Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 917: : 9th floor of ancient cellar

In desperation, Shi Ruyu could only stare at Qing Yang's back angrily, remembering this kid in his heart, and being taken first by a foundation-building kid, no one would feel depressed.

After the wine gas on the seventh floor of the ancient pit is blocked by the swarm of alcoholic bees, although it is not as high as the concentration of the fifth floor of the ancient pit, it is not much worse. Now Qingyang is actually at its limit. According to his usual low-key temperament, he will definitely meet Take it if you are good, because there is no need to compete with others for the first place.

   The reason why he continued to move forward with strong fighting spirit was that he discovered a little secret, and he had to avoid the eyes and ears of these people to act, and he could not let others discover the clues.

In Shi Ruyu’s jealous eyes, and in Lone Star’s surprised expression, Qing Yang walked forward with difficulty, and it took a long time to arrive at the entrance of the seventh floor to the eighth floor of the ancient cellar, and then he sank and followed the steps. Walking down, disappeared in front of these people.

   After entering the passage from the seventh floor to the eighth floor of the ancient pit, even if Qingyang had the help of the alcoholic bee, it was still very difficult, and the difficulty was comparable to that of the previous period when there was no alcoholic bee to help on the fifth floor of the ancient pit. Fortunately, he didn't need to actually reach the eighth floor of the ancient pit, and walked down the steps for more than ten feet, feeling that no one could notice, the Qingyang divine mind moved, and seven blue shadows were released from the drunk immortal gourd.

The secret Qing Yang discovered is very simple. These alcohol odors can slowly increase the cultivation base of the wine bees. From the fifth to the seventh floor of the ancient cellar, for a period of time, almost every one of the wine bees surrounding him All have been slightly improved, and outsiders may not be able to see it. Qing Yang, as their master, feels very real.

This kind of small increase is not very helpful to other alcoholic bees, but the alcoholic queen bee is different. The alcoholic queen has already reached the limit of the sixth-order peak breakthrough. It is just that there is no suitable opportunity. Advanced, now that the wine odor of this ancient cellar has a certain effect on the strength of the wine-thinking bee, Qing Yang naturally wants to give it a try to see if he can make a breakthrough with it.

On other people’s territory, especially in this city lord’s mansion, there are several Nascent Soul cultivators. Some secrets are not suitable for revealing, but such a good opportunity is really rare, so Qing Yang will ignore other people’s surprised gaze and force his body. At this point, Qing Yang, who was not successful, was not sure, this kind of hope was really slim, but he would never succeed if he didn't try.

After releasing the Alcoholic Bee Queen and the six bee generals, it seems that the ability of the entire Alcoholic Bee colony to resist alcohol has increased a bit, but Qingyang did not delay time, and a movement of divine mind drove the seven Alcoholic Bees in the base-building period. Flying towards the eighth floor of the ancient cellar, he himself stayed in place.

The entire ancient cellar is not too big, and the connection between Qingyang and the Alcoholic Queen Bee has not been interrupted. He can clearly feel the joy and excitement of the Alcoholic Queen Bee as he goes down, and he can also feel that the Alcoholic Queen Bee carries The six bees quickly flew to the eighth floor of the ancient cellar.

   There is not much difference between the eighth floor and the seventh floor of the ancient cellar. It is also a large hall with a radius of thousands of feet. There are inlets and outlets on both sides, and there are some remaining wine-making facilities in the middle. The wine on the eighth floor of the ancient cellar is more than twice as strong as that on the seventh floor. No wonder that with the cultivation base of Invite True Monarch Moon, you can only reach the eighth floor. Fortunately, Qingyang stopped on the steps not far from the entrance. If he goes further down, even with the help of a swarm of alcoholic bees, he will not be able to withstand the alcohol here and become drunk.

Drinking bees also seem to have their limits. After reaching the eighth floor of the ancient cellar, the six bees will obviously dare not move forward, so they stayed here, and then dispersed, each occupying a corner and absorbing it happily. The surrounding alcohol is used to improve cultivation.

The Alcoholic Queen Bee pursues the ultimate. If you want to make a breakthrough, you can't do it without pressure, so the Alcoholic Queen Bee hesitated a bit, and went all the way into the entrance from the eighth floor to the ninth floor of the ancient cellar.

The wine on the ninth floor of the ancient cellar is stronger. It is no longer appropriate to say that qi is here. Instead, it should be described as a pond, because the surrounding wine has become so strong that it is like misty water. In the range of the layer, the wings were wet, and when they flicked the wings lightly, the wine fell down like raindrops.

Qingyang couldn't observe the situation on the nine floors of the ancient cellar, so he could only rely on the information fed back by the Alcoholic Queen Bee to judge. However, the surrounding heavy alcohol restricted the ability of Alcoholic Queen Bee, and it was very difficult to see the surrounding situation quickly. What's more, the nine layers of the ancient cellar were so strong that the Yuan Ying monk couldn't stand it, and the wine addicted queen bee also persisted very hard, and there was no extra ability to observe the surroundings.

Although Qingyang couldn't see the situation in the ninth floor of the ancient pit, he could feel that the situation of the wine addicted queen bee was not very good. I don't know how many times the layer is stronger, even the cultivator Yuan Ying dare not go down to find out. The pressure that the wine-drinking queen bee is under can be imagined.

At the same time, Qingyang can also feel that after the Alcoholic Queen Bee has absorbed a large amount of the surrounding alcohol, her strength has indeed improved slightly~www.readwn.com~ The Alcoholic Queen Bee’s strength has reached the building as early as the Zhongsha region. After the completion of the base, because there was no suitable opportunity, during the nearly ten years from the Central Sand Region to the Ancient Wind Continent, the cultivation base had almost stagnated, and now it has finally improved slightly.

Of course, this magnitude is very small, and only Qingyang, the master, can feel it slightly, and it is only within the scope of the completion of the foundation, the cultivation base is more refined, but it has not reached the level of quantitative change causing qualitative change. When will it be possible to break through, Qing Yang couldn't judge without experience.

   Qingyang has no other way, she can only continue to persist, try her best to delay the time and create opportunities for the alcoholic queen bee, hoping that she can use this opportunity to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop. But time passed a little bit, half an hour, one hour, one and a half hours, Shi Ruyu, the real person Lone Star and others could not hold it, and they returned to the top of the ancient cellar one after another.

   only knows that the Alcoholic Queen Bee's strength has been improved compared to before, and his cultivation has improved, but he has not waited for the signal of breakthrough, and he does not know how to break through.

On the Qingyang side, the first batch of alcoholic bees had already absorbed enough alcohol and reached the limit in all aspects, and was replaced by him. Now even the second batch of alcoholic bees has appeared in varying degrees for the longest time. State, the situation is precarious, and it seems that I can't hold on it anymore.

   Qingyang knew that he couldn't delay any longer. If the alcoholic bee swarm collapsed, he would be completely drunk and fall into this ancient cellar. This is nothing, and it would be bad if it caused the suspicion of the Yuan Ying monk. What's more, the wine queen bee on the ninth floor of the ancient cellar can't hold on anymore. No monk can go to the ninth floor of the ancient cellar.

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