Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 911: : Wannian Ancient Cellar

Only on the first floor of the ancient cellar, the wine is so strong, not to mention the lower layers. No wonder Zhenjun Yuanyue said that even his cultivation base in the middle stage of the Yuan Ying can only go down to the eighth floor of the ancient cellar. . Qing Yang estimated that with his cultivation base, it would be good to be able to enter the fourth floor.


At this time, True Monarch Inviting Yue said again: "The more the ancient cellar goes down, the heavier the wine will become. Although the monks' methods can play a certain role, they can't solve the fundamental problems. Therefore, the foundation-building monks can almost go deep into the fourth floor. The limit. The Golden Core Cultivator goes deep into the sixth floor is the limit, and the Nascent Soul Cultivator can go deep into the seventh or eighth floor at most. Of course, there are so many capable people and strangers in this world. It is normal to have a few exceptions, but once you get drunk inside, The consequences will be serious, I hope everyone will do what they can."


Zhenjun Yuanyue did not elaborate, but everyone knew that it was a troublesome thing for a monk to be drunk in the ancient cellar. Those who came with friends were okay to say that friends could help rescue people and come to the wine tasting alone. Yes, you can only turn to the people in the City Lord's Mansion, but the heart is sinister, who knows if anything unbearable will happen during this period?


   "Invite Senior Yue, this ancient cellar is difficult to enter, and no one in the city lord's mansion specifically followed, how to confirm we finally reached the level of the ancient cellar?" Shi Ruyu suddenly asked.


Inviting Moon True Monarch: "My City Lord’s Mansion has been prepared for this issue. The jade slips sent to you in the first link have the function of recording the number and depth of the ancient cellar. You enter the first floor. A red line will be displayed next to the green light, and two red lines will be displayed when entering the second floor, until nine red lines are displayed on it, and the longer you stay in the ancient cellar, the darker the red line on the jade slip. In the end, our City Lord's Mansion will determine the top 20 monks who have passed the second test based on the number of red lines on the jade slips and the depth of the color, so don't worry that the City Lord's Mansion doesn't know your results."


   After hearing Zhenjun Yaoyue's words, everyone looked down at the jade slip in their hands, and as expected, a faint red line appeared, which was very conspicuous next to the three green rays of light before. It's pretty good. With this thing, there is no need for people from the City Lord's Mansion to follow, and the results are clear at a glance.


After explaining the matter, Zhenjun Inviting Yue said again: "I won't say anything else, just emphasize one sentence, you must do what you can, lest you end up asking my City Lord’s Mansion to save people. Your second session will start now. I won’t wait for you with a few Yuanying Dao friends."


   After speaking, Zhenjun Yingyue took the five Yuanying monks to the second floor of the ancient cellar, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone. The cultivators of Yuan Ying are so powerful that they can reach at least seven or eight floors. Their speed is faster than other cultivators, and there is no need to be with other people.


After the few Yuanying monks left, the remaining monks respected the descendants of those few Yuanying monks. As the true disciple of True Monarch Invite Yueyue, the real person Lone Star is also considered to be the majority of the master of the City Lord’s Mansion. His eyes I glanced around and said: "Although there is no time limit for the second part of this wine tasting, it is not good if the delay is too long. Let's go on."


Then Lone Star took the lead, and all the monks walked towards the entrance of the second floor of the ancient pit. There are steps connecting the layers of the ancient pit. It is about a hundred feet long. Hundreds of people act together to form a mighty and mighty one. Team. There were only three foundation-building cultivators. In order to avoid causing trouble, Qing Yang, Baotan Sanren, and Jiuquzi followed the team, appearing to be extremely low-key.


Soon they went down to the second floor of the ancient cellar. The layout of the second floor was similar to that of the first floor, but it was relatively empty. Except for those who participated in the wine tasting, there were only some remaining wine-making facilities, a few Yuanying monks. No, it should have gone down long ago.


The wine on the second floor of the ancient cellar is more intense. The strong wine smokes the monks’ eyes and noses, making people almost afraid to open their eyes and not breathe. They must be protected with real qi to endure it. The wine smells here. As if they had spirituality, they continued to drill into everyone's body. Even if the seven orifices were blocked, it didn't work. Many people turned red and drunk.


Although the wine on the second floor of the ancient cellar is much heavier than that on the first floor, it is still within everyone's tolerance. As Zhenjun Yaoyue said, the fourth floor of the ancient cellar is the limit for the foundation-building monks, and among the monks present There are only three foundation-building monks, and all of them have completed the foundation-building cultivation. It is not difficult to deal with the wine in this ancient cellar, and even the monks' methods are useless.


   Since entering the second floor of the ancient pit, a second red line has appeared on everyone's jade slips. As they spend more time on the second floor, the color of the red line has gradually become heavier.


   Hundreds of monks stayed on the second floor of the ancient pit for a while, feeling that they had adapted to the situation here, and Lone Star suggested to enter the third floor, and then walked to the entrance of the third floor of the ancient pit together. The wine tasting session is compared to the final number of layers deep into the ancient cellar, and the length of time depends on the last two floors, so there is no need to stay too much on the upper floors.


   As the monks deepened, the third red line on the jade slip gradually appeared. After all the steps between the second and third floors of the ancient pits were completed, the red line was completely formed.


  The shape of each floor of the ancient cellar is similar. It is a huge space. The ground and walls are all paved with stones, with a radius of nearly a thousand meters and a height of more than ten meters. In the middle are some remaining wine-making facilities. In the corners of the space, there is an entrance and an exit ~www.readwn.com~ with a wide step in the middle. The distance between each floor is about 100 feet, so the third floor is the same.


Although True Monarch Yueyue was invited to say that the fourth floor of the ancient cellar was the limit for the foundation-building monks, and the sixth floor was the limit for the Jindan monks. In fact, the ability of the monks to withstand alcohol is different. Many people have reached this level. On the third floor, it was already a little unbearable, and they offered their own protective methods to avoid making a fool of everyone in front of everyone, many of whom were Golden Core cultivators.


Of course, such monks are only a minority. The vast majority of Jindan monks can still withstand the three levels of wine in the ancient cellar, especially the younger generations of the six Yuanying monks. They all look the same, talk and laugh, as if they are not affected by the outside world at all. The influence of alcohol.


Among the three foundation-building monks, Baotan Sanren is indeed a drunkard who came from a long tradition. He is usually drunk, but here, under the influence of the wine of the ancient cellar, he is more sober than before. His eyes are so bright that they can be said to be deeply hidden.


Jiuquzi is also a gluttonous wine. He has lived for one hundred and ninety years, and he has no desires for a long time. The only hobby in this life is spiritual wine. Now it is hard to get the opportunity to get close to the ancient cellars of the city lord’s mansion. How could it be missed? Chance? So instead of being afraid at this time, his eyes were full of excitement, and his wrinkled old face was red with joy.

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