Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 916: : Tied for No. 1?

After that, the two supported each other and walked down a little bit. They didn’t know what method they used to disperse the altar. The whole body suddenly became extremely heavy and the speed became very slow. It seems that they are all shaking, Qing Yang's situation is much better, he could have been faster, but did not do this, but try to keep pace with Baotan Sanren.

   Not only the two of them are like this, the same is true for the ten monks in front of them. Whether they are the descendants of the three Yuanying monks or the seven late Jindan monks, they are all struggling extremely hard.

If it is usual, the steps of one hundred feet would have passed by, and it would take a few breaths at most, but now it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Every step is a kind of torment. The next step is a test, but in order to win, for the sake of face, or for the future, they are insisting on it.

A little bit of time passed, and the team was gradually elongated. Shi Ruyu and Lone Star were at the forefront, followed by two outstanding performances of late Jindan monks, followed by Qingsong and the remaining late Jindan monks. Seeing how hard they are, it seems that it is difficult to finish the steps.

As for Baotan Sanren and Qingyang, although the two started the latest, they kept walking forward unhurriedly, and gradually caught up with the others, ranking behind the real man Qingsong and the few late Jindan monks. Front.

   Unknowingly, the time has passed by half an hour, usually a few breaths can be a step back and forth one hundred feet, it took such a long time, it is hard to believe. However, I finally saw the end of the steps, as long as I worked harder, I could walk through completely.

   But apart from Qingyang, the potential of everyone on the field was almost squeezed out. It was extremely difficult to go one step further, and the remaining just a few steps were like a moat.

The few late Jindan cultivators at the back have stopped moving forward. They are very clear about their own situation. It is impossible to complete the remaining steps. There are a total of twelve cultivators entering the passage, and this link will take the first two. Ten, since they have already won, why bother to compete?

As for the former Shi Ruyu, Lone Star Reality and the two outstanding Jindan monks, they are still struggling to move forward. They are not fighting for victory in this link, because they have already won, and face is the most important thing. The first is their pursuit.

Seeing that there were dozens of steps left on the steps, Baotan Sanren finally couldn't hold on. He looked at the half of the red line that appeared on the seventh grid on the jade slip in his hand, stopped, and said: "Friend Qingyang , I can't hold on anymore, so I won't drag you down. This is my limit. If you can go forward, continue down and give us the foundation-building cultivator to fight for our breath."

Paotan Sanren usually looks drunk because of the special exercises, but when he is drunk he appears sober, and the more drunk he gets, the less he can see the drunken state, which is completely opposite to normal people. At this time, he looks As usual, both eyes were bright and scary, but the real situation was drunk to the limit, more serious than those late Jindan cultivators. If it hadn't used some special methods, it would have been impossible to persist until now.

   Qingyang could see the situation of the scattered people in Baotan, so he nodded and said: "Okay, take care of yourself, and I will walk down again.


After leaving the Baotan and scattered people, Qing Yang's speed became faster, and finally entered the seventh floor of the ancient cellar with Shi Ruyu and Lone Star. As for the two outstanding performances of the late Jindan monks, there were a dozen in the end. When I was on a high level, I couldn't hold on anymore, so I stopped there, seemingly giving up the chance to compete first.

In the end, there were only three people who entered the seven-story hall of the ancient pits, Shi Ruyu, Lone Star Reality, Qingyang, Shi Ruyu is really strong, otherwise it is impossible to actively propose to come to the seventh floor. The lord of Jiu Xian City invited True Monarch Yue, while Qing Yang used cheating methods, and most of the alcohol was absorbed by the drunk bees.

   Except that Qingyang's situation is a little better, the other two have already passed the limit. They just used a lot of special methods secretly to fight for their breath, and they barely persisted until now.

   Shi Ruyu's face was scary white, there was no blood on his body, and he kept fighting cold, he was also a little shorter than usual, his body was extremely weak, and he looked like he would fall apart at any time. The face of Lone Star was flushed, and his skin was red like cooked shrimp. It was not sweat, but heat, and the whole body was steaming, as if standing in a steamer.

Shi Ruyu looked at the entrance to the eighth floor of the ancient cellar, and couldn't help but shudder. With his current situation, even if he takes one step forward, he might collapse, so he said: "Friend Lone Star, he has reached the seventh. The level is over, can we still compare it?"

The real person Lone Star could hear that Shi Ruyu's words had a retreat. His situation was no better than that of the other party. He had already been unable to hold on ~www.readwn.com~ so he went down the donkey and said, "It's already here. What's the point of comparison at this level? My master has said long ago that the limit of the Golden Core monks is the sixth floor of the ancient pit, and we can reach the seventh floor, which is already super level, and even their Nascent Soul monks can only When we reach the eighth floor of the ancient cellar, how can we compare to Monk Yuanying?"

   Shiruyu nodded and said, "Yeah, how can we not compare with Yuan Ying monk. In that case, let's shake hands and make peace. How about the two?"

   "I agree with this opinion." Lone Star said humanely.

There are only three people in the seven-story hall of the ancient pit, and the two of them are tied for the first place, so Qingyang can only be placed in third place. Qingyang has no intention to compete with them. He has more important things to do, etc. After gradually adapting to the wine on the seventh floor of the ancient cellar, he staggered forward again.

   Qingyang's actions brought the conversation between Shi Ruyu and the real Lone Star to an abrupt end. In their minds, Qingyang's situation should be worse. It was a blessing to be able to enter the seventh floor of the ancient cellar. How could it be possible to move on? But it is a foundation building monk, and it is already very good to get the third place. Now what should be considered is how to return to the top of the ancient cellar. However, he did not expect that Qing Yang still had enough energy to continue going down. Thinking of what he had said earlier, the faces of the two of them were blue and red, and they were burning fiercely.

Shi Ruyu wanted to take a breath, and continued to move forward, fighting against Qing Yang to let this kid know how good he was, but he tried it, only to find that his two legs seemed to have taken root. If he doesn't get up, he understands that all his potential has been exhausted long ago, and he will definitely get drunk if he goes further. By then, it will not be a matter of winning or losing, but whether he will be ugly.

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