Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 929: : Fu Bao

Qing Yang took the jade talisman in his hand, and suddenly a huge energy surged towards him, as if he was about to swallow him, Qing Yang couldn't help but shivered, and almost dropped the jade talisman to the ground again.

The energy that came to him was astonishing. Judging from Qingyang's current vision, it was at least equivalent to the fatal blow of the late Jindan monk. If this energy directly falls on his head, it can instantly turn him into powder. Fortunately, this energy seemed to be imprisoned by a special method, surging and tumbling in the jade talisman, but it was still unable to break through the jade talisman's restriction.

This is the first time Qing Yang has seen such a thing. How can I say it is very similar to the magic amulet often used by monks, but it is slightly different, because the power of the magic amulet is limited, even the highest level of the highest-grade magic amulet. It was only equivalent to the full blow of an ordinary Jindan monk, and the energy contained in this jade talisman was much more than that of the top-grade magic talisman.

At this moment, the jade talisman made a buzzing sound, and then a piece of information suddenly appeared in Qing Yang's mind, just a few short sentences, which looked like a sloppy Taoist tone, and said: "I have been so old for a long time. You are not so happy to drink anymore. You are a very good person, quite appetizing to me. If you can't take advantage of you in vain, you will give you a gadget at hand, and you may be able to save your life at the critical moment. If I have other things, I will leave first. Yes, we will have a period later."

After reading this piece of information, Qing Yang finally figured out what happened. Before the two of them drank grape spirit wine, Qing Yang was too drunk, so he fell drunk here. Later, the sloppy Taoist left first when he had something to do. Wake up Qing Yang, but left him this jade charm.

It turns out that this jade amulet was left by a sloppy Taoist. No wonder it has such a great power. Although Qingyang doesn't know the true cultivation level of this sloppy Taoist, he dares to tease his steward at the gate of the city lord's mansion that invites True Monarch Yue. He could easily produce so many wind and fire orders, and his cultivation should be at least in the Yuan Ying period. It seemed that it would not be difficult for such a person to make such a jade amulet.

At this time, Qing Yang finally recognized what the jade talisman in his hand was. This should be the legendary talisman. A talisman is a type of talisman with a higher level than magic talisman and magic talisman.

With the improvement of monk's strength, ordinary talisman paper is no longer enough to carry powerful spells. Only special jade talisman can be used. Usually, powerful monks use special means to take the energy of a powerful spell attack. Or part of the magic weapon's power is imprisoned in a jade talisman, and when used, it stimulates the jade to release an attack to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy.

It is very difficult to make talisman, and there will be a lot of energy loss during the production process, the final talisman produced will be much less powerful than the magic attack or the magic weapon itself. This thing is troublesome to make and has little power, so Talismans are of little use to the high-ranking monks themselves, they are generally made to give to the younger generations for self-defense.

Under normal circumstances, it is rare for the golden core monks to make talismans. First, the golden core monks have limited abilities, and most people still cannot master this complicated technique. Second, the golden core monks have insufficient attack power, and after losing some of them The power is greatly reduced, it is better to use magical charms.

However, there are very few cultivators above Yuan Ying, and there are even fewer Yuan Ying cultivators who are willing to make talismans. The talismans that can eventually shed outside are rare. Qing Yang only hears of it, but has never seen it. The reason for the Talisman, I didn't expect to get one today.

The power of this talisman in Qingyang's hand can at least reach the fatal blow of the late Jindan monk, and it may even be the attack power of the Nascent Soul monk. Considering the energy loss during the making of the talisman, the producer itself should be more powerful. It can be seen that the strength of that sloppy Taoist is definitely not low.

More importantly, that sloppy Taoist is strong, but he doesn't have the consciousness of a master, nor does he have the high air of other Yuan Ying monks, and he is willing to deal with low-level monks like Qing Yang. What Qing Yang paid was only half of the jar of spirit wine. The sloppy Taoist not only gave him nine wind and fire orders, but also gave him a life-saving talisman before leaving.

The two did not have much friendship before, that is, they met once at the gate of the city lord’s mansion. This time they drank wine together again. They didn’t even report their names, but there was no sense of strangeness in the interaction between the two. It's like a year-end payment.

There are no wonders in the world, and there are all kinds of monks in the world. After seeing the interest disputes and intrigues between monks, now suddenly encounters a sloppy Taoist who has no identity prejudice, regardless of the profit or loss, Qing Yang can not help but feel full of emotion. thousand.

It’s just that such an expert is very mysterious. He just walks away. I don’t know when I met again. I was too happy to drink before, and I didn’t even ask him any questions about cultivation. I missed a person who asked the expert at close range for nothing. Chance.

However, this time the gain is not small. First of all, the body's defense ability is greatly strengthened, and the journey to the Yinfengjihuo cave is safer. I also received nine wind and fire orders. I can't use that much and can sell it to others. This is another one. The pen is huge fortune, and there is also a high-level talisman. With this thing, at the moment of life and death, it is equivalent to one more life.

Qing Yang's overall strength is still very strong ~www.readwn.com~ Five Elements Sword Formation, Spirit Snake Armor, Iron-armed Monkey, and Alcoholic Bee Swarm, all of which add up to the strength of a battle against the cultivators in the middle of the Golden Core.

But in general, the enemy trapping and defense capabilities are stronger, and the lethality is slightly insufficient. The Five Elements Sword Array is very good to kill the cultivators in the early stage of the Golden Core. It is not realistic to kill the cultivators in the middle stage of the Golden Core. With this talisman, I made up for this shortcoming. When the enemy is unprepared, even the late Jindan cultivators can be killed. However, there is only one talisman, and it is gone after using it, so there is no life or death. At the juncture, this Fubao can be used or not used as much as possible.

Since the sloppy Taoist is no longer there, there is no need to stay in this small temple anymore. Qing Yang tidied up a bit, and walked out of the alley along the original road towards the inn.

Qingyang came out for several days this time. At first, he was only looking for the four missing materials for refining Jiejin Pill. As a result, he not only bought two of these materials, but also participated in a wine tasting and even searched for the other two materials. Ling also got it, and it was a worthwhile trip.

The dozen or so monks who came on the same boat were all there. Perhaps they had just arrived in an unfamiliar environment. They were not familiar with everything around him, so they spent most of their time in the inn, even the city lord before. The Baotan scattered from the office participating in the trade fair also returned to the inn before Qing Yang had been outside for such a long time.

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