Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 913: : Strong support

After Shi Ruyu finished speaking, Shi, regardless of other people, took the lead and headed for the steps leading to the lower level, and then others followed. Paotan Sanren suddenly opened his eyes, and two violent shots came out, without a trace of drunkenness on his body. Then he took a step and walked quickly towards the entrance of the steps, while Qing Yang gritted his teeth and chased them. Up.


Jiuquzi wanted to chase him, but he knew his situation very well in his heart. The one hundred and ninety-year-old foundation-building monk was nearing his life, and he has not had a few years to live, and his physical fitness and endurance are incomparable with others. If you continue to force it, you might end your life directly today. Good wine is a good thing, but you have to do what you can, and you can't bet your life.


   Jiuquzi hesitated for a moment, and could only throw a fist at Baotan Sanren and Qingyang, and said: "The old man will not be accompanied, two fellow Taoists, I wish you victory."


Aside from Jiuquzi, since Qingyang entered the steps from the fourth to fifth floors of the ancient cellar, a large amount of alcohol swelled violently, so that he could barely breathe in a single breath. A zhenqi shield is formed on the outside of the body to shield the alcohol, but even if it is, it is difficult to stop the erosion of the alcohol. The alcohol is almost as if it has spirituality, and it is almost pervasive. The ordinary means of defense are simply The ____ does not work.


The kind of hardship felt by others at the upper level, without exception, was pressed on Qing Yang. At this time, not only had to bear the harassment of drunkenness, but also the huge pressure of external alcohol. Under the multiple stimulation, Qing Yang knew I have reached the limit. Although he had more alcohol than others, after all, his cultivation base was placed there, and he was able to enter the fifth floor from the fourth floor. He was stronger than many Jindan cultivators. He was already at a super level performance. No matter how strong he was, it would be a bit outrageous.


Qing Yang really wants to turn around and leave, but if he just returns, I am afraid that his trip to the wine tasting will be over. Zhenjun Yuan Yue has already said that this level only takes the top 20, and now there are remaining There are still more than 80 people in, at this time, turning around, completely missed the top 20.


There are forty or fifty monks who are in the same situation as Qingyang. Most of them are middle golden core monks, and a small number of early golden core monks. They have reached their limit and are struggling to support them, but no one is willing to do so. With such a number of people, that's why they are trying their best to support it.


Different from Qing Yang’s hard support, the scattered people walking in front of him seemed very relaxed. Qing Yang couldn’t understand that they were all foundation-building consummation cultivators. Why did the other party have such great potential? Could it be this drunkard? Is the door so powerful?


On this hundred-foot-long steps, when Qing Yang finally entered the five-story hall of the ancient pit, he felt as if he had climbed through thousands of mountains and rivers, and his whole body was exhausted, his head was dizzy, and his body was weak. It was possible at any time. His body fell limp to the ground.


There are many more unbearable than Qingyang. When they stepped into the fifth floor of the ancient pit, they saw that the red lines on the jade slip turned into five, and finally couldn't help it. They turned around without waiting for others to step down. He stumbled towards the path. Someone took the lead, and the psychological burden on the others was reduced. They turned around to keep up, and the whole team hurried away and ran away.


In a blink of an eye, the number of monks on the fifth floor of the ancient pit was reduced by one third, and there are still more than fifty monks remaining, only half of the number of people who came in at the beginning. The rest of the people are determined people, and no one is willing to go first.


When others turned around just now, Qing Yang also wanted to give up, but thinking about the Yinfengjihuo cave and the Fenghuo Ling, he still persisted, but he doesn't know how long he can hold on, maybe he can't wait to enter the ancient cellar. At the entrance of the sixth floor, he became drunk.


The fifth floor of the ancient pit is already the limit of most monks here. Don’t look at Zhenjun Yuan Yue’s saying that the sixth floor of the ancient pit is the limit of the golden core monks. In fact, the sixth floor needs to be super-level to enter. So success or failure is in one fell swoop.


Among the more than fifty monks, most are similar to Qingyang, only a few are in a slightly better condition. Even the six descendants of the Yuan Ying monks are sweating and drunk. If they hadn't used some special means to keep themselves Sober, maybe you can't hold on at this time.


   Shi Ruyu looked at the other five monks, and said, "This is already the fifth floor of the ancient cellar, fellow daoists, do you still count the bets we made before?"


   Zhenren Gu and Zhenren Han said with big tongues: "The gentleman...it's hard to chase after words, what's promised...how can we not count? Let's walk..."


   "As long as Brother Shi dares to go, we will accompany to the end." Qing Songzhen said.


   At this time, Zhenren Ziyun no longer has the image of a lady before, and he rolled up his sleeves, revealing half of his white arms, and said: "That is, who is afraid of whom, I will come first."


After speaking, Zhenren Ziyun actually picked up his skirt and was the first to walk towards the entrance of the ancient cellar, which is a five-story and six-story entrance. It made others look speechless, but at this time everyone didn’t care about it. Can only speed up and follow up.


   They were about to walk down. Suddenly, a few figures flashed from the entrance of the fifth floor to the sixth floor. It was the few Yuanying monks who had entered the ancient cellar first. It is not clear whether these people have entered the eighth floor of the ancient cellar. I don't know what they were doing below. Anyway, when they returned here, the six Yuanying monks had recovered their superior demeanor.


"Look at what you look like now~www.readwn.com~ How can there be a female cultivator? This is not where you should be, so follow me right away." Seeing the performance of the apprentice Ziyun Zhenjun, Qingyue Zhenjun Suddenly, she was so angry that she scolded, Qingyue Zhenjun reprimanded her with justification and courage, not knowing that she herself was also a female cultivator, and her previous performance below was not much better than that of her apprentice.


   "I..." Zhenren Ziyun still wanted to argue a few words.


   "Huh, do you want me to say it again?" Qingyue Zhenjun said with a cold face.


   Really angry seeing Master moved, True Person Ziyun didn't dare to say anything, so he could only stand next to True Monarch Qingyue obediently. Her visit to the Ten Thousand Years Ancient Cellar might be over here.


True Monarch Inviting Yueyue glanced around, then nodded at the real Lone Star, and said: "More than half of the people have come to the fifth floor of the ancient cellar. Your performance is very good, especially there are two foundation-building cultivators, you Go on, and I will go back first with a few other fellow daoists."


   Invited True Monarch Yue to give a few simple explanations, without staying here too much, and directly with the other five Yuanying monks and bringing the real Ziyun out of the fifth floor of the ancient cellar. Without the real person Ziyun, Shi Ruyu's performance became much weaker, and the team led by the real person Lone Star continued to go down.

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