Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 926: : 1 strange man

At this moment, someone next to me suddenly said: "Boy, look at your smile, just like the fox who just stole the chicken. What is so happy? Let me listen to it."

The voice was close at hand, as if he was speaking in Qing Yang's ear, Qing Yang's heart slammed, and he sank suddenly. The big thing was not good, his face changed, and he quickly flashed aside.

It's not that Qing Yang made a fuss, but it was too abnormal. Qing Yang had observed the surrounding area before, and there was no one nearby. Although he was observing the situation of drunken bees in the drunk fairy gourd just now, he actually kept a trace of spirit. Nian pay attention to your surroundings so as not to be approached without knowing it.

In this case, even the Golden Core cultivator, as long as he is within a few ten feet of him, he will be aware of it for the first time. But the voice just now seemed to be in your ears, let alone a dozen feet, not even two or three feet away. Being so close, Qing Yang didn't notice it. Isn't this weird? If the opponent suddenly kills, doesn't it mean that Qingyang is dead?

As Qing Yang flashed her body, she also looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and saw that where Qing Yang was standing, there was standing a Daoist three-layered Taoist man wearing a shabby Taoist robe and dirty all over his body. The Taoist looked at it. It seems familiar that this person was the one who made trouble at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion before. The two stewards of the City Lord’s Mansion he lied to drank a sip of boy urine, causing them to make a fool of themselves in public. Because of this, the person had already slipped away, and he did not expect to dare to be in the City Lord’s Mansion. Appear nearby.

It stands to reason that a gold core third-tier cultivator approaching Qingyang, as long as he reaches a certain range, he will definitely be able to detect it in advance, but this time the opponent almost touched his body, but he didn't notice it until the opponent spoke. Response, this is too unreasonable. Could it be that I was too careless? Or did this sloppy Taoist specialize in the secret technique of hiding his whereabouts?

Seeing Qing Yang's reaction, the sloppy Taoist was stunned, and said, "What is your kid's, why are you so courageous? If I have evil intentions, how can you avoid it?"

Think about it, this person is higher than his own cultivation base, and can quietly hide beside him. If the other party really wants to be disadvantageous to himself, he will not be able to get out of it. With such a big reaction, he is indeed a little bit of a villain. . Qing Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "This senior, don't you know that scary people will scare people to death, you are so supernatural, who can stand it?"

It seems that what Qing Yang said is reasonable, the sloppy Taoist nodded and said: "I saw you being silly here just now. I was curious for a while, and I forgot the taboo between the monks. But you haven't answered my question yet. What, on earth was you happy just now? Let me tell you what?"

Why should I tell you if I am not close to you for nothing? Qing Yang slandered to himself, but he just thought about it in his heart, and he couldn't really say it, otherwise he would offend people. Although this sloppy Taoist cultivation base does not seem high, Qing Yang did not dare to offend him easily. How could it be easy for a person who dared to tease his subordinates at the gate of the Yuan Ying monk and escaped the arrest of a dozen golden core monks?

Of course, Qing Yang couldn't really tell him his secret, so he said, "It's okay to tell seniors. Just now at the wine tasting party in the City Lord's Mansion, my spirit wine won the second place."

The sloppy Taoist said: "The second place in a wine tasting is worthy of you so happy? Hey, no, I remember you, you were at the gate of the city lord’s mansion before, and you were not far behind me. Later, your altar of spirit wine I also saw it. It’s just that the cellaring time is longer. There is nothing surprising about it. There is still some gap with the real Nascent Soul spirit wine. How can it be the second place in the wine tasting? Is your wine tasting so low-level?"

Unexpectedly, this sloppy Taoist knew so much about the wine tasting session of True Monarch Yaoyue, and what was even more unexpected was that this person even knew so well about his altar of spirit wine. Qing Yang remembered that he took out the spirit wine after the sloppy Taoist was driven away by the steward of the City Lord's Mansion. Hasn't he already left? How did he know? Had he never left, just hiding nearby?

This sloppy Taoist was too courageous. With the cultivation base of the third layer of the golden core, he dared to tease his servants at the door of the Yuanying monk, and after offending the people in the city lord's mansion, he did not escape as soon as possible, but hid nearby to continue. Look at the excitement, this is also a strange person.

The other party knew so much about the wine tasting, Qing Yang didn’t know how to answer, so he could only vaguely say: “It’s really not good to rely on the altar of spirit wine, but I have added some things to it to get the quality of spirit wine. Improved, so I finally won the second place."

"I see!"

The sloppy Taoist nodded and said, "What you added to it should be another kind of beautiful bar? You can't hide it from me. Do you know why I found you? I just smelled something different from you. The taste of fine wine, young man, let's discuss, can you sell me three jars and five jars of the fine wine you add to the monkey spirit wine?"

Hearing the words of the sloppy Taoist, Qing Yang's face changed again. The grape spirit wine he added to the monkey spirit wine could not even be seen by the few Yuanying monks. How did this guy see it? And only with the trace of the smell left on your body when you add it to it~www.readwn.com~ This nose is too smart, right?

Qing Yang was not sure before, but now he finally confirmed that this sloppy Taoist is definitely not as simple as he saw on the surface. It is very likely that he is also a Yuan Ying monk. He is a small foundation-building monk, but he has been killed by a Yuan Ying. The monk was watching, and the consequences were unpredictable.

How to do? Now how to do? A bad response may be the end of death. Facing a high-ranking cultivator who was going to make his mind, Qing Yang finally felt a little hesitant in his heart. However, looking closely at this sloppy Taoist, it seems that there is no malice. If the other party really wants to be disadvantageous to himself, he would have started it long ago, so why bother to waste his tongue here?

Qing Yang thought of many things in an instant, but he still calmed down. This sloppy Taoist was too mysterious, and Qing Yang didn't dare to deceive the other person too much. To be honest, he said: "I don't need to say more about some things, and the seniors should also understand that with my current cultivation level, it is a blessing to get such things. How can there be many? Don't talk about the three altars and the five altars. This altar is not full now."

Hearing these words, the sloppy Taoist said with emotion: "This is the truth. It is really not easy for a foundation-building monk to get this kind of thing. Heaven circulates. The better things are, the scarcer it is. How can there be too much of this kind of spirit wine? I am too greedy."

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