Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 927: :1 Drunk Fang Xiu

The sloppy Taoist sighed a few words, then looked at Qingyang, and asked: "You came to this wine tasting with such a good spirit wine, is it not just for the limelight? I wonder if you won the second place in the wine tasting. So what did True Monarch Inviting Moon reward you?"

Qingyang said: "I heard that the Yinfengjihuo cave has been opened. If a low-level monk wants to enter, he must have a wind and fire order. And when I first came to Jiu Xiancheng, the only Yuan Ying monk I could come into contact with was the invitation to Yuezhen. Lord, the purpose is of course to obtain a wind..."

Qing Yang hadn't finished speaking, the sloppy Taoist had a look of regret on his face, and said: "It's really a violent thing, so good spirit wine in exchange for a wind and fire order? Why is this true gentleman inviting the moon so stingy? You just exchanged your spirit wine with a broken brand? You want Feng Huo Ling to come to me. What's so rare about this thing? You can have as much as you want."

After hearing the words of the sloppy Taoist, Qing Yang was speechless. This Wind Fire Order only took eight thousand spirit stones to be exchanged from the Yuan Ying monk. Only by relying on this thing can he survive in the Yinfengjihuo cave. Well, how could it be a broken brand? Besides, I know who you are, so I'll go to you? As much as you want, afterwards Zhuge Liang, who wouldn't say anything?

As if he knew Qing Yang's mind, the sloppy Taoist smiled at Qing Yang, then reached into his arms and touched a few times, grabbed a large number of signs, and stuffed them directly into Qing Yang's hands, saying: " Look, is it this thing? Is it rare?"

Qing Yang was stunned at once, thinking that this guy was talking big, but he didn't expect that he actually took out the brand, and looked at the shape and system, it was very similar to Feng Huo Ling. In this case, either the other party has set up a trap in advance, so you have been prepared, or the other party really has a lot of these brands before they can hand it out. Of course, whether the wind fire order is true or false is not necessarily true. Qingyang further judged.

Qing Yang looked at a large number of brands that the sloppy Taoist had forced himself into, and then took out the Fenghuo Order that the True Monarch Inviting Yueyue bought for him, and compared them carefully, and found that there seemed to be no difference between the two, and the sloppy Taoist gave him. It's even more refined.

Qing Yang was suddenly at a loss, what's going on? When did Feng Huo make so worthless? If you meet a random person on the street, can they come up with so many wind and fire orders? Is it true that as the sloppy Taoist said, Feng Huo Ling is such a bad street?

Could you be fooled by yourself? This Wind and Fire Decree is a trap set by the City Lord’s Mansion, to exchange a cheap Wind and Fire Decree for his own spirit wine? It doesn't seem to be right. If that's the case, why does Zhenjun Yuanyue spend such a huge experience for a wine tasting party? Why raise the price of second-class spirit wine to as high as nine thousand spirit stones? Isn't this making yourself trouble?

Thinking of this, Qing Yang calmed down quickly. I am afraid that things were not what he had guessed. The value of Feng Huo Ling should still be very high. It is impossible for Zhenjun Yuan Yue to fool himself into a foundation-building monk in front of so many monks. , The reason for this situation should have something to do with the person in front of him. It is estimated that in his eyes, Feng Huo Ling is really nothing.

Seeing Qingyang holding the wind and fire to keep silent for a long time, the sloppy Taoist became anxious, rubbing his hands and said, "Look, you took this wind and fire, too. Should the spirit wine be divided among me?"

Qing Yang knew that it was definitely not easy for someone who could take out so many wind and fire orders at once. More importantly, this person had no malice towards him. In that case, he didn't need to hide it, so he haha With a smile, he said: "Senior has been waiting for a long time, you took out so many wind and fire orders at once to calm me, and then you forgot that there was someone next to me."

The sloppy Taoist laughed twice, then waved his hand, and said, "The worthless gadgets were all made when I was refining my hands. Since you can use them, I will give them to you."

This large number of wind and fire orders is nine. If it is taken outside, it is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones. The other party will give it to Qingyang. The sloppy Taoist is so generous, and Qingyang can't be too stingy, saying: "Since Senior is a good drinker, why don't we find a place to get drunk?"

"Okay, okay, okay, you kid has my appetite, go, let's find a place to drink, good wine goes well with friends, not drunk or return." The sloppy Taoist laughed.

Then the sloppy Taoist led the way, and Qing Yang followed behind, walking towards the depths of the alley together.

At this time, Qing Yang couldn't care about that much. Whether the other party was malicious, or where he was going to take him, Qing Yang didn't care. Anyway, using the opponent's strength to cultivate, if he really wants to disadvantage him, he There is also no room for resistance, it is better to be more magnanimous.

The sloppy Taoist seemed to be very familiar with this alley. He took Qingyang seven turns and eight turns and walked about a quarter of an hour, and finally came to a dilapidated small temple.

This small temple may be in a remote location and gradually lost its incense. Almost no one came here. In addition, it was in disrepair for a long time and looked extremely dilapidated. The man was smashed and thrown aside.

However, neither of them paid attention to this. No one bothered here. It was a good place to drink. The two went directly to the main hall and cleared an open space in the middle. Qing Yang took out most of the remaining jar of grape spirit wine. The sloppy Taoist didn't know where to get two plates of snacks, and he took out a pair of cups and two sets of tableware from his arms, and the two of them sat down like this.

Qingyang also had a futon cushioned with ~www.readwn.com~ The sloppy Taoist didn't care about it, and just sat on the floor. As soon as his **** touched the ground, he couldn't wait to pick up the wine jar on the ground, filled the two cups, made a gesture of please, and then took his own cup and drank it.

After drinking, the sloppy Taoist smacked his mouth, and then returned to the taste: "Good wine, good wine, I haven't drunk such a good spirit wine in many years."

"If Senior feels good, drink a few more glasses." Qing Yang said.

The sloppy Taoist smiled, and said: "Of course, such a good wine, how could I not drink a few more glasses? But don't be stunned, you guys, drink together."

The cups on the ground are dark, and I don’t know where they are usually placed by the sloppy Taoist, or they have never been cleaned, and even some stains can be seen, but Qingyang doesn’t care about these small details. For one thing, the sloppy Taoist is too mysterious. Qing Yang didn't dare to appear too high-minded. Secondly, he was also born in a casual cultivator at the bottom.

Seeing the sloppy Taoist looking at him, Qing Yang casually picked up the cup in front of him, and without hesitation, he raised his neck and drank the spirit wine in the cup.

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