Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 924: : Something in mind

True Monarch Invite Yue stared at Baotan Sanren, and said: "The matter of pill formation is difficult and difficult for most casual cultivators, but casual cultivators are not hopeless. Some people rely on aptitude, as long as they have enough aptitude, they can cultivate to a certain extent. The degree of pill formation is naturally a matter of course. Some people rely on opportunities and luck to get some rare elixir, and they may be able to break through the current bottleneck. Some people rely on experience to put themselves in danger and find themselves in desperate situations. The opportunity for Dao breakthrough. Of course, there are also medicines, but the price of Jinjin Pill is so high that ordinary casual cultivators simply can’t afford it.”

Baotan Sanren said: "Yes, the younger generation is also confused, I don't know where to go."

Inviting Yuezhen Jundao: "You can’t break through the bottleneck for a long time. It’s normal for you to have this confusion. The qualifications are inherently no one can change. Even if you have the qualifications, it is not foolproof. Moreover, as your cultivation level improves, the bottleneck becomes bigger and bigger. The advantage of will become smaller and smaller; the theory of luck is illusory, and it implies heaven, which is not something we can see through. This kind of situation can be met and cannot be expected; and seeking a head break in a desperate situation is too dangerous to be a last resort. Under circumstances, it’s best not to use it, so the most reliable way to break through the core is to rely on the golden core.”

Having said that, Zhenjun Inviting Yuet took a sigh of relief, and then said: "Of course, no one can say about this kind of thing. Since you have come to my head, I will give you a suggestion. The focus should still be on It’s better to break into the Golden Core Realm if there are other opportunities. If there is no chance, people will not miss the opportunity because they are unprepared."

"Senior mean?" Baotan Sanren asked.

Inviting the Moon Zhenjun said: "I mean you also want to go to this Yinfengjihuo cave. There are opportunities, desperation, and materials for the golden pill. Isn't it a pity to miss such a good condition?"

True Monarch Invite Yueyue still has some truth in what he said, aside from his aptitude, the Yinfengjihuo cave was opened only once in 49 years, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to enter. There must be a lot of opportunities in it, maybe you can get it. What kind of heaven, material and earth treasure can break through the golden core, and the danger of the Yinfengjihuo cave is also a good opportunity for experience, and you can find a breakthrough in the desperate situation.

Even if the Baotan Sanren didn’t get the chance, and there was no breakthrough in the desperate situation, the Yinfengjihuo cave was not gone for nothing, because there are two main medicines of the golden pill, the red soul rhyme fruit and the earth fire endosulfan sand, which can be harvested casually. Some, isn't he one step closer to the pill formation?

In fact, Baotan Sanren is still mentally prepared for this. He also knows that it is impossible for a jar of spirit wine to obtain a chance to condense alchemy. Not to mention that True Monarch Inviting Yueyue does not have it. Even if there is, it will give priority to his disciples or grandchildren or grandchildren. Subordinates, rather than outsiders such as Baotan Sanren.

The reason why Baotan Sanren did this is because of a fluke mentality. If it doesn't work, let's give it a try. If it doesn't work, then go back and take a risk in the Yinfengjihuo cave in exchange for a wind and fire decree.

Thinking of this, Baotan Sanren bowed toward Zhenjun Yinyue, and said, "Thank you, senior for pointing me to my wits. Juniors are grateful. I am changed by this wind and fire."

True Monarch Invite Yue nodded, and said, "Well, yes, this is what a monk should be. There will be no chance in the sky. Sitting at home can't wait to break through the bottleneck opportunity. You still need to go out to experience and search, don't you Seeing how many of our Yuanying cultivators are now at the top, and when they cultivated at a low level at the beginning, the trials and hardships they endured are many times more than you don't know."

After speaking, Zhenjun invited Yue to take out a wind and fire order and give it to Baotan Sanren, and then he was given a thousand spirit stones to complete the spirit wine transaction to Baotan Sanren.

When it was the turn of the real Lone Star, True Monarch Inviting Yue directly ignored him, he was his own, and there was no need to engage in the practice of changing the left hand to the right hand in front of so many people.

The real man Qingsong behind is a disciple of Qingliang Zhenjun of Wanshou Valley. He is like Shi Ruyu. He has the background of Yuanying monk behind him. He has no additional requirements for Zhenjun Yaoyue, but his Shiruling wine has only been rated as a third-class spirit. Liquor can only be exchanged for six thousand spirit stones, but relative to the market price of Shiruling wine, these six thousand spirit stones are also considered to be a very high price.

The last one is the late Jindan cultivator. This person’s cultivation is the highest among all the casual cultivators on the field. What he needs is not a spirit stone, but a kind of special material. If you inquire about it, you can find out about Wangyue Zhenjun. Yes, it’s just that Zhenjun Wang Yue has been in retreat some time ago, and recently he was busy with the wine tasting. It was not something he could see if a Jindan monk wanted to meet. He simply came to the wine tasting, hoping to meet Zhenjun Yao Yue face-to-face. Have an exchange.

The value of the materials required by this Golden Core monk is beyond the range of six thousand spirit stones. According to the customary invitation, True Monarch Moon would not agree, but he was in a good mood today, and simply agreed to the other party’s request and asked the other party to fill up the spirit stones. , Sold him the required materials directly.

All the six altars of spirit wine were bought by True Monarch Yue, and this wine tasting was coming to an end. There was only a small part in which the Yuan Ying monks did not participate, which was the private transaction between the casual practitioners. The City Lord’s Mansion only provides a place. This square will continue to be open for them for three days free of charge. Hundreds of casual practitioners can trade at will, not only for spirit wine, but also for other things.

Then a few Yuanying monks left with their descendants~www.readwn.com~ The remaining things were presided over by the Jindan monks of the City Lord’s Mansion. There were some spiritual stones in the hands of the Baotan Sanren, and they planned to stay here. Seeing if there was anything to buy, Qing Yang had something in his heart, so he left the City Lord's Mansion directly.

Hearing from the owner of the Qicao Pavilion, the Yinfengjihuo Cave has been opened for several days, and other people have probably entered long ago. This kind of thing is early or late. If it is late, the good things will be taken away by others. Isn't he busy doing it in vain? What's more, there is still a lot of preparation work to be done after going back, and there will be a lot of delay on the way to the Yinfengjihuo Cave, and it can't be delayed any longer.

In addition to this, there is one more important thing. At the entrance of the eighth floor of the ancient pit, Qingyang sent the wine addicted queen bee and the six bees into the eighth and ninth floors of the ancient pit to improve the cultivation base. What is the final effect? It’s still not clear, and he still remembers that when the last seven drunk bees came back, they seemed to be holding something. Qing Yang didn’t have time to check. At that time, he was eroded by alcohol and was seriously drunk. How can there be time to pay attention to other things?

Because there was something in his heart, Qing Yang was a little absent-minded when he was in the city lord’s mansion, but there were so many monks around, he could only hold back the curiosity in his heart, and now he finally came out of the city lord’s mansion, he couldn’t help but want to see and absorb a lot. What happened to the alcoholic bees after alcohol.

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