Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 907: :1 Qi Juechen

The empty wine glasses on the table were quickly taken away by the maids. The late Jindan monk who presided over the wine tasting session reappeared in front of everyone, looking at everyone and saying: "This wine tasting event has more than 200 people who answered the first two correctly. The test questions greatly exceeded the expectations of my City Lord’s Mansion, and it also shows that the influence of the wine tasting party in Jiu Xian City is getting bigger and bigger. Thank you for your support."

Then the Jindan monk waved to the back, and the maids walked with the tray and came over again. The empty wine glasses on the tray were replaced with smaller ones, the size of red dates, and they contained half a cup of dark brown liquid. A bitter taste, like a potion made by a pharmacist.

When the distribution was completed, the golden core monk continued: "Although many monks don’t like medicinal wine, medicinal wine is also a kind of spirit wine, but its effect is more targeted than ordinary spirit wine, with certain specific characteristics. For the therapeutic effect, the cup in front of you is an uncommon medicinal wine. A total of seven main materials are used in the brewing, and there are no less than dozens of other auxiliary materials. So this third question requires everyone to taste the medicinal wine in front of you The seven main ingredients and proportions used in his brewing can be won by answering all of them correctly."

After speaking, the Jindan monk stepped back and ordered people to light the third incense stick, and then quietly watched how the monks on the field answered the questions. According to the usual practice, the wine tasting procedure generally eliminates more than 80% of the monks. The latter procedure has too many people to be too troublesome, but the overall strength of the people who came to the wine tasting event is relatively high, and so far they have eliminated less than five. It depends on how well the third question is answered.

The difficulty of using medicinal wine to make the ingredients for brewing medicinal wine is not generally high. Everyone usually drinks wine and tastes wine, and only considers whether the spirit wine is useful for them, or whether the spirit wine is good or not. Who will pay attention to what materials are used. What is the proportion of the materials?

If only one of the two main materials is analyzed, some people can also taste it. Since people who love wine, they have some understanding of spirit wine brewing, but they have to taste all the seven main materials. It is too difficult to come out and analyze their ratio.

Among the hundreds of cultivators on the field, at least six or seven cultivators frowned, not knowing how to proceed, even the six descendants of the Yuan Ying cultivators looked solemn and seemed to be thinking about countermeasures.

As for Qing Yang, he originally thought that the third question would be more difficult than the second question, but after listening to the question, he was relieved. The principle of medicinal wine is similar to that of medicinal pill. The main ingredients and pill of medicinal wine are obtained by using medicinal wine. Analyzed that the difference in the main materials of refining is not big.

When the King Keqing Pill of the Wantong Pavilion in the Central Sand Region was assessed, Qingyang analyzed the 18 main types of pills used with just one Tongqiao Bumai Pill, and even said the double refining method used in the refining of the pill. When it came out, it was much less difficult than tasting this medicinal wine now.

This is the biggest difference between Qingyang and others. He is a very clever alchemist who is good at analyzing various materials and elixir. The brewing of medicinal wine happens to be the same as the refining principle of elixir. It's also similar, let him take advantage of this opportunity, if this pass City Lord's Mansion is only a glass of ordinary spirit wine, Qing Yang may not be able to guess it.

Since the difficulty was not high, Qing Yang was too lazy to conceal it, and directly took the cup next to it and drank it, then tasted it slightly, and entered the answer he thought into the jade slip.

Qing Yang knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to win the rankings at the wine tasting, and finally got the favor of the true Monarch Invite Yue, he had to attract the other party's attention. Too low-key wouldn't work.

Qingyang dared to do this, and he was confident. Sure enough, after a few breaths, the jade slip showed a third green light. So far, Qingyang's three questions were answered correctly, and he passed this wine tasting session. test.

At this time, the burning incense on the table in front only burned less than an inch, and many people had not thought of a countermeasure. There was not one who used the materials to taste the medicinal wine. Only three or four of the relatively simple materials were analyzed.

Let’s leave aside the hundreds of casual cultivators below. For the first question, the younger generations of the six Yuanying monks began to answer the questions when only an inch of incense was left. The results all passed the test, which was eye-opening, but Thinking about their identities and the forces behind them, this result is normal.

The second question was much more difficult, but it didn't stop the six of them. Although the six people answered the question correctly, it was faster than the casual practitioners off the court. The third question is even more difficult. Everyone feels that the first few customs clearances are definitely still them. Unexpectedly, they have just started, and the foundation building monks have passed the test, and no time for everyone to react.

If Qing Yang is only a little bit faster than the others, it wouldn’t be so surprising. The key is that he rides Juechen. Most people have not figured out his clues before he has completed the level, which is too surprising. Now, the most important thing is that he only has the foundation-building period.

Shi Ruyu glared at Qing Yang, seeming to be very dissatisfied with his behavior of stealing the limelight. The real Ziyun stared at Qing Yang with beautiful eyes, his eyes were full of curiosity and doubts. Others also had different expressions, envious of them, and jealous ones. The admirer has it, and the admirer has it.

Not only them ~www.readwn.com~ even the Yuanying monks were also alarmed, and Yue Zhenjun said with a smile: "It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward. The generation is stronger than the generation. This wine tasting session is the first to win. It turned out to be a foundation-building monk, which greatly exceeded my expectations. Fellow Daoists, do you recognize this young man? Could it be that the younger brother of which family concealed his identity to participate in the wine tasting?"

Others thought the same way, but after careful observation, no one knew him. One of the Yuanying monks shook his head and said, "I don’t know, I have never heard of any Yuanying Daoist friend who has such a junior in the family. Maybe this young man is really just a casual cultivator."

Zhenjun Yueyue nodded and said, "If this is the case, this young man would be amazing. If he can answer the materials of the medicinal wine so quickly with the foundation and repair base, either his brewing skills are superb, or his alchemy has surpassed The cultivation base itself is a rare talent and beautiful jade."

"It's not bad for this young man to be praised by True Monarch Inviting Yue. Why not just put him under his sect because Daoist friend Inviting Yue cherishes his talents?" Qingyue Zhenjun said.

Zhenjun Yaoyue shook his head and said, "Forget it. I am always lazy, and I am most impatient to teach my apprentices. I don't bother to bother with that. Besides, I already have a few apprentices by my side. Accepting disciples, it's good to be a young man here, I'm afraid I won't have the chance."

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