Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 930: : Good people do it to the end

Everyone obviously knew about the wine tasting party in the city lord's mansion. At this time, they were gathering in the yard rented by the scattered people in Baotan, and listening to him introduce what happened during the wine tasting. All fourteen people were there.

Seeing Qingyang, Master Shi Han smiled and said, "Master Qingyang, I didn’t expect you to be amazing with many alchemy techniques, and so good at brewing spirit wine, you could win the first prize in the wine tasting conference in Jiuxian City. Two, I would go with you to see the excitement if I knew it."

Qing Yang humbly said: "I also went to get the Fenghuo Ling. When we first arrived, we didn't know the Yuan Ying monk at all. The only thing we can come into contact with is the True Monarch Inviting Yue. This is how we prepared a collection of treasures. For many years of spirit wine, take a risk at the wine tasting."

Master Shi Han said: "I also heard from Baotan Sanren. The Yinfeng Jihuo Cave has two extremely important materials for refining the gold pill, but it is full of Yinfeng and Jihuo. You can only carry a wind and fire order. Enter, now that you have received the wind and fire order, there is hope for the formation of pill."

Qingyang Dao: "It's hard to say that the Wind and Fire Order has been issued, but whether you can get the two materials of Red Soul Charm Fruit and Earth Fire Endosulfan in the end depends on each person's luck."

Qing Yang was humble in his mouth, but the joy of his face was beyond words. After spending so much energy and cost, he finally got the ingredients for the Jinjin Pill. Although it was still short of the last two main medicines, he now has both of them. The method of the main medicine, as long as you get it together, you can refine the golden pill, which is equivalent to having everything ready and only owing Dongfeng, how could he not be excited?

Jiang Dayang next to him looked eagerly and said, "Master Qingyang, I think you built the eighth base just after we met. Now not only is the cultivation base chasing us, but the linking pill may also be one step ahead of us. It is really enviable. If you can form a pill, please take care of us a lot."

At this time, Xiying suddenly said, "Junior Qingyang, there is only one Wind Fire Decree. We may not be able to go to the Yin Feng Ji Huo Grotto with you. Only the Yin Feng Ji Huo Grotto is opened once in 49 years, anyway. It’s impossible for my life span to wait until the next time. I hope that Junior Brother Qingyang will see what we have been with for many years. This trip will try to get us some materials for the golden pill. No matter how high the price is, I will think about it after coming back. Try to collect as much as possible for you."

Xiying's age is more than 80 years older than Qingyang, and now he is nearly 170 years old, with a life span of more than 20 years left. It is impossible to wait until the next Yinfengjihuo cave opens. And as he grows older, his physical fitness will gradually decline in the future. When he is over one hundred and ninety years old and is in a state like Jiuquzi, it is useless even if he has a golden pill, so he must grasp it. All opportunities will form a pill within ten years, otherwise you will have to wait for death.

"Yes, Junior Brother Qingyang, I'm all on your behalf this time." Xiao Yuhan also said.

Xiao Yuhan’s situation is much better than that of Xiying, and she is also a few years older than Qingyang. It is at the time when Fenghua is magnificent. Besides, her aptitude is much better than Qingyang. She is very hopeful in this life. But who doesn't need a golden pill? There are countless more possibilities for forming a pill one day earlier.

Not only Xiying and Xiao Yuhan, but also Zhou Yufan, Fu Chang, Jiang Dahai and others, also looked at Qingyang with anticipation and looked at the surrounding eyes, Qing Yang couldn't help but smile, and said, "Fortunately, I was prepared. Otherwise, so many of you need help, won't you exhaust me?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Xiying and the others couldn't help being taken aback.

Qing Yang smiled slightly and said, "Of course it was the Wind Fire Order. After I got out of the City Lord's Mansion, I later figured out a way to get a few of them. Thinking that you might need them, I brought them back."

After receiving the Wind and Fire Order from the sloppy Taoist, Qing Yang considered how to deal with the problem. Initially, he wanted to get it for sale or auction, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was not appropriate. First of all, his strength was too low, with such value. High things are easy to cause unnecessary trouble, and more importantly, after the wine tasting at the City Lord’s Mansion, Qing Yang is also considered a celebrity within a certain range. Everyone knows that he only got a piece of wind from True Monarch Yaoyue. The fire order was still exchanged for spirit wine, but now he took out nine of them to sell at once, which couldn't explain it.

The monks who happened to come to the Ancient Wind Continent with him also needed the Wind Fire Order, and Qing Yang simply did a good job to the end and helped them again. It is also a kind of fate that everyone has been in the same boat for ten years. If you can help or try to help, you can enter the Yinfengjihuo cave together, and you can take care of each other.

The only thing to worry about is that this group of people has almost exhausted their financial resources in order to come to Gufeng Continent, and now one is poorer than the other.

Qing Yang said lightly, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of other people, wind and fire? How many wind and fire orders did Qing Yang get? How can this be? Didn't the Baotan scattered people say that only Yuan Ying monks can refine Feng Huo Ling, is it difficult to get it? The two of them spent countless energy to stand out among hundreds of cultivators before they each obtained a wind and fire order. Now, listening to the meaning in Qingyang's words, it seems that the wind and fire order can easily be obtained. ?

Xiying has been with Qingyang for decades, knowing that Qingyang would never make jokes at critical times, but he still couldn't help asking: "Junior Brother Qingyang~www.readwn.com~ do you really have extra wind and fire orders?"

Baotan Sanren couldn’t believe his ears, and said, “I remember that you paid no less than mine in order to get that Fenghuo Ling. If you are really easy to get that Fenghuo Ling, why bother? Do your best to go to the wine tasting?"

Knowing that these people would not easily believe that, Qing Yang was prepared for this. He took out all the ten wind and fire decrees from his body and placed them on the table side by side, and then said: "After coming out of the city lord’s mansion, I met When I arrived at a fairy cultivator, he somehow fell in love with my spirit wine. He had to use Feng Huo Ling to exchange it with me. I changed nine for one altar. I can't believe it, but things are so magical, don't believe me. Take a look, whether this Wind Fire Order is true or not."

Hearing what Qing Yang said was bizarre, everyone else was skeptical. It's really strange that there are so many people this year, so why doesn't such a strange person take Feng Huo Ling in his eyes? Is there someone who is rushing to give others an order? How come I have never encountered such a good thing?

They all know that Qing Yang definitely has no details to say, but even if the details are concealed, this matter is too strange. Even the true monarch of Jiu Xian City in Jiu Xian City also takes it seriously. Who can do that? Generous? This wind and fire order will never be fake, right? Not to mention a few foundation-building cultivators, even Master Shi Han was a little skeptical, and he hurriedly got to the table to study the Wind Fire Order.

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