Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 912: :The 4th floor of the ancient cellar

As for Qing Yang, he has been influenced by Master Songhe since he was a child. Although he drank all ordinary wine at that time, he had already cultivated the amount of alcohol. After he cultivated immortality, he had come into contact with various spirit wines and suffered from alcohol odor. The ability is much greater than that of ordinary monks, so his performance is even better than that of some golden core monks, and he didn't even use monks' methods.


However, his condition was not much better. The heavy alcohol around him was constantly irritating him, and the whole person was as if soaking in a wine tank. After a short time, his face was flushed, and his body kept coming out of fine lines. Beads of sweat drenched clothes in a blink of an eye.


Among the hundreds of monks, there are only three foundation-building monks. Even if they are low-key, they will attract the attention of others. Seeing that their performance is better than some Jindan monks, it makes many people surprised, but think I was relieved to think about it. The three of them dared to participate in the wine tasting and were able to win in the first stage. They must all have real skills. This kind of performance is normal.


   After adapting to the third floor of the ancient cellar, hundreds of monks did not stay here, and continued to walk towards the next floor. This time the performance of the monks was not as easy as before. Just stepping on the entrance steps, a strong alcohol scent came towards him, which was a bit stronger than the third floor. Several monks were caught off guard and were continuously shocked. After a few steps back, he almost fell to the ground.


It was not easy to stabilize the team. Many people's faces changed and changed again. I didn't expect that the alcohol at the entrance to the fourth floor was so strong. It might not be easy to get to the fourth floor safely, so many monks quietly Use the means of pressing the bottom of the box to resist the erosion of alcohol.


At this time, the cultivator’s background can be seen. Although the younger brothers of the six Yuanying cultivators have not had the calmness they had before, their faces are gradually flushed with alcohol, but their performance is among hundreds of cultivators. They are the best, after all, they have a high cultivation level, and they have the Yuan Ying cultivator as their backer, and their strength and means are not comparable to ordinary cultivators.


Then there were a few late Jindan monks. The monks who participated in the wine tasting had all kinds of cultivation skills. Among them, there were also many late Jindan monks. These people had advanced cultivation skills and rich experience. The impact was not significant, and the performance was not worse than that of the younger generations of the six Yuanying cultivators. They just didn't want to steal their limelight. These talents were deliberately lagging behind.


   Followed by a large group of middle golden core monks, mixed with a small number of golden core and early golden core monks. This team is the largest, accounting for half of the total. Their performance is slightly worse than the previous two groups, but overall it is fairly easy.


At the end are the early Jindan cultivators. Qingyang and the three foundation-building cultivators are also sandwiched between them. The entire team is much behind the two previous gangs, and they dragged on for a long time. They desperately wanted to catch up with the others. But because of strength, he was pulled farther and farther.


Almost every step down the stairs, the surrounding alcohol becomes strong, and every step forward, you have to endure tremendous pressure, and every time you persist, it’s as long as a year has passed. At this time, in their eyes , This step of nearly one hundred feet is difficult to climb like a mountain.


Many people have blurred eyes and staggered steps, as if they are drunk. Sometimes they clearly want to move forward, but the steps they take somehow turn to the back. The seven orifices such as eyes and ears have long been useless. I was observing the surroundings with my divine mind, but my divine mind was affected by the odor of alcohol again, and his perception ability dropped drastically, as if he was not under his control.


   But no matter how difficult it is, you have to move forward. I have already said that the fourth floor of the ancient cellar is the limit for foundation-building monks. If you can't reach the fourth floor, doesn't it appear that you are incompetent? Especially the golden core monks among them, how can they accept that they are inferior to the foundation-building monks?


I don’t know how long it took. After they walked the steps, they appeared in the main hall on the fourth floor of the ancient cellar. The first few waves had been waiting for a long time. Looking at the belated monks, Lone Star truly said: "My master said that these four levels are the limit of many monks. If you can't stand the alcohol here, you can turn around and go back. It's just a wine tasting party. There is no need to work hard, and no one will laugh. It's troublesome to get drunk here."


Many cultivators in the early Golden Core have already reached their endurance. They tried their best to keep them from falling, but the deep drunkenness could not be suppressed. If this continues, they will be really drunk. The words of Master Lone Star gave them a step, so a dozen or so cultivators at the early stage of Jin Dan gave them a grateful look at Master Lone Star, then turned and walked up.


   Even though Zhenren Yaoyue said that the golden core monk's limit is six levels, monks and monks are also different. Some monks are inherently weak in the ability to withstand alcohol, and it is useless to be strong.


Perhaps because of the alcohol, Shi Ruyu's face turned slightly red, which made the whole person look a bit more mad. When the dozen or so Golden Core cultivators left, they looked provocatively at the other descendants of Yuan Ying, said. : "This is only the fourth floor, and it is far from the limit of the Golden Core cultivator. If possible, I even plan to go to the seventh floor to see. Can you still hold on?"


Jiu Zhuang urges people to dare. If in normal times, for the face of Zhenjun Shifu, Zhenren Gu and Zhenren Han will still let Shi Ruyu. At this time, they are agitated by the alcohol, and they are much more courageous, saying: "Senior Brother Shi is Brother Jindan, aren’t we? What’s so great about the seventh floor? Why don’t we compare them~www.readwn.com~ to see who can finally enter the seventh floor of the ancient cellar."


   The real green pine also said: "If you are not a good guy with less than seven floors, I agree with this proposal."


   "Then let's make it." Lone Star Madam did not show any weakness either.


   Zhenren Ziyun is the only woman among the six, and she has the lowest cultivation level. Shi Ruyu pretends to be considerate and said: "This is a matter between our male cultivators. Junior sister Ziyun does not need to participate."


Zhenren Ziyun had a natural beauty, but at this time, he was agitated by the alcohol, and his cheeks were blushing. There was a hint of amorous expression in his eyes, which made people salivate, which made many people afraid of her. The monks can't help but give birth to some thoughts they shouldn't have.


Even though Zhenren Ziyun is a woman, she has a temperament that refuses to admit defeat. Now she is so excited by the alcohol that she treats Shi Ruyu's thoughtfulness as a small look, and said, "Senior Brother Shi is underestimating me? Why can't I participate? Go! Can’t I go to the sixth floor to see if it’s not the seventh floor?"


   Shi Ruyu’s hot face posted a cold butt, and he was immediately bored, and could only say: "If this is the case, then don't waste time, let's go to the fifth floor to have a look."

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