Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 744: : Pass level 1

Although Xiuxian knew that he didn’t attach much importance to the famous festival, it was too shameful for the eldest daughter of the family to be lured into giving birth to children. Eloping is also a way.

   I don’t know what method Xi Menli used. Everyone didn’t even notice that it was a woman. Nangong Chi couldn’t help but said, “So that monk Ximenli is your sister Ximenli?”

Ximen Ying sighed and said, "Yes, the subordinates who deceived my sister also looked good. They had no qualifications, no talents, and died early, and their children had no spiritual roots and could not practice. After the relatives died, my sister returned to Wucheng Island."

   At this time, Bai Libo next to him sneered and said, "Since I have been expelled from the house, I am no longer a member of the Ximen family. It seems inappropriate to come to the King Dan meeting?"

Ximen Ying said that he wanted to gain sympathy, but he was so questioned by Bai Libo. He couldn't help saying: "What does the city lord Baili mean? Both your grandson-in-law and your brother-in-law can participate in the King Dan's meeting. Why is my sister? Can't participate?"

Bai Libo didn't speak, and Duan Mu Fei who was next to him suddenly interrupted: "City Lord Ximen, you said before that we shouldn't ask outsiders to participate in King Dan's meeting. It turns out that your Ximen family is the deepest hidden one. If you hadn't prepared for it, this I’m afraid I’ll fall into your hands again."

As the city lord of Simon City, Bai Libo just talked about it. A junior in Duanmu Fei even dared to ridicule himself. He was so impatient to live. Simon Ying suddenly yelled: "Shut up, there is no one of your junior interjecting here. share?"

   Duanmu Fei naturally did not dare to argue with Ximen Ying, so she snorted and continued to immerse herself in alchemy, but the purpose of her interruption was achieved, and she succeeded in arousing the hostility of several other people towards Ximen Ying. Yes, Ximen’s family is the one that hides the most. This Ximenli can pass the first pass with the third place, which shows that her alchemy is not much worse than that of Lu Yuan and Xia Meng. If everyone had not been prepared, this The winner of the Zidan King's Association is probably the Ximen family.

Although other people have sought foreign aid, they are all upright. Only the Ximen family hides it and is annoying. Ximen Ying knows that his actions have caused public outrage. Not only Bai Libo and Nangong Chi have opinions, but even Murong Lian's eyes There was also a little more hostility, he had to shut his mouth, and devoted his attention to the refining of the last material.

With the passage of time, the burning incense on the platform was only two inches high, and the game was gradually coming to an end. After Ximenli passed the test, Nangongchi, Ximenying, and Bailibo failed successively, with full With regret on the face, he was kicked out of the Danwang Palace.

Speaking of them, it's really regrettable. Shifen produced two Yangyuan Pills, which were only one step away from success. But this step was like a moat, but they couldn't cross it. In the end, they failed. . They also knew that they would not be able to obtain the inheritance of the king of pill. They only hope to pass the first level to see the legendary pill pool and break through the bottleneck of current cultivation. But even such a simple requirement can't be met, how can it not? Regret?

   In a blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the hall, Duanmu Fei, Murong Lian, and Qing Yang. During this period of time, Qing Yang had failed again, and now he was refining the eighth material. As for Duanmu Fei and Murong Lian, they are now refining the tenth material, which is the last one. They have already refined two Yangyuan Pills before, and success or failure depends on this.

This time the pill refining process went smoothly from the beginning. Qing Yang also had a foreboding in his heart. This time the possibility of success is very high. Sure enough, after two quarters of an hour, the pill furnace in front suddenly buzzed softly, and then There was a slight tremor, and when all the dust settled, Qing Yang opened the lid of the pill furnace and took out a very high-quality Yangyuan Pill from inside.

Looking at the three Yangyuan Pills in front of him, Qing Yang showed a smile on his face. He also used eight materials to make three Yangyuan Pills, which was much slower than the previous Lu Yuan and Xia Meng. The main reason was that I wasted a lot of time at the beginning, but the quality of these three pills of my own was slightly higher, and when combined, I didn't count as losing to the opponent.

   There are already three people who have passed the test of the first level before themselves. This time there are quite a lot of masters in the Danwanghui. The competition for the Danwang inheritance is so fierce, you have to be careful in the future. Looking at the burning incense on the stands, there is still more than an inch left, time is not enough, and there are still two people in the hall who are immersed in alchemy, and Duanmu Fei doesn't know if he can pass the test.

Before Qing Yang came up with a reason, a red light suddenly appeared in the aperture, and then Qing Yang felt that his body was wrapped in an irresistible force, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye. Then he The aperture at which it was located also gradually disappeared.

Only Duanmufei and Muronglian remained in the entire hall, and the time to end the first stage was getting closer and closer. Both of them focused all their attention on refining the pill~www.readwn.com ~Even if Qingyang passed the test, no one looked up.

Murong Lian's alchemy seems to be much higher than Duanmu Fei's. Not long after Qingyang passed the test, Murong Lian let out a long sigh and finally succeeded. Ten materials barely made three nourishing essence pills. , Today's performance is pretty good. He turned his head and looked at Duanmu Fei, who was still operating nervously, with a smile on his face, and then disappeared into the hall after a red light.

Let’s leave aside how Duanmu Fei made alchemy, Qing Yang’s body disappeared from the place uncontrollably, and a huge tearing force came. This force was like pushing, pulling, and dragging many people. They can't resist, they will follow along involuntarily.

   Divine consciousness and all the sensations in the body have disappeared. I can't judge where I am or where I am going, let alone control my body.

   Fortunately, this situation did not last long. After a few breaths, Qing Yang's perception was restored. Only then did he realize that he had already appeared in another hall.

   To be precise, it appeared in the corner of a hall, and the other places were blocked by a barrier, and it was impossible to see the whole hall at all. In the middle of the main hall, there is a huge pond. Because of the barrier, there is only a part of the pond on Qingyang's side.

Looking closer, there is a two-foot-high light blue liquid in the pool, which seems to contain huge energy, and many of them are even floating outside. Just taking a breath, Qing Yang feels comfortable all over, all The meridians seem to be alive, full of desire and greed.

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