Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 908: : Xiaoyao Zhenjun

Zhenjun Shifu next to him also echoed: "Yes, the City Lord’s Mansion is full of talents. If True Monarch Yue wants to accept disciples, what kind of talents are there? This young man has performed well in the wine tasting session. Other aspects are not enough. Good judgment, Daoist Qingyue’s suggestion is inappropriate."

Several Yuanying cultivators chatted casually wherever they were, and they stopped paying attention to Qingyang. They were just a low-level cultivator who performed well in some aspects. They don’t know how many young talents like this have seen each year. , There is nothing surprising. As the Yuan Ying monks who have reached the end, they understand in their hearts that what young talents, what outstanding performances, and what geniuses are just moments. It is all in vain not to go to the end.

The wine tasting session is still going on. Qingyang’s Yiqi Juechen shocked many people, but all of them were middle and high-level monks who had practiced for countless years. Their temperaments were good, and few people were affected, so they paused a little. Now, everyone will continue to evaluate the medicinal wine in front of you.

With so many monks on the field, there are always some who are more capable. When a stick of incense burned to nearly half, two or three people tasted the seven materials used in the medicinal wine, and answered the third question in the wine tasting session correctly. , It's just a lot slower than Qing Yang's speed.

After another cup of tea, Shi Ruyu also answered the third question. The jade slip in his hand showed three green rays. He turned to look at the other five golden core monks who were still thinking about it. Say what. To be able to answer this question in only half a stick of incense, ranking first among the descendants of several Yuanying cultivators, it is said to be very rare, but it is a pity that there was a Qingyang who rode the dust before, and there was another scene afterwards. If the two or three people who are about to have a cup of tea kung fu, his grades are not enough, how can he be qualified to mock others.

In the rest of the time, some monks answered the third question correctly one after another, and many of them answered the question but were judged wrong. The reward was a red light on the jade slip, but more of them were not sure. Or the monk who hasn't had a clue, is still thinking about it.

It’s not difficult. It’s easy for Qingyang, but it’s especially difficult for most monks. Seeing that the incense on the table is getting shorter and shorter, the answer is correct. There were only more than 80 people who answered a question, and more than 200 people answered incorrectly. There were more than 100 people who didn't produce the seven materials, or were not confident enough to input the answers. I went on looking for this situation. In the end, People who can answer the third question correctly are at most in their early 100s.

The foundation-building monks beside Qing Yang had eliminated more than a dozen in the first two stages, leaving only Qing Yang, Jiuquzi, and Baotan Sanren. Now the other two have solemn expressions, and they seem unsure.

As for the descendants of the six Yuanying monks, after Shi Ruyu passed the third level, the other five people also answered the third question correctly, and all six of them passed the level, showing their strength.

In a blink of an eye, the burning incense on the table was less than half an inch, and the time was about to come, but there were still hundreds of people who did not answer the question. At this time, they were in a hurry and sorted out the answers and entered them into the jade slip. The most error-prone things are in the rush. The chances of these people getting the correct answers are poor, and it's not bad if one in ten people answers correctly. Jiuquzi and Baotan Sanren were also the answers entered at this time. The two of them did not know whether they had a solid foundation or a lot of luck, but they all got the correct answers. In addition to the previous two questions, there were three green rays on the jade slip.

By the end of the time, there are more than 20 people who have not answered. They really don't know the answer, and they don't bother to deal with it. It is just a wine tasting. Win or lose is not important, and the most important thing is to participate.

Qing Yang glanced at it. There were hundreds of monks on the square. Only a few hundred people answered the third question correctly. Some of them were deducted from the third question, but the first and second questions were wrong. Less than 100 of the three questions were answered correctly, and 80 of them were eliminated.

Seeing that there were only about a hundred monks with three green lights on the jade slip, Zhenjun invited Yue nodded and said: "The second part of the wine tasting session this year has changed slightly than usual. It is not suitable for more people, so this The third question was a little more difficult, but it was beyond my expectation to have nearly a hundred people qualified. The monks who did not pass the wine tasting session don’t have to worry about it. Friends, we will offer you the spirit wine and special delicacies that have been in the cellar of the city lord’s mansion for many years. We also invite you all to have a drink and enjoy yourself.”

There were hundreds of monks present, and four hundred were eliminated in the first link. Such a large quantity of spirit wine and food is probably not much better, but a senior Nascent Soul can be so polite to low-level monks. It is also rare in the world of cultivating immortals, and I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that the wine tasting party organized by the privately-organized Jiu Xiancheng will become bigger and bigger.

Arranged for the monks to be eliminated, Zhenjun Zhaoyue said: "There are many rumors about the origins of Jiu Xiancheng. The most widely spread is that a monk drank a kind of fairy wine produced here, and it soared in the daytime. The immortal is named after it. Many people think that it was made up by the people of Jiu Xiancheng. Actually, this rumor still has some basis when it comes to serious calculations."

Well-founded? This rumor turned out to be true? Does this Jiu Xiancheng really have some kind of fairy wine that can make people soar in the daytime? After hearing Zhenjun Yaoyue's words, many people were shocked, and each one pricked up their ears, even the other Yuanying cultivators were no exception.

Zhenjun Shi Fu even directly asked: "Invite Moon Daoist~www.readwn.com~ What you said is true? Does Jiu Xian City really have that kind of spirit wine that can make people soar into gods day by day?"

Zhenjun Yaoyue smiled and shook his head, and said: "You and I are both Yuan Ying monks, of course, I also understand that, the cultivation base depends on diligent practice, where is there any daytime soaring?"

"Then why do you say that the rumors have a basis?" Zhenjun Shifu asked puzzledly.

True Monarch Yaoyue did not answer, but asked: "Have you ever heard of the name of True Monarch Xiaoyao?"

Zhenjun Shifu was a bit at a loss. Although there were many Yuanying cultivators in the Ancient Wind Continent, most of him had heard of it a little, and he had not heard of True Monarch Xiaoyao. He turned to look at the other Yuanying cultivators, and they were all with him. It was an expression, so he said: "I have never heard that the Xiaoyao True Monarch that Daoyue Daoyue said is a certain Nascent Soul monk who just broke through?"

Inviting the Moon True Monarch said: "You can understand if you don't know, this Xiaoyao True Monarch is not a monk now, but an amazing senior tens of thousands of years ago."

After hearing Zhenjun Yinyue finished speaking, Zhenjun Ziyue couldn't help but feel a move, and asked: "A senior master tens of thousands of years ago? But is it related to the fairy wine you mentioned before?"

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