Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 745: : Dan Chi

This should be the legendary pill pond, right? It is said that the monks can break through the bottleneck and greatly increase their strength. Duan Musong once said that he passed the first pass of the Pill King Association that year, and then soaked in the pill pond for three days. Only then did he break through from the early stage of the foundation to the middle of the foundation. .

The only regret is that Qingyang is only a part of the Danchi. The entire Danchi must be more than this big. It is only because there are more people who have passed the first level, it will be separated by the barrier in the middle, and each person can only occupy it. A corner of Dan Chi.

   In the previous few Danwang meetings, usually only one person passed the first level, then this person can monopolize the entire Danchi without sharing it with others, and the Danchi's effect is better. There are too many people who passed the first pass this time, and everyone can only be assigned to a corner. I am afraid that the effect of the Dan Chi will also be weakened. There is no other way, but I can only blame myself for not having good luck.

Qing Yang’s cultivation base has been stuck at the top of the third floor of the foundation for a long time, and he has never encountered a breakthrough opportunity. Participating in the Danwang meeting this time is largely because of this opportunity. Now Danchi is right in front of him. What are you waiting for? Qing Yang jumped directly into the Danchi.

  After entering the Danchi, the light blue liquid quickly penetrated the clothes and touched the skin. The violent energy stimulated the skin, and there was a slight tingling and tingling sensation all over the body.

   The pain didn't hurt much, it was the kind of slight itching, soreness and tingling, which was unbearable. It is as if there are countless little ants crawling on the body, as if the whole body is covered with catkins and fluff.

Since it is called a pill pool, Qingyang judges that the energy in this pill pool should be transformed by the pill. The pill made by King Thousand-Hand Pill is mainly the Yuan Pill, and the energy of the Yuan Pill is more violent, not as effective as the herbal pill. Then Zhongzheng is peaceful, so soaking in Dan Chi is such an experience.

He seemed to feel the abundant energy outside. Before Qing Yang meditated, his pores opened up, and all meridians began to operate, absorbing the energy from the outside into the body, transforming it into true essence after refinement, and then being transported and stored. In the pubic area.

This efficiency is countless times higher than usual meditation and even taking pills. Qing Yang can clearly feel that his own cultivation is constantly improving and strengthening, and the small bottlenecks in the initial stage of foundation construction are also constantly being endured. The shock, it seems that the breakthrough is just in sight.

   Not long after entering the Dan Chi, Qing Yang suddenly felt a tremor in the entire hall, and then the barrier in the hall moved a little bit here, and the area of ​​the Dan pond was also smaller.

No need to guess, someone must have passed the test of the first level and divided the pill pool out. Qingyang specially watched the progress of Duanmu Fei and Murong Lian before clearing the customs. The refining of Murong's alchemy medicine is nearing the end, so this customs clearance Most of the people are Murong Lian.

The first level of the game has not been completely over, and five people have passed the test. The Danwang meeting has been held so far. This is the only one who has caught up with the first level in the number of clearances. It can be seen that this time I participated in the Danwang meeting. The level of alchemy masters in the meeting is high, and the competition for the inheritance of alchemy kings is fierce.

As for whether Duanmu Fei can pass the first level, Qing Yang can’t tell. He has taught Duanmu Fei’s alchemy and has a certain understanding of Duanmu Fei’s alchemy. It is relatively reluctant to pass the first level. If you perform well, maybe For some opportunities, whether they can pass depends on luck.

If Duanmu Fei can finally pass the first level, then after entering Dan Chi with her strength, she will definitely be able to break through to the foundation building period. In this case, Duanmu family will have two foundation building monks, plus Duanmu Song’s influence, Duanmu The home will not fall quickly. If the most terminal Mu Fei fails to pass, it will be difficult to say in the future. The entire Duan Mu family may be difficult to support by Duan Mutong alone.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Qingyang. Qingyang will not stay on Wucheng Island after the Danwang meeting. He has done everything that should be done. At the beginning, staying at Duanmu Jiaben was an equivalent exchange. Now the five-year period expires. After the task was completed, Qing Yang couldn't sacrifice his own interests just because of sympathy.

Just in Qingyang’s random thoughts, time passed a little bit, and calculated according to the speed of burning incense in the hall before, the first pass has almost reached the end of the time. There has been no movement in the hall here, I am afraid that Duanmu Fei has already Did you fail to pass the level?

   It seemed that the Duanmu family's defeat was inevitable, Qing Yang couldn't help but sighed. For this result, his heart was somewhat melancholy. Although his affairs with Duanmu's family are more exchanges, but after all he has been in Duanmu's family for five years, who is ruthless than the grass and trees. Seeing the decline of Duanmu's family, Qingyang can't be without emotion.

Qing Yang was about to withdraw his mind to break through the bottleneck. At this moment, there was another shock in the main hall, and then the barriers on both sides were compressed in the middle again. Qing Yang could clearly feel that the area of ​​the pill pond on his side was also Decrease again by one-sixth.

   There are only a few people in the competition~www.readwn.com~ At this time, it is not Duanmufei who will pass the customs? Unexpectedly, Duanmu Fei got stuck and passed the first level, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Although the area of ​​the Danchi is smaller than before, Qing Yang did not feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, he felt a touch of comfort. It seems that his teachings in the past few years have not been in vain. Even if Duanmufei's Danshu is not up to her grandfather Duanmusong. The degree is not much worse.

   Duanmu Fei passed the test, Qingyang completely lost his concerns, quickly withdrew his mind, abandoning all selfish thoughts, and devoted himself to the bottleneck of the mid-term foundation construction.

   Qingyang closed his eyes and sat quietly in the Danchi, like a wood-carved clay sculpture, motionless, and the whole hall was silent, with almost no movement. But I don't know that Qingyang at this time is suffering from unspeakable tingling and tingling. A large amount of energy is absorbed by the pores everywhere and input into the meridians up and down the body. With the operation of the exercises, it is refined and transformed into true essence. , Slowly gathered in the dantian, constantly impacting the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation construction.

   This kind of bottleneck is like an invisible shackle, invisible and intangible, but it is real. It rushes through the sky, but it may be stuck for a lifetime. And this kind of impact can only be unspeakable, and can only keep accumulating true essence in the body, while constantly using the true essence to wash the meridians and dantian, it will naturally break when it is time to break, and it is indescribable.

I don’t know how long it took, it was like a finger piercing the window paper, like a bamboo shoot burrowing out of the ground, the torrent broke through the embankment, everything suddenly became clear, Qing Yang suddenly felt a burst of unprecedented ease, and the true essence in the meridian revolved It became smooth in an instant, and the **** was never seen again.

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