanmufei's sister is willing to be a concubine, I can consider it by Murongshu." The young man on the Ninth Floor of Qi Refining also smiled.

Being ridiculed in person by someone like this, Duan Mufei has practiced for many years, and his face flushed with anger. Duan Mutong next to him saw that the lady was humiliated, and snorted coldly and said: "Laughter!"

Duan Moutong's cold snort was mixed with the momentum of the monk Zhuji, Ximen Fox and Murong Shu were unpredictable, and their vitality rolled for a while, and they could not help but snorted, and both took a step back. Duan Mutong still has a sense of measure. Since Ximen Fox and Murong Shu have come, the elders of the two families must be there, and it is enough to teach them. If they really hurt these two people, the other party will definitely find trouble.

Sure enough, just after Duan Moutong took the shot, someone couldn't see it, and reprimanded: "Stop! Duan Moutong, what are you? You dare to hurt my Ximen family?"

As soon as the voice fell, the three monks walked quickly from the mountain col. The old man on the left was tall and built the foundation for six levels, and the old man on the right was thin and built the foundation for five levels, and there was a foundation four behind. The middle-aged man on the first floor looks a bit similar to the old man on the right. Qing Yang had never seen the three of them, but it was inferred from their cultivation aura and what happened to the Mu Family at the front end of the five years, it should be Murong Zhu and Ximen Ying.

Seeing the two elders coming over, Duan Moutong did not shrink back, but stubbornly said: "This kid insulted my lady, what's wrong with me to teach him a lesson?"

Ximen Ying hurried to the front ~www.readwn.com~ and said: "If Duanmu Song is here, it will be enough to teach my grandson. You Duanmutong is just a subordinate of the Duanmu family, what qualifications do you have?"

Wucheng Island has strict rules, and the subordinates do not have much status. The cultivation resources are completely rewarded by the master. It is rare for Duan Moutong to break through the foundation construction period. It is entirely a coincidence, even if Duan Moutong is already a foundation construction monk. Still can't compare with the master.

After Ximen Ying finished speaking, he suddenly released his aura. It seemed that he wanted to give Duan Moutong a prestige, but he didn't know that Duan Moutong's cultivation base has now been promoted to the fourth level of foundation construction. Like Ximen Ying, he is a middle-stage foundation construction monk. The gap between people is not very big anymore.

Ximen Ying's aura didn't do anything to Duan Moutong, only then did he start to realize that Duan Moutong didn't use the past. Murongzhu, who was next to him, was unwilling to lose his momentum, so he took a step forward, letting out his momentum, and said coldly to Duan Mutong: "So you have broken through the middle stage of foundation construction. No wonder you are so arrogant. People, it’s not your turn to speak here."

If only one person, Duan Mutong can easily cope with it. Now that the two of them take action together, Duan Mutong will have a harder time dealing with it, especially since he has to protect the Duan Mufei brother and sister next to him, so as not to be affected. Seeing Duan Moutong already sweating on his forehead, Qing Yang suddenly said: "Two, are you going to bully the less? Do you want me to participate?"

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