Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 746: : Qi swallows mountains and rivers

At the moment when the bottleneck was broken, the energy in the pill pool rushed towards the Qingyang body at a faster speed, and the meridians of the whole body were urged to the limit state. The exercises were running frantically, and the strength was at a speed visible to the naked eye. Constantly improving, it didn't take long before Qing Yang's cultivation base was officially promoted to the fourth level of foundation building, and he became a veritable monk in the middle of foundation building. Mobile https://

   finally broke through, Qing Yang couldn't wait to scream up to the sky and let out the excitement in his heart. In the past few years, there has been no shortage of medicines. Qing Yang’s cultivation has long since reached the top of the three-layer foundation. This bottleneck has stuck him for two full years, and there is no sign of movement. He even wonders whether he will be stuck forever in the future. In the early days of foundation building, how could you be unhappy once you have made a breakthrough now?

After a long time, Qing Yang gradually calmed down. Looking at the Dan Chi whose depth had dropped by half a foot, Qing Yang couldn't help feeling full of emotions. The speed of her cultivation in the Dan Chi was hundreds of times faster than outside, and within two days. It's a good thing that others have been practicing hard for two or three years. I am afraid that this kind of good opportunity will be difficult to encounter in the future. Only one day of soaking time of three days has passed, but it can't be wasted in vain.

   Just breaking through the bottleneck, his cultivation base is not very stable, Qing Yang did not get up, continue to absorb the energy in this pill pond, and constantly consolidate his cultivation base.

After another hour, a strange energy fluctuation faintly came, Qing Yang suddenly felt that the energy in the pill pond was attracted by something, and it was moving towards the barrier according to a certain rule. Keep gathering somewhere.

  Although there is a barrier in the middle, Qing Yang still perceives a clue. The previous energy fluctuations are very similar to his breakthrough in foundation building. It seems that someone is breaking through the foundation building period. Among the six people who passed the first pass, only Duanmu Fei was a consummate cultivator of Qi refining, so she was the one who broke through and built the foundation in the pill pool at this time.

   Duanmu Fei broke through, Qing Yang was happy for her, but why did Dan Chi’s energy gather in that direction? Is this pill pond connected? The barrier cannot block the flow of energy?

   Qingyang was too excited when he broke through the middle stage of foundation construction, and didn't notice this situation. Now, when Duanmu Fei broke through, he carefully observed it and finally discovered the law.

Danchi communicates with each other, and how much it can absorb depends on each person's ability. In other words, whoever grabs it is who, if so, what are you waiting for? Qing Yang hurriedly moved his mind and took the iron-armed monkey and the wine-drinking queen bee from it. Get them out of the drunk fairy gourd, and put them all in the pill pond.

  Because Qing Yang himself had to break through the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation construction, he was worried that the energy in the pill pool was not enough, so he didn't have so many extra thoughts. Now that Qingyang has completed the breakthrough, there is no worries about it, and he has discovered the law of interoperability between pill pools. Naturally, without so much scruples, he has released the Iron-armed Monkey and the Alcoholic Queen Bee.

As a spirit worm, the alcoholic bee can also feel the benefits of the energy in the pill pond. It does not need to be reminded by the green sun. The wine queen bee sank his entire body into the pill pond.

Needless to say, the iron-armed monkey directly used the spirit swallowing technique in the pill pond. The spirit swallowing technique is not high in level, but it is extremely overbearing. To achieve his own cultivation, simple and rude.

The efficiency of this exercise method is high. The key depends on whether the energy provided by the outside world is sufficient, and the outside world is lack of spiritual energy. No matter how powerful the exercise method is, it is useless. Therefore, the iron-armed monkey improves the cultivation base and relies more on Qingyang's medicine. With spirit wine, spirit swallowing technique is only used as an aid.

The most indispensable thing in this pill pool now is energy. After the iron-armed monkey casts the spirit swallowing technique, the energy in the pill pond is like being attracted by something. It quickly gathers towards the iron-armed monkey, and the efficiency is unexpected. Two or three times higher than Qingyang.

Compared with the swallowing mountains and rivers of the iron-armed monkeys, the alcoholic bees are more gentle, lying on the surface of the water, as if they are dead, but Qing Yang can clearly feel that the energy in the pill pond is moving towards them. Gathering in the body, the strength of the alcoholic bees is also slowly improving.

Alcoholic bees are small and absorb less energy. The ordinary alcoholic bees that have not entered the stage can absorb even less, which is almost negligible, but they can’t stand the large number. More than 500 alcoholic bees absorb Dan at the same time. The energy in the pond was faster than the speed of the five foundation-building cultivators, plus the iron-armed monkey and the green sun, the water surface of the Dan pond dropped rapidly.

On the first day, Qingyang and Duanmu Fei broke through the bottleneck in succession. They needed more energy, but the water level of Danchi dropped by half a foot. No one broke through the next day, but the water surface of Danchi dropped. A full foot, the speed is more than double the previous. If it continues at this speed, at most, it will take half a day for the entire Danchi to bottom out.

In the past, only one person and two people passed the first level of the Dan King Association. They soaked in the Dan Chi for three days, and the water in the Dan Chi dropped less than two or three inches. This time, the Dan Chi can be drained in two and a half days~ www.readwn.com~ Qing Yang can already imagine the faces of other people now.

   But he can't control so much at this time. The monks are selfish. It is impossible for him to not improve his strength because of the unsightly faces of others. To blame, blame them for not raising monsters and spirit worms.

Time flies, less than half of the third day has passed, the pill pond has already begun to bottom out, and after absorbing a large amount of pill pond energy, the strength of the iron-armed monkey has risen to the level of the late stage of the fifth stage, which is approximately equivalent to that of a monk. If the six layers of foundation building were added to his **** bodybuilding skills, the overall strength would be almost invincible in the middle stage of foundation building.

The Alcoholic Bee Queen was originally the peak strength in the middle of the foundation building. This time, it broke through to the latter stage of the foundation. As for the other Alcoholic Bees, their strengths have improved to varying degrees. The number of the Purple-backed Alcoholic Bees has reached sixty to seventy. Only, gathered together, the momentum cannot be underestimated.

Seeing that the energy in the pill pond was exhausted, and worried that exposing the secret would cause public outrage, Qing Yang hurriedly put away the iron-armed monkey and the alcoholic bee, and he continued to sit in the pill pond to meditate, pretending to be nothing. Unknowingly.

   A few more hours passed, and the three-day deadline had expired, Qing Yang stood up from the Danchi and walked to the corner of the hall. Soon the main hall began to vibrate again, and the ground of the Danchi gradually bulged, turning into the same ground as the surroundings, and there was no longer a trace of the Danchi.

The barrier around    also began to weaken and thin, until it finally disappeared, revealing the figures of other people, and the entire hall of the whole hall appeared in front of Qing Yang.

   drunk fairy gourd

   drunk fairy gourd

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