Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 905: : Shi Ruyu

True Monarch Invite Yueyue was kind to persuade him, but Shi Ruyu thought that the other party was underestimating himself and didn’t even understand the basics of spirit wine. Besides, he had made up his mind a long time ago, so he said: “Senior’s kindness is my heart’s approval. Brother Jin Dan, I am also a Brother Jin Dan. If they can participate, I can naturally also participate. I can bear whether I win or lose. Please invite Senior Yue to do it."

At this time, Zhenjun Shifu also said: "My son has always been competitive and eager to win. Since he is going to end, I invite Daoist Yue to agree with him. If he loses, he can only blame himself for being strong."

Seeing that True Monarch Shi Fu said so, True Monarch Inviting Yueyue had no choice but to nod his agreement. The juniors were so happy to see Lie, and it was understandable that they wanted to show off in front of everyone. Anyway, there are many spirit wines and jade slips prepared in the City Lord’s Mansion. , Just give him a few more points.

Before True Monarch Inviting Yueyue ordered the people below to fetch spirit wine and jade slips, I saw that Shi Ruyu said to the Jindan children beside him: "Before I and fellow daoists simply met with gifts, and did not go deep. Communication, since everyone is following the seniors to participate in this wine tasting, you must have studied the spirit wine, how can such a grand event be just a spectator? Would you like to end with me?"

Not everyone likes to show up like Shi Ruyu. The other Golden Core cultivators gave Shi Ruyu a blank expression, but no one answered him. Seeing the invitation, Shi Ruyu simply named him and said: "Brother Lone Star, you are the true disciple of True Monarch Invite Moon, should you be very good at appraising spirit wine? And Brother Qingsong, your Wanshou Valley is also spirit wine. Experts, Junior Brother Gu Youyu and Junior Brother Han Dao are from a brewing family. You are silent, do you disdain to compete with the younger brother? Or are you afraid of losing face to the younger brother?"

Master Lone Star is the true disciple of Zhenjun Yaoyue. He not only represents himself, but also affects Zhenjun Yaoyue's face. If he should not fight, wouldn't it be that he weakened Master's reputation? He laughed and said:" Junior Brother Shi Ruyu’s aggressive temperament is really in line with Senior Shifu’s evaluation. Since you have such a leisurely sentiment, as the half landlord of Jiuxian City, how come I have to accompany you to the end. The other juniors, you should stop playing together. Play?"

Seeing that the real person Lone Star accepted, Qing Song, Gu Zhenren, and Han Zhenren also spoke out, expressing their willingness to accompany them to the end of the game. Qing Song is the disciple of the elder of Wanshou Valley Qingliang Zhenren, Gu Zhenren and Han Zhenren. They are the nephews of the other two Yuanying cultivators in Jiuxian City, and the elders are watching them, so you can't make people think that they can't afford to lose.

It's not that they couldn't stand the law, but in front of the many monks in Jiu Xian City, especially the presence of so many elders of infants. If they dare not fight, wouldn't it be underestimated? For spirit wine, they are also very knowledgeable, and they are not afraid of the challenge of Shiruyu.

"The five brothers are all going to end, how can the younger sister just be a spectator next to me? I'll count as me." At this moment, the only woman among the descendants of the Yuan Ying cultivator also spoke.

This woman is the real disciple of Qinglan Pavilion Master Qingyue Zhenjun. She has only one level of gold core. Ziyun Zhenren has a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. She wears a lavender dress and stands in front of a group of male monks. Among them, it is like a beautiful little flower on the green grassland, and like a noble crane in the flock of chickens.

That Shi Ruyu seemed to have the same thought. Seeing that his deeds finally aroused the interest of Real Ziyun, he was overjoyed and quickly said: "Senior Sister Ziyun is willing to leave. It is too late to welcome. This time, we must ask her for advice. ."

Shi Ruyu's enthusiasm did not affect the real person Ziyun, she just nodded faintly, and said: "I don't dare to ask for advice. Brother's family is definitely better than me."

"Junior sister is too acclaimed, Youdao is a famous teacher who makes high apprentices, Qingyue Zhenjun is well-known, and junior sister Ziyun's spirit wine tasting ability is definitely better than me." Shi Ruyu smiled modestly.

Seeing this scene, several other Jindan cultivators secretly curled their lips. Who can't see Shi Ruyu's careful thoughts? You want to get closer to the real person Ziyun is your own business, but to force so many people to accompany you to the end is really annoying.

Regarding the plans of the six juniors, the few Yuan Ying monks were naturally happy to see the results.

There is no need to invite Yue Zhenjun to order, the late Jindan monk who is in charge of hosting the wine tasting has already asked the maids to send six cups of spirit wine and six jade slips to six Jindan monks.

After this time delay, the incense burning in the censer was only one inch left. The hundreds of monks off the field almost all completed the first question, but none of the six golden core monks asked to change the burning incense. Obviously they Have enough confidence in their ability to taste spiritual wine.

Shi Ruyu took the initiative to propose the next competition, which shows that he has sufficient confidence in this first spirit wine tasting. Sure enough, after he got the spirit wine, he drank half of the glass in one sip. After a little taste, he had the result in his heart. , And immediately entered the answer into the jade slip. Soon, Shi Ruyu's jade slip emitted a green light and passed the test of the first question.

Shi Ruyu is fast, and the others are not slow. He has just finished the question here, and the real person Lone Star and the real person Qingsong finished tasting the spirit wine~www.readwn.com~ and began to enter the answers in the jade slip, followed by the real person Gu And Han Zhenren, followed by Ziyun Zhenren.

It was just a cup of tea, and all the six golden core monks passed the test. The speed was staggering, and it was worthy of following the Yuan Ying monk, the origin of family learning.

So far, hundreds of monks in the square have all completed the first question. The answer is in the early 400s, and less than a hundred people got the wrong answer. The pass rate is more than 80%. It seems that the first question is not difficult.

According to the rules of the City Lord’s Mansion, there are a total of three questions in the wine tasting session. As long as one wrong question is made, they will be eliminated. The question can continue to participate, really reflects the emphasis on participation.

When the burning incense on the table was completely lit, the Jindan monk who presided over the wine tasting stepped forward again and said: "More than 80% of the monks answered the first question correctly. It seems that my City Lord's Mansion has underestimated everyone's wine tasting ability. The second cup of spirit wine will be delivered right away, so please stay calm."

After the Jindan monk finished speaking, the previous foundation-building sisters walked into the crowd again holding trays and handed out spirit wine to everyone. This time the cup was a bit bigger, about the size of a fist, and filled with transparent liquid. Yang deliberately approached and smelled it, and there was no smell of alcohol.

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