Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 914: : 6th floor entrance

Seeing more than fifty people leave the fifth floor of the ancient pit one after another, the scattered people from Baotan looked at Qing Yang and said, "Friend Qingyang, if you can't support it, don't force it."

   Baotan scattered people have already seen that Qingyang has already reached its limit, and at this time it is completely supporting it, so he specifically exhorts, after all, he has been in the same boat for ten years. Qing Yang understood that the other party was kind, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I will do what I can."

The Baotan Sanren confessed a few words, and then strode to keep up with the others. Looking at him like this, the final result will never be too bad. The performance of a foundation-building monk surpassed many Jindan late monks, and the Baotan Sanren. The aspect is absolutely hidden and not leaking.

Qingyang gritted his teeth and didn't know what to do next. This was already his limit. If he continued to move forward, he might be really drunk. It is hard to say what will happen afterwards, but he just left like this. He was a bit unsure. Reconciled, because this wine tasting is related to his future formation.

The wine gas in this ancient cellar doesn’t work at all by ordinary means. The spirit armor only responds when it is attacked. It is true that wine gas can attack the invisible, and the true gas shield can play a certain role, but This effect is also limited. After a long time, the alcohol gas can even enter the meridians along the Zhenqi shield, penetrate the dantian, and anesthetize the whole person.

This is how to do? Qing Yang thought about all his methods, and finally thought of the drunk bee. This kind of spirit worm likes spirit wine, and I don’t know if it can help, but at this time Qing Yang has no other way but to die. The horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Qingyang's spirit moves, and a dozen of alcoholic bees are summoned from the drunk fairy gourd. After smelling the alcohol in the air, the alcoholic bees immediately become excited and surround Qingyang. Dancing up and down, like a sleepy bird flying into the sky, and fish swimming into the ocean.

They danced happily and breathed greedily. What surprised Qing Yang most was that the alcoholic bee was not affected by such a heavy alcoholic odor. Even the lowest-rank ordinary alcoholic bee could bear it. The wine on the fifth floor of the ancient cellar is much stronger than Qingyang.

Qingyang lined up these alcoholic bees and blocked them in front of his nose and mouth. Then he felt that the outside alcohol was blocked by the alcoholic bees, and the amount of alcoholic bees inhaled by Qingyang decreased, although the amount was not very large. Large, but the number of alcoholic bees is also small. If you release more, the alcohol will be blocked more? At that time, maybe I can continue down.

  Unexpectedly, these alcoholic bees are really useful, Qingyang no longer hesitated, and immediately released nearly a thousand alcoholic bees. After ten years on the spirit ship, the swarm of alcoholic bees in the drunk fairy gourd has grown to nearly two thousand. This time Qingyang only released half of it, just in case.

Nearly a thousand alcoholic bees, according to Qingyang’s requirements, are densely grouped together, like a cover, enclosing Qingyang’s entire body, leaving only two legs for walking, anyway, eyes, ears, The nose has long been useless, the divine mind in this ancient cellar is more useful.

As soon as the shield formed by the alcoholic bee took shape, Qing Yang felt that the alcohol around him was suddenly empty, and his head became clearer. All the pressure on his body disappeared at this moment, and the alcoholic bee could not stop it. For all the alcohol, there will definitely be some fish slipping through the net, but this amount is no longer a threat to Qing Yang.

Qing Yang made a comparison, and now the concentration of alcohol in his body is already extremely low, almost the same as when he was on the second floor of the ancient pit. In this case, it is completely bearable, and can even continue to go down. With this cheating method, I don't know if I can enter the top 20.

Qing Yang also discovered a detail. The alcoholic gas was not blocked by the alcoholic bee colony, but absorbed by them. In other words, the alcoholic gas was absorbed into the body of the alcoholic bee and was absorbed by Qingyang. The volume of alcohol is less, so it is so easy.

   Drunkard is worthy of being a drunkard among spirit worms. To them, the drunkenness of the outside world is a great tonic, just like a beggar encountering food. How could it not be crazy? They didn't even need to drive Qingyang specifically, most of the alcohol was cut off by them.

Although the spirit wine level in the ancient cellar is very high, and the individuals who are addicted to alcohol are very small, but the alcohol is only alcoholic after all, and it cannot be compared with spirits. Only a large amount of inhalation can make it drunk, and alcoholic bees are naturally good at drinking. , The ability in this area even surpasses the monks of the same rank, so the shield composed of the alcoholic bee swarm can be used for a long time, and there will be no problems in a short time. What's more, Qingyang still left half of the Drunkard Bee in the Drunken Immortal Gourd, which can be replaced at any time if something goes wrong.

Unexpectedly, the drunken bee array has such a magical effect. With their help, this second stage of victory has been great. Qingyang stood on the fifth floor of the ancient cellar and waited a little bit, waited until the drunkenness was a little lighter, soon Step chased the other monks.

Besides, the fifty-odd monks have been completely opened at this time. The descendants of the five Yuanying monks and seven or eight of them have the foundation of the late Jindan monks~www.readwn.com~ have come to the ancient cellar. In the six-story hall, but their current situation is very bad. Some people have pale faces, dull eyes, trembling all over, and sweating like a serious illness. Some people are red all over. The steam is steaming on top of the head, just like shrimps that are about to be steamed in a steamer.

The situation of these people is similar to what Qing Yang did when he was on the fifth floor. Obviously, they have reached their limits. In fact, this is normal. Master Yueyue has already said that the sixth floor is the limit of the golden core monks. With the background, it is very difficult to break through the limit.

   There are more than twenty monks, who are walking down the stairs with difficulty at this time. Seeing their appearance, it is hard to say whether they can enter the sixth floor of the ancient cellar normally, but none of them gave up. This level only takes the top 20, and the previous batch of Yuanying monks and younger brothers and Jindan late monks only have a dozen people. Giving up at this time means losing. If you can continue to persist, as long as you can persist in other competitions If the opponent can't stand it, can't he win?

The remaining dozen people stood at the entrance from the fifth floor to the sixth floor of the ancient pit, and they dared not go down. The fifth floor of the ancient pit was already their limit, and the sixth floor was a bit reluctant, but it was not easy. It's a pity to walk here and give up. They hesitated for a long time before they mustered up the courage to come to the entrance, but they were stunned by the alcohol inside.

Some people felt that they might not be able to hold on, and turned and returned to the fifth floor. Some people estimated the alcohol inside and felt that they could bear it, so they gritted their teeth and rushed in, leaving the rest with them. Also walked down.

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