Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 904: : Blue Spirit Wine

After speaking, the Jindan monk waved his hand to the back, and then there was a group of female monks from the foundation building stage, carrying a tray and walking into the crowd. A cup was distributed in front of everyone. The cup was about the size of an egg. , Filled with blue barking spirit wine. Along with the spirit wine, there is also a blank jade slip, which can be used to enter information with spiritual thoughts.

After the spirit wine and jade slips were distributed, the Jindan monk continued: "This first test question is very simple. The spirit wine sent to you just now is a mixture of three ordinary spirit wines. You can taste it carefully. If you can taste which three spirit wines are mixed, enter the answer you think is correct in the jade slip sent to you. The jade slip is specially made by the city lord’s mansion, and the correct answer has been set in advance. You can judge whether the answer you entered is right or wrong. The jade slip will emit a green light if you answer the correct question, and the jade slip if you answer the wrong question will emit a red light. After the three questions are answered, the jade slip with red light will be eliminated. , Three green lights are considered to pass the wine tasting session."

Speaking of this, Brother Jindan paused for a while, and then said: "Of course, there is a time limit. There are hundreds of monks present, and we can't let someone delay everyone's time. Each topic has a stick of incense. Those that cannot be answered will be eliminated."

After the golden core monk finished speaking, he made a gesture of please, and then stepped aside, took out an incense burner from the amulet, lit the incense inside and started timing.

The question was over, and there was only time for a stick of incense. Everyone didn't dare to neglect, they raised the wine glasses in front of them, took a small sip, and savored in their mouths. The cup is too small and there is not much spirit wine. If you drink too much, the wine will be gone without any taste.

Qing Yang looked around, and many monks had different expressions. Some of them frowned, maybe they were embarrassed by one of the details; those with joy on the face should have just guessed one of the spirit wines; some pretended to be relaxed Yes, I seem to think that the state of mind is very important for passing the test; there are also those with a blank face, I am afraid that they have no clue about the spirit wine in front of them.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere on the court is not particularly tense. Perhaps some monks come to participate in the wine tasting with a special purpose, but most of the monks come to learn more. There will be good drinkers from all parties, exchange their drinking experiences, and see the famous spirit wines everywhere. For them, the focus is on participation, winning or losing is not very important, so the performance is very relaxed.

Infected by this, Qing Yang's mentality has also improved a lot. I was fortunate enough to lose my life. I did everything I should do, and I tried my best, even if it was unsuccessful in the end, there would be no regrets. , If the ambition is too strong, the process is too much to worry about gains and losses, but it is easy to fail.

Seeing that everyone around him had already started tasting the wine, Qing Yang didn't delay any longer, and he also picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a sip of the blue spirit wine in the glass, and began to taste slowly.

Spirit wine enters the stomach, and a warm current flows from the mouth to the stomach and stomach, and then disperses into the meridians throughout the body. The warm flow through the place, the blood is high, and the body is full of strength, and the meridians also seem to be nourished. It seems to be tougher than before. In the end, a part of the energy is left, all of which flow into the dantian and become the true essence of the monk.

This spirit wine is much better than the spirit wine served on the table before, and it is effective for foundation-building perfect monks like Qingyang, indicating that the spirit wine's level is at least the foundation-building level, and it may even reach the golden core level. Blue spirit wine is a mixture of three spirit wines. Whether it is the effect of one of them or the effect achieved after mixing depends on personal vision.

Qing Yang guessed that among the three spirit wines, one should have a repairing effect on the meridians, one would replenish qi and blood, and the other would slightly improve the cultivation base. As for the specific one, just It's hard to guess. There are countless varieties of spirit wines in the world, and the customs of Gufeng Mainland is slightly different from that of the mainland of Kyushu and the Zhongsha region. What spirit wine is popular over there is not necessarily popular here. Qingyang first came to Qingyang, and I don’t know much about many things. Some spirit wines have different names, but their functions are very different. It is difficult to distinguish them. All of these must be considered.

Qing Yang frowned and thought hard for a long time, only to have some eyebrows, seeing that a stick of incense had burned more than half, he had to bite the bullet and enter his answer into the jade slip, then quietly stared at his hand. The jade slip until a green light appeared on the jade slip.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got the correct answer. It seems that the common spirit wines and names on the Gufeng Continent are not much different from the Jiuzhou Continent and the Zhongsha Region.

Qingyang is also a good wine person, and he raises a large group of alcoholic bees. He has a large demand for spirit wine, so he has a lot of research on various spirit wines, so he still has some confidence in this wine tasting link. He is afraid of ancient styles. The mainland is not connected to the mainland of Kyushu and the Zhongsha region, and the custom and name of the spirit wine is too different from that of the mainland and the Zhongsha region, so he has no possibility of passing this level.

After passing the customs, Qingyang was in the mood to check the answers of other people. There were hundreds of monks on the field. At this time, there were about 300 people who answered correctly, 70 or 80 people who answered incorrectly, and a hundred others did not answer. Finished, overall the pass rate is still very high.

There are also many monks like Qing Yang~www.readwn.com~ because there is no time, and they are not allowed to communicate in private. Everyone just looks around, no one dares to speak, and there is no voice transmission in private.

There are six Nascent Soul cultivators staring at the stage. How could the small movements of the low-level cultivators be hidden from them? Besides, this is just an ordinary wine tasting event. Even if you win a good ranking in the end, the rewards are not huge, and there is no need to take that risk.

Seeing that only one third of a stick of incense remained, a young Jindan monk behind Shifu Zhenjun suddenly said: "Invite the seniors of the moon, the juniors are also very fond of spirit wine. Seeing that this wine tasting topic is interesting, I also want to end. Participate, I don’t know if there is still wine and jade slips left?"

Hearing this young monk’s words, Zhenjun Yuan Yue was a little surprised. He was very familiar with this person. He was the only son of Lingfu Sect Master Shi Fu Zhenjun, Shi Ruyu. He came to the wine tasting with his father. Before this Shi Ruyu had been very low-key. I thought he would suddenly make a sound.

It is said that this wine tasting level is not attractive to the younger brothers of the Yuanying monk. If there is any request, depending on the face of their elders, I will definitely not refuse, so why bother with the following casual practitioners? There is not much benefit in winning, but embarrassing in defeat, and I don't know what Shi Ruyu thinks. Inviting the Moon Zhenjun said: "What is the nephew's request is to just say it, why do you have to end the game in person? This level only tests the basics of spirit wine, nothing unusual."

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