Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 925: :Saccharomyces cerevisiae

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Qing Yang walked forward for a while, then turned into a secluded alley to see if there was no one in front, back, or right. He then plunged his spirit into the drunk fairy gourd.

At this time, it was only a few hours before he came out of the ancient cellar of the city lord’s mansion. The alcohol he inhaled has almost dissipated. The profound skill of the flat needle, the drunkenness has long been driven away, and the alcoholic bee is absorbed in the ancient cellar. Too much alcohol was consumed, and they were all actively absorbed, so the situation in the ancient cellar at this time was similar to that of the alcoholic bees. At least some of the alcoholic bees were drunk.

Judging from their breaths, the cultivation base of the wine bees has generally improved. Although the magnitude is not very large, many wine bees who encounter bottlenecks seem to be on the verge of a breakthrough. According to Qingyang's estimation, the wine bees are waiting After waking up, the number of Purple-backed Drinking Bees can at least increase by dozens.

Among the swarms of drunk bees, Qingyang also saw the figure of the queen bee. Seeing this, Qing Yang couldn't help but feel happy, because the performance of the queen bee now is different from the performance of the queen bee. In the gourd, the performance of the alcoholic queen bee is very similar when it is sleeping. At that time, the alcoholic queen was drunk after drinking the fairy wine from the wine pool, and then through a long sleep, he finally advanced to the blue-backed alcoholic bee.

Think about it, as early as ten years ago, the Alcoholic Queen Bee has reached the top of Tier 6, but there has been no chance to break through. In the drunk fairy gourd, Alcoholic Bee has never lacked spirit wine, brewed by iron-armed monkeys. Very few of the monkey spirit wines are buried in cellars, and Qingyang and Iron-armed monkeys don’t drink much. Almost all the rest are drunk by the alcoholic bees. With such a sufficient supply of Qingyang , Even if there is no wine in the ancient cellar, it will not be too late for the wine-loving queen bee to advance.

Seeing the appearance of the Alcoholic Bee Queen, Qing Yang understood in his heart that he was too impatient in the ancient cellar before. Breaking through the golden core is a very complicated process. Whether it is a monk or a spirit beast, it needs to be done well. Sufficient preparation, just relying on the ninth floor of the ancient cellar is not enough, so after the Alcoholic Bee Queen absorbed enough alcohol, it did not immediately break through, but waited for the drunken gourd to return to the drunken gourd, there was no danger around. Just fell asleep and prepared to advance.

Once the Alcoholic Bee Queen can really advance, he is equivalent to having a helper of the Golden Elixir stage, and the strength of the entire Alcoholic Bee colony will be greatly improved, and the ability to survive when encountering danger will be greatly improved in the face of gold. When Brother Dan was emboldened, he was even more confident.

It’s just that I’m going to the Yinfengjihuo cave soon. There are definitely a lot of dangers inside. The alcoholic bee is a great help for me, but the alcoholic queen is sleeping and will definitely not be able to wake up in a short time. I am afraid that the trip to the subyin wind and extremely fire cave will not be of much help. Fortunately, the six bees did not fall into a deep sleep, and they were able to play some role more or less.

Before Qingyang, Iron-armed Monkey and Alcoholic Bumblebee are facing breakthroughs, now Alcoholic Bumblebee is one step ahead. The chance of Qingyang and Iron-armed Monkey is still unknown, but with the wind and fire order, it is possible to enter the Yinfeng. The qualifications of Jihuo Cave, this time if you can get the Chi Mind Rhyme Fruit and Earth Fire Endosulfan Sand, you will have a spectrum of refining golden pills, and I hope to succeed.

After watching the Alcoholic Bee, Qingyang again focused on the thing brought back by the Alcoholic Queen. It was a gray-yellow object about the size of a fist, with a slightly sour smell, just like a piece of* *food. If it wasn't for the slight spiritual power exuding from it, Qing Yang really thought that the alcoholic queen bee had taken such a big risk, and just picked up a piece of garbage and returned.

Because the alcoholic queen bee fell into a deep sleep, Qing Yang was unable to communicate with her, so he could only judge by himself. After careful observation, Qing Yang could almost see that this should be a piece of yeast for brewing, and it is definitely a piece of grade. Low-quality yeast.

Yeast is also needed for brewing spirit wine. If it is not used, the spirit wine produced will be of a lower grade. Before Qingyang let the iron-armed monkey brew spirit wine, because of the poor conditions, no suitable yeast was found to produce the spirit wine. The wine level is not very high, only the gas refining level.

In the past, this monkey spirit wine was somewhat helpful to Qingyang and Iron-armed Monkeys, but now it has little effect. It is more only used to satisfy his temporary appetite, unless it is the kind that has been stored for a long time and the level is improved. After the spirit wine is useful, how can there be so much spirit wine in the cellar?

Although Zui Xian Hu can speed up this process, it also takes a certain amount of time after all. Moreover, although the level of the spirit wine after cellaring has been improved, the quantity has also decreased. Sometimes several jars can be condensed into one jar. Where can they withstand their massive consumption?

After all, the ninth floor of the ancient cellar was abandoned by the monks because the wine was too strong. It is estimated that there is nothing good in it, and even this piece of brewer's yeast was abandoned by them.

It’s just that the wine in the ninth floor of the ancient cellar is extremely rich. The Yuan Ying monks dare not enter, and don’t know how long no one has been. After countless years of nourishment and advancement, this piece of saccharomyces cerevisiae has achieved an extremely high level of yeast. The big improvement has become what it is today.

Qing Yang judged that if the iron-armed monkey uses this piece of yeast when brewing spirit wine in the future, the quality of Houer spirit wine will be greatly improved, and it will start almost as a spirit wine of Jindan level.

As long as Saccharomyces cerevisiae is carefully maintained ~www.readwn.com~ preserved properly, it will continue to grow and even continue to advance to a certain level. By then, the brewed spirit will have a higher level, which is equivalent to a piece An inexhaustible treasure.

It is no wonder that the Alcoholic Queen Bee was on the ninth floor of the ancient cellar before, and when faced with a breakthrough, she still desperately brought back this piece of yeast. This is a treasure that is never exchanged.

With this group of yeast, the Houer spirit wine brewed by the iron-armed monkey will no longer be Qingyang's low-level spirit wine to solve the appetite, but a high-level spirit wine for proper use. The monkeys will have no small effect. As for the wine bees, the effect of this spirit wine is even greater. If you can drink this high-level spirit wine for a long time, the strength of the wine bees will increase faster, perhaps without the use of the wine in the ancient cellar of the city lord’s mansion. Can make other alcoholic bees advanced.

This time I went to the city lord’s mansion to participate in the wine tasting. The time was not very long, but Qingyang’s harvest was huge. The wine addicted queen bee had the opportunity of the advanced golden core, and after waking up, it was the seventh-order spirit insect, and brought it back for himself. A piece of superb Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be called a peerless treasure, which can directly increase your spirit wine by two levels. Compared with them, Fenghuo Ling is not the most important.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang couldn't help showing a smile on his face. His luck was as good as ever. This wine tasting was really right.

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