Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 910: :Lingquan Ancient Cellar

As soon as True Monarch Invite Yue said this, everyone was immediately aroused, and True Monarch Shi Fu directly asked: "The second link is related to the Lingquan Ancient Cellar? It will never be for them to help you restore the drunk Yuquan. It’s too embarrassing."


   True Monarch Qingliang also said: "Yes, that Zui Yuquan was researched by a Zhunhua **** like True Monarch Xiaoyao. It's hard to say that Brother Yuanying, a bunch of Jindan cultivators might be helpless."


True Monarch Invite Yue shook his head and said, "Of course I understand this. It is impossible to find a group of low-level monks to study the recipe of Zui Yuquan, but there are other arrangements. I just said that the brewing spirit wine That ancient cellar was built by True Monarch Xiaoyao and has been around for tens of thousands of years. It was originally used to brew drunken jade spring, and later to brew other spirit wines. Now the ancient cellar of Lingquan has been brewed without interruption for tens of thousands of years. Now this ancient cellar is full of spirituality, the wine inside is full, and the smell is drunk. The ancient cellar is divided into nine layers. Dare to be on the top level. With my cultivation base in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, I can only go down to the eighth level. If you exceed this limit, you will get drunk. So the second part of the wine tasting is very simple, that is, everyone enters the ancient cellar and walks down. In the end, the 20 deepest people who entered the ancient cellar were selected as the winners."


After listening to Zhenjun Yaoyue, everyone finally understood what he meant, and planned to use Jiuxiancheng, an ancient cellar that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, to test everyone's ability to withstand alcohol. This test method is quite interesting and fits perfectly. The theme of the wine tasting conference.


In the past wine tastings, sometimes the amount of alcohol was compared, but the amount of alcohol was not comparable. The monks had a large amount of alcohol. Drinking too poorly was useless, and it was not higher than that, and the wine that was too good was too wasteful to compete. The City Lord's Mansion was not willing to supply a large amount, which caused this link to be anticlimactic. But the wine in the ancient cellar does not have this problem. If the amount of wine is small, it will be drunk when entering the depths of the ancient cellar.


No wonder that in the previous wine tasting session, the city lord’s mansion must limit the number of people to about a hundred people. It is estimated that the ancient cellar is not very large, and it is impossible to enter too many people at one time. Hundreds of people should be the limit. With the difficulty of the three questions, many people got stuck.


Before, everyone heard so much from Yin Zhenjun, and they were full of curiosity about this ancient cellar, which was built and used for tens of thousands of years. Now that they have the opportunity to enter, many people are looking forward to it. I also want to see what kind of ancient cellar can brew a peerless spirit wine like Zui Yuquan. I also want to try it. I can withstand several layers of alcohol.


   None of the hundreds of monks on the field didn't expect it, but it was a pity that most of them were not eliminated, at least they had no chance to go in this time.


Even a few Yuanying monks were a little curious, Qing Liang Zhenjun directly said: "Invite Daoist Moon, can you also invite some of us to take a look? After hearing you talk about the magic of the ancient cellar, we are also heart-warming. It's hard to scratch, I want to try how deep I can go."


   Inviting Yue Zhenjun had already expected this, and said: "I also have this intention. Those who have not passed the wine tasting session will stay here for the time being, and everyone else will come with me."


Then Zhenjun invited Yuezheng gave a few more words, leaving the former Jindan monk who presided over the wine tasting session to entertain the eliminated casual repairs, and he took several Jindan monks and hundreds of people who passed the wine tasting test. The monks walked towards the left side of the city lord mansion together.


   All the way forward, after a short half an hour, I invite Yue Zhenjun to take everyone to a huge courtyard. The courtyard is tall and simple in shape, and is surrounded by simple protective formations to isolate outsiders from prying eyes. Just opened the courtyard door, a refreshing fragrance of spirit wine came out. This taste is very familiar to everyone. It is exactly the spirit spring ancient cellar that Zhenjun invited Yue said before. No need to ask, this place should be used in the city lord’s mansion. The place where the Lingquan ancient cellar is brewed.


Entering the yard, walked forward several tens of meters, and came to a tall building, where the smell of wine became more and more intense. There are two Jindan guards at the door of the building. They are all flushed with eyes. He looked slightly drunk, and seemed to be severely smoked by alcohol.


Seeing everyone coming in, the two guards quickly cleared the way, and then a group of people entered the building. Inside was a large hall. It was very empty and there were no furnishings. There was only a wide opening in the middle of the building. Underground, the wine is emitted from the entrance of the cave. This should be the entrance of the ancient cellar, and the building outside is only used to protect the entrance.


True Monarch Invite Yue did not stay outside the entrance of the cave, but led everyone into the entrance of the cave, and then walked down the steps, about a hundred meters away. After the steps were completed, a huge giant suddenly appeared in front of him. space. This space looked like a stone room, with a radius of nearly a thousand feet, and a height of twenty or thirty feet. The ground and walls were paved with stones. It looked neat and simple. There were hundreds of monks standing here, and it was not too crowded.


In the middle of the stone room, there are a variety of wine-making facilities, including wine pools, fermentation pools, brewing pools, material pools, etc. At this time, dozens of monks are busy near the wine pool. Around the stone room, there are many wine jars and wooden barrels ~ www.readwn.com~ some are free, some are filled with wine, and many are sealed and stored for many years.


   The wine here is getting richer and richer. The strong smell of wine makes people's eyes sting and the hooker's throat is itchy. The monks who entered here were all drunk people, and the amount of alcohol should not be underestimated, but after entering here, some people still flushed and appeared slightly drunk.


True Monarch Invite Moon stood still and said: "This is the first floor of the ancient cellar. The wine gas has reached this level. Low-level monks cannot enter at all. Even middle- and high-level monks cannot stay here for a long time. Those dozens of winemakers were carefully selected by my city lord's mansion, and they wore special spirit weapons to isolate the alcohol, otherwise they would not last."


   After hearing Zhenjun Wangyue say this, everyone noticed that the clothes on the busy monks were indeed a bit special. They should be the spirit tools specially refined by the City Lord's Mansion to isolate the alcohol. With the help of this magical device, the winemaker can stay busy here for a long time, but even so, after staying in it for a period of time, he has to go out for a breath and sober up the wine.


Qing Yang felt the alcohol around him. It was more than a little bit thicker than the outside. The low-level cultivators couldn’t enter at all. At least the cultivators at the base stage must be able to stay here for a long time. They can suppress drunkenness with their cultivation.

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