Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 928: : Drunk

Spirit wine poured into his belly, and a burst of violent energy instantly rushed into the internal organs, Qing Yang felt the whole body warm up, and then these energy dispersed throughout his body, unexpectedly making subtle changes to his body. Qingyang had only eaten grapes before, and knew that grapes had a great effect on improving cultivation. After it was brewed into spirit wine, he never came and tasted it. Now after drinking it, he knows that the effect of grape spirit wine is and Simply eating grapes is completely different.

One is to increase the cultivation base, and the other is to nourish the body, which can strengthen the body's defense ability to a certain extent. The monks are generally strong in the primordial spirit and have very low defense. All the shortcomings?

Before in the city lord’s mansion, just adding a half of the monkey spirit wine to the monkey spirit wine greatly improved the level of the monkey spirit wine, and thus won the second place in the wine tasting, indicating that the grape spirit wine has exceeded the grade. The Yuan Ying level has a great effect on the Yuan Ying monks, and Qing Yang is just building a foundation and cultivation base. The effect of this spirit wine on him can be imagined. With just such a small cup, Qing Yang feels his body's defenses. Ability has improved a lot.

The cultivator's body training, Qing Yang has understood it, all are extremely difficult, and in the process of cultivation, he has to endure inhuman pain, and now, just a small glass of spiritual wine has strengthened his defense. , This effect is really amazing.

Of course, with such a high-level spirit wine, with Qing Yang's strength, he couldn't drink too much. He also took a long time to slowly digest the glass just now.

The sloppy Taoist had been paying attention to Qing Yang, and when he saw that he had digested the glass of spirit wine, he smiled and said, "Looking at your appearance, it seems that this is the first time you drink this spirit wine. How does it feel?"

Qingyang returned to the taste: "Just now I have a glass of spirit wine, and I feel that the qi and blood in my body have been activated, and my physical fitness has been greatly improved. Not only does this spirit wine taste great, it is endlessly memorable, and more importantly, its effects are also amazing. It can be described as a rare delicacy in the world."

The sloppy Taoist nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed a rare delicacy in the world. The old way I only drink but not make wine. I don't know how many years I haven't drunk this kind of spirit wine. Today is considered a blessing. Come, You also **** two flavors to accompany the wine."

Although the Jindan monks can completely bigu, but Qingyang spent most of these years in retreat and practice. In order to save time, he usually took bigu and seldom eat other foods. The two dishes of the sloppy Taoist appetizers were obtained from nowhere. They were delicious in color, fragrance, and even steaming. It made people appetite at first sight. Qingyang was not polite, so he picked up his chopsticks and ate them.

Those two dishes were also good things. Although they couldn't compare with Qingyang's spirit wine, they seemed to be just right to eat with Qingyang's cultivation base. After eating and digesting, it becomes a little bit of energy that spreads into the whole body, complements the spirit wine, and has a certain effect on body refining. It seems that the two dishes prepared by this sloppy Taoist still took a lot of thought. .

There is wine and food, and there is no outsider to bother. You come and I meet the two of you, and you will have a drink in the hall. They were drinking and chatting. Qing Yang talked about some strange things he had experienced. The sloppy Taoist talked about the customs and customs of various places. The two people who had never met before, the more they drank, the happier and happier they drank. It's like a year-end acquaintance who has known each other for many years.

That sloppy Taoist deserves to be a strange person. He has an amazing amount of alcohol. It seems that he can drink it no matter how much he drinks. Qingyang takes a lot of time to digest every glass of spirit wine, so most of the jars of spirit wine are in there. In the abdomen of the sloppy Taoist, Qing Yang didn't feel any distress, but was extremely happy in his heart. It had been a long time since he had been as enjoyable as the one he drank today.

In a trance, he seemed to think of the days he spent with his master when he was a child. It was the same every time he drank in the Xiping Temple. A jar of wine, two plates of simple dishes, two people sitting on both sides, Songhe Old Road is an old man. Alcoholic, no matter how much wine can be drunk, but Qingyang is young and has not enough alcohol. Occasionally after a few drinks, his drunk face turns red. In a blink of an eye, decades have passed. Everything is right and wrong. The days are never going back.

Maybe this spirit wine is really powerful, maybe it's a touch of emotion, before not knowing it, Qing Yang felt drunk, his expression gradually became trance, and finally fell to the ground with his head crooked.

I don't know how long it took, Qing Yang's drunkenness receded, and his eyes slowly opened. Thinking of the various situations before, he suddenly sat up suddenly, what's the matter? How can I get drunk? How could I be unsuspectingly drunk in front of an outsider? I am an old monk who has practiced for decades, why did he make such a low-level mistake?

Lifting up to take a peek at the surroundings, it is still the ruined temple. The statue is still sloping to one side, but the sloppy Taoist is no longer visible. The wine jar, the dishes, and even the bowls and chopsticks and wine glasses are gone. Qingyang can't help but feel a little dazed. What happened just now What? Where did this sloppy Taoist go? Could it be that I remembered it wrong, there is no sloppy Taoist at all, everything is just a dream?

But the previous ones were really real, not like dreams at all, Qing Yang felt it carefully, the body's defense ability was much stronger than before~www.readwn.com~ Even if it was not better than the Golden Core monk, it is estimated that it is not bad. How much, this is the effect of my own grape spirit, which shows that I did not have any fake things with the sloppy Taoist before, but just others?

Qing Yang released his spiritual thoughts and searched the entire ruined temple, but he did not find the sloppy Taoist figure. It seemed that he had really left. Qing Yang couldn't help but shook his head, and left. Why should he suffer from gains and losses? This sloppy Taoist is so powerful that he can't come into contact with a foundation cultivator at all. The dragon sees the head and doesn't see the end, and it fits the identity of this sloppy Taoist. .

Although he paid half of the grape spirit wine, the other party also gave him nine wind and fire orders, which is not a disadvantage. Both parties drank this wine very happily.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang stood up and was about to return to the inn. This time he went out for a few days, and I don’t know what happened to the others. More importantly, the opening time of the Yinfengjihuo cave is only half a year, which is related to his own pill formation. Major events can't be delayed any longer.

Reaching out and picking up the futon on the ground, just about to put it in the talisman, just listen to it with a crisp sound, a small jade talisman fell on the ground, Qing Yang was a little puzzled, but she had some jade slips on her body, such a jade talisman It seems that he has never, and he would not put small things like jade slips and jade talisman together with futons. Where did this jade talisman come from? How could it appear here?

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