Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 736: : Strong words

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Drunken Calabash Chapter 736: Strong Words

Hearing Qing Yang's familiar voice, Murong Zhu suddenly remembered the scene five years ago. It was the boy in front of him that dragged him down, which made the thing fall short. This boy looked at his low cultivation level and his true strength. But it is no less than the average monks in the middle stage of foundation construction, so you can't underestimate it.

Ximen Ying also noticed Qing Yang. They only had a simple confrontation with Duan Moutong after they met. It was impossible to fight here because of a little bit of argument. Seeing Qing Yang seemed to have the intention to intervene, the two took advantage of the situation to withdraw their momentum. .

What happened five years ago can only be done in private, and cannot be said on the face of it. Although Ximen Ying has a fire in his heart, he can’t make it out, so he can only stare at Qingyang and said, "This should be Daoist Qingyang, right? , I heard from the Nangong family that you became the Duanmu family Keqing, but I don’t know if it’s true or not."

"How about the real, what about the fake?" Qing Yang said.

Qing Yang's attitude was very upsetting to Ximen Ying. He suppressed his anger and continued: "The King Dan will be the internal affairs of our Wucheng Island. If it is false, please stop meddling and leave Danwang Mountain quickly. If it is true Yes, I’m going to persuade you here. Wucheng Island is the Wucheng Island of our five big families. The internal disputes of our Wucheng Island are not something you or an outsider can casually participate in. When the time comes, it will not be you. I can afford it."

Qing Yang has been in the Duanmu family for five years, and one of the important reasons is this Danwang meeting, not to mention the love of the Duanmu family, even if it is just for the Danwang meeting, he can't shrink back. Facing Ximen Ying’s persecution, Qing Yang did not show any weakness, and said: “Since Fellow Ximen is so concerned, I will tell you the truth, this matter is true, I have to see what the consequences can be.”

"That said, you have settled the matter of our King Dan meeting?" Ximen Ying stared at Qing Yang closely, and fire almost burst out of his eyes.

In the face of the threat, Qing Yang was not afraid, and said: "I will not only blend in, but also participate in this Danwang meeting. If you are dissatisfied with the Taoist Ximen, please do it in person."

"You..." Ximen Ying was so angry that he could hardly speak. He didn't expect Qingyang, an outsider, to be so arrogant in front of him and Murongzhu, two cultivators in the middle of the foundation construction.

Duanmutong was naturally on the same line with Qingyang, so he stopped next to Qingyang and said, "The Daoist Qingyang was taken as an apprentice by my old man as his father five years ago, and he is now a member of my Duanmu family. Participating in the King Pill Meeting is a matter of course and righteousness."

Some people from the Duanmu family testified that this incident could not be faked. Ximen Ying was very angry and turned his head to Murong Zhu and said, "Murong brother, have you seen it? An outsider came to my Wucheng Island and he was so arrogant. Don’t you and I join forces to teach him a profound lesson?"

Remembering that he was dragged by this kid last time, causing him and Simon Ying to fail the long-planned thing, and he was injured in the battle, Murong Zhu was extremely resentful, and now he finally has a chance to teach this kid, he How can you not catch it?

Murong Zhu grinned and said, "Brother Ximen is right, and I can't understand this kid's arrogance. The two of us must let him know this time that the five big families on Wucheng Island are not easy to mess with."

Seeing Ximen Ying and Murong Zhu gearing up their hands, they were ready to work together against Qing Yang regardless of their faces. Duan Musong became anxious and said, "What do you want to do? Are you ready to bully too much?"

Of course, Ximen Ying and Murong Zhu are going to be more bully. They know that Qingyang is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, can it be comparable to the two mid-foundation cultivators joining forces? If Duanmusong is there, that's all. If Duanmusong isn't there, the two will have no worries about the future, and they can just take this opportunity to do something and let out the anger of five years ago.

However, it is definitely impossible for the two of them to admit this. Even if they do things in private, they will still be able to live. Ximen sneered: "This kid doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and he has trespassed on the forbidden land of Wucheng Island. The descendants of King Pill, naturally want to stand up and teach him a lesson. If you put Mouton to stop him, do you look down on the predecessors of King Pill?"

Duanmutong was originally a subordinate, how dare to admit that he looked down on Senior Pill King, then other people would have even more reason to condemn Duanmu family. Duan Mutong could only argue: "The Qingyang Daoist is now a member of my Duanmu family. He is the younger brother and sister admitted by the old man himself. This time he is here to participate in the Danwang meeting, which represents my Duanmu family."

"Who can prove it?" Ximen Ying said.

Duanmu Fei sisters and brothers all stood up and said, "We can prove that Senior Qingyang is now our uncle, who has worshipped my ancestors of the Duanmu family, why can't we participate in the King Pill Meeting?"

Ximen Ying seemed to have expected the other party to say this for a long time, and smiled slightly: "It's just a one-sided word. You are all from the Duanmu family. Of course you speak to your own people. You said that he has come to the Duanmu family, but there are other families. Witness?"

Duanmufei argued for reasons and said: "Senior Qingyang worshipped Duanmu family. This is the internal affairs of my Duanmu family. Why should other people witness it? I have never heard that participating in King Dan's meeting needs other family witnesses, Ximen City Lord Are you deliberately targeting my Duanmu family?"

Ximen Ying didn't follow Duanmu Fei's words, but coldly snorted and said: "Since you can't show evidence~www.readwn.com~, don't blame us for being polite. This kid trespassed on Danwang Mountain. All the monks in Wucheng Island are punishable by everyone, brother Murong, let's do it together."

After finally catching the opportunity to teach Qing Yang, how could Ximen Ying let it go, suddenly his figure flashed, and Murong Zhu left and right, forming a pincer attack on Qing Yang.

Duanmutong knew that Qingyang was great, but he didn't think that Qingyang alone could beat the other two. As a member of the Duanmu family, he naturally couldn't watch Qingyang suffer, so he took a few steps and said: "Ximen The family and the Murong family are planning to unite and oppress my Duanmu family. Since you are unreasonable, there is nothing to say, so count me."

The strength of the Duanmu family is much worse than that of the other two. The Duanmu family is most likely to lose, but as long as the two are willing to work hard, it is not an easy task for the other party to completely take down the Duanmu family. What Duan Mutong had to do was to hold Murong Zhu and share some pressure on Qingyang, so that he could deal with the Ximen Eagle who built the sixth floor with all his strength.

Duan Mutong planned well, but unfortunately the other party did not give him this opportunity. The middle-aged man who built the fourth floor of the foundation suddenly stood up and said, "Under Murong Mei, Murong Zhu is my eldest brother. Fellow Daoists have had several fate, and I have never seen you in a few years. Duan Moutong, you also broke through to the fourth floor of the foundation building. Your strength must have increased a lot. We two will also compete?"

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